
  • 网络Electric Power Survey & Design;Electric power survey;Electric Power Survey and Design
  1. 河北国华定洲发电厂2×600MW一期工程烟气脱硫工程,总体设计由日本川崎重工业株式会社负责,河北省电力勘测设计研究院作为分包商承担烟道的详图设计。

    A Japanese heavy industrial company was responsible for general design of the FGD project of 2 x 600 MW for Hebei Guohua Dingzhou Power Plant , phase I and Hebei Provincial Electric Power Survey Design Research Institute undertook the design of detailed drawings as a subcontractor .

  2. 浅谈电力勘测设计外包过程的质量控制

    Quality Controned of Outside Contract Process for Electric Power Survey Design

  3. 加入WTO后电力勘测设计院的应对策略

    The Policy of Power Survey and Design Institute Joined WTO

  4. 电力勘测设计行业CAD电子文件的管理和利用

    The Management and Utilization of Electric Power Power Survey & Design Field CAD Electronic Document

  5. 电力勘测设计行业PDM的设计与应用

    Electric Power Survey PDM Design and Utilization

  6. 数字航摄相机DMC在电力勘测设计中的应用研究

    Study of DMC Application in Electric Power Survey and Design

  7. 同业对标在电力勘测设计企业中的实践

    Practicing of Contrast Standard Same Industry in Electric Survey Design Enterprise

  8. 电力勘测设计行业同业对标指标体系编制的思考

    Thinking on Workout of Standard Target System in Electric Survey Design Industry

  9. 对当前电力勘测设计企业经营工作的几点思考

    Some Considers about Administration Work of Electric Power Survey and Design Enterprise

  10. 数字地球及其在电力勘测设计中的应用

    The Digital Earth and Its Application on Survey and Design of Electric Power

  11. 《电力勘测设计标准化信息管理系统》简介

    Introduction of " Information Management System of Electric Power Survey and Design Standardization "

  12. 加强标准化建设,促进电力勘测设计企业科技创新

    Strengthening Standardization Constriction for Promote Scientific and Technological Innovation of Electric Survey and Design Enterprises

  13. 在电力勘测设计中应用三维工厂设计系统是国际通行的方式。

    It is common aboard to apply 3d plant design system in electric power survey design .

  14. 培育核心技术、完善服务功能是电力勘测设计企业当务之急

    The Task of Top Priority of Enterprises for Electric Power Survey Design that Cultivate Nuclear Technology Improve Service Function

  15. 在这种环境下,作为辅业的电力勘测设计系统也面临着诸多的机遇与挑战。

    The environment brings not only development opportunity but also challenge to the electric power survey and design enterprise .

  16. 电力勘测设计院竞争战略探讨&源于迈克尔·波特竞争战略理论的思考

    Discussion on Competition Strategy of Electric Power Survey Design Enterprises The Thinking of Based on the Competition Strategy Theory by Michael E.Porter

  17. 当前的市场形势给电力勘测设计企业带来重大多项发展机遇,同时也带来极大的、多方面的企业内部生产经营和管理压力。

    Situation Confronted and Countermeasures Taken by Chinese Electric Power Design Enterprises after Entering WTO It bring not only development opportunity but also management pressure .

  18. 正是在这一改革与发展的大好形势下,电力勘测设计企业的生产经营呈现出前所未有的局面。

    Under the good situation of reforming and developing , the production management of the electric power survey and design enterprise , presents an unprecedented situation .

  19. 尽管环境如此恶劣,电力勘测设计院勘测队的同志们,还是不畏风沙,在测量现场艰苦工作。

    Although the environment was very bad , people in this surveying team worked hard in their working places and did nor fear the storm a bit .

  20. 面对电力勘测设计市场日益加剧的竞争,各电力勘测设计企业都在积极地进行战略性思考。

    In the face of the aggravating competition of the electric power survey design market , all electric power survey design enterprises are now actively taking strategic consideration .

  21. 本文针对我国勘测设计企业的现状,分析电力勘测设计咨询企业的国际竞争态势和应对措施。

    Looking at the current situation of investigation and design enterprises , the global competition situation of electric power design enterprises is being further analyzed and the corresponding measures are proposed .

  22. 电力勘测设计行业为适应形势需要,依据电力勘测设计单位的特点,组织编制了电力勘测设计行业同业对标指标体系。

    In order to suit for the demand of situation in electric survey design industry , According to enterprise 's fact , standard target system in electric survey design industry is put forward .

  23. 企业标准化是电力勘测设计科技创新的桥梁,科技创新又推动电力勘测设计企业标准化的发展。

    Corporation standardization play the role of a bridge in scientific and technological innovation of electric survey and design , and in turn scientific and technological innovation push the development of the standardization of electric survey and design institute .

  24. 3S技术在电力线路工程勘测设计中应用的探讨

    Discussion on Application of " 3S " Technology in Reconnaissance and Design for Power Transmission Line Projects ground cable EM survey

  25. 1978~1998年,是国家电力公司贵阳勘测设计研究院大坝设计发展的20年。

    This period from 1978 to 1998 is 20 years of dam design development of Guiyang Hydropower Investigation Design & Research Institute , State Electrical Company .

  26. 随着电力技术升级和电力结构的调整,传统的电力勘测设计市场竞争异常激烈。

    With the adjustment of electric industry structure and upgrade of electric technology , the traditional electric exploration and design market competes intensely .

  27. 随着电力市场的不断开放和市场竞争的愈演愈烈,我国电力勘测设计企业的预算管理现状已不能很好的适应企业发展的需求。

    With the gradual open and sharp competition of the electricity market , the budget management status of electric power exploration design enterprises in China can not well adapt to the needs of enterprise development .

  28. 本文以中南电力设计院为例,介绍如何加强企业的标准化建设,促进电力勘测设计企业的科技创新。

    This paper , according to the example of Central Southern Electric Power Design institute , introduce how to strengthen standardization to promote scientific and technological innovation of electric survey and design institute .

  29. 数据库的建设是电力工程勘测GIS系统中重要的步骤,通过GIS建立空间数据库,是为电力勘测工作者及其他设计人员提供勘测信息的有效手段,也是GIS的一个非常重要的功能。

    The construct of database is a very important step for the GIS system of electric power engineering reconnaissance . Building the spatial database by GIS , in order to provide the effective means of reconnaissance information for workers and other designers who undertake the electric power engineering reconnaissance .