
  • 网络Enclosed busbar;IPB
  1. 其次,建立了离相封闭母线电场、磁场、温度场以及结构分析的数学模型。

    Secondly , algorithm of magnetic , temperature , structure and electric field on IPB are confirmed .

  2. 在温度高、相对湿度较大的地区,大电流封闭母线很容易结露,导致导体绝缘电阻很低甚至接地,使发电机组无法正常运行。

    In the high temperature and high relative humidity area , big electric current IPB is easy to dew . It makes the insulation resistance of conductor very low or even grounding , and the generator can 't run normally .

  3. 6~10kV全浇注无机矿物质封闭母线在大型发电厂脱硫系统中的应用

    Application of 6 ~ 10kV Complete Pour Enclosed Busbar of inorganic Mineral Materials in the Desulfuration System of a Big Power Sation

  4. 800MW发电机封闭母线局部过热原因分析

    Cause Analysis on Local Overheat in Enclosed

  5. 以600MW封闭母线设计为例,阐述了经济指标的计算、正交方案的选择和最优方案的确定。

    Taking the design of 600 MW isolated phase bus as an example , the economical index calculation , the orthogonal scheme selection and the optimization scheme determination are elaborated .

  6. 大容量发电机出线封闭母线的作用与降温降耗措施探讨1000MW强迫风冷封闭母线技术设计研究

    Discussion on Role of Enclosed Bus and Measures of Reduced Temperature and Loss for Outgoing Line of Large Generator Technology Research on 1000 MW Forced Air-Cooling Enclosed Bus

  7. 依据广东岭澳核电站二期2台1000MW发电机组采用强迫风冷母线国际招标书中的技术条件,进行研究,提出了强迫风冷离相封闭母线的发、散热计算程序;

    The paper introduced the technology research project in international public bidding of 2 × 1 000 MW forced air-cooling enclosed bus for Phase 2 of Guangdong Lingao Nuclear Power Station .

  8. 高压离相封闭母线固有频率的研究

    Study on the Free Frequency of High-Voltage Separated-Phase Closed Bus Wire

  9. 发电机全链式离相封闭母线的安装与检验

    The Erection and Detection of Generator 's Full-chain Off-phase Closed Bus

  10. 核电机组大电流离相封闭母线的选型

    Model Selection of Large Current Enclosed Bus-bar for Nuclear Power Unit

  11. 强迫风冷封闭母线温升规律的研究

    The Research of the Temperature Rising Law of Forced Air-cooled Enclosed Bus-bar

  12. 大电流风冷封闭母线中离子消除特性的研究

    Study on Ion Elimination Characteristics in Air-Cooled Large Current Enclosed Bus Systems

  13. 封闭母线接头处主要采用螺栓固定连接。

    The connector of enclosed busbar is connected by bolt .

  14. 大电流封闭母线的快速可拆装置研究

    Study of fleet detachable equipment for big electric current IPB

  15. 铝制封闭母线焊接接头的超声波检测方法及缺陷定位

    Ultrasonic Testing and Defect Positioning for Welded Joints of Aluminum Enclosed Busbar

  16. 高压离相封闭母线垂直安装结构的有限元分析

    Analysis for high - voltage closed bus of separated phase with vertical installation

  17. 高垂直段离相封闭母线的结构优化

    Orthogonal of Structure for the High and Vertical Closed Bus of Separated Phase

  18. 离相封闭母线短路电动力分析

    Electric Power Force Analysis on Short Circuit Enclosed , Separated and Unconnected Busbar

  19. 全连式离相封闭母线短路动力特性的分析

    An analysis of the short-circuit dynamic characteristic of an all connective isolated phase bus

  20. 有限元分析在高压离相封闭母线结构设计中的应用

    Application of Finite Element Anaiysis in the Designing of High-voltage Closed Bus of Separated Phase

  21. 离(分)相封闭母线导体横向运动引起的电动力

    E-M force caused by the crosswise motion of the conductor in an isolated-phase enclosed bus

  22. 因此,建议该工程封闭母线采用自然冷却方式。

    So the natural cooling mode for the enclosed bus-bar is recommended for the project .

  23. 高垂直段风冷封闭母线三维场仿真分析及结构优化设计

    Study of Three-Dimensional Field Simulation Analysis and Structure Optimum Design for Long Vertical Forced-Air Isolated-Phase Bus

  24. 离相封闭母线大电流的光测系统及传感研究

    Research of the Optical Measuring System and Sensing for Large Current in the Isolated Phase Bus

  25. 本文并介绍了工程上的两个应用实例:(1)三相封闭母线外壳涡流。

    Two practical applications are described : ( 1 ) eddy currents in 3-phase bus enclosures ;

  26. 强迫风冷大电流封闭母线中离子密度的测试

    Experimental Research of the Ion Density in the Forced Air - Cooled Large Current Enclosed Bus

  27. 这为垂直布置封闭母线的热平衡计算提供了一种新的算法。

    It offers a new method to calculate the balance of the vertical enclosed bus bar .

  28. 一起主变套管封闭母线积水引起机组跳闸的原因分析与处理

    A Trip of Generator Caused by Cumulated Water in the Sealed Bushing Bus of the Power Transformer

  29. 发电机漏氢监测装王监测的对象是定子绕组水内冷系统及其封闭母线和密封油系统的密封性,它具有早期故障报警的重要作用。

    The monitoring device of generator hydrogen leakage has the important function for the earlier warning of fault .

  30. 封闭母线瓷支撑绝缘子缺陷对机组定子绕组绝缘测量的影响

    Influence of the Defect of Porcelain Insulator for Supporting IPB on the Insulation Tests of Generator Stator Winding