
  • 网络indirect air cooling
  1. 介绍了火电站哈蒙式间接空冷系统的构成与特点。

    Reviews the structure and features of Harmon ′ s indirect air cooling system .

  2. 它为间接空冷系统的优化设计提供帮助。

    It offers good help for the optimal design of indirect air cooling system .

  3. 1000MW机组间接空冷系统设计

    1000 MW Unit Indirect Air-cooling System Design

  4. 降低200MW机组间接空冷系统水耗

    Reduce Total Amount of Cooling Water for Indirect Air Cooling System Applying in 200 MW Generating Unit

  5. 135MW间接空冷机组双速循环水泵设计与经济运行

    Design and economic operation of double - speed circulatory water pump for 135 MW indirect air - cooled unit

  6. 介绍了3种空气冷却系统:即直接空冷系统(GEA)、表面式凝汽器的间接空冷系统、混合式凝汽器的间接空冷系统(海勒系统)的发展现状。

    The paper briefs the developmental status of three kinds of air cooling system i.e. : direct air cooling system , surface type condenser-indirect air cooling system and mixed type condenser-indirect air cooling system ( Heller system ) .

  7. 直接空冷系统与海勒式间接空冷系统的比较

    Comparison of Direct Air Cooling System with Heller Indirect Cooling System

  8. 间接空冷机组变工况特性计算

    Characteristic calculation of indirect air cooling set on different working conditions

  9. 间接空冷与直接空冷系统综合技术经济比较

    Comprehensive Technical & Economic Comparison between Indirect and Direct Air-Cooling Systems

  10. 超大型间接空冷结构体系温度应力分析研究

    Ultra-large Indirect Air-cooled Structure System Temperature Stress Analysis and Study

  11. 表面式间接空冷散热器换热特性的数值研究

    Numerical Research on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Surface Indirect Air Cooled Radiators

  12. 表面式凝汽器间接空冷电厂适用条件研究

    Conditions for the Application of Indirectly Air Cooled Surface Condensers in Power Plants

  13. 表面式凝汽器间接空冷系统运行性能试验研究

    Testing and Research on Operation Performance of Indirect Dry Cooling System with Surface Condenser

  14. 海勒式间接空冷塔性能研究与改造

    Research and Alteration of Heller-type Indirect Air-cooling Tower

  15. 海勒式间接空冷系统的改造方案和实施

    The Retrofitting Scheme and Put into Execution of Heller Type Indirect Air Cooling System

  16. 某火力发电厂间接空冷塔地基处理的探讨

    Probe into the Foundation Treatment for the Indirect Air-cooling Tower of a Certain Thermal Power Plant

  17. 带表面式凝汽器间接空冷系统散热器循环水管束冻裂原因分析

    Cause analysis of radiator tube bundles ' frost-crack for indirect air - cooled system with surface condenser

  18. 在充分考虑空冷系统防冻要求的前提下,对直接和间接空冷机组取消启动电泵的可能性进行了探讨。

    The full consideration of the requirements of air-cooling system antifreeze , the possibility of cancelled electro-pump to the direct and indirect air-cooled units is discussed .

  19. 本文的研究为间接空冷电厂的优化设计和空冷机组的经济安全运行提供了理论支持和实验数值参考,具有一定的工程实际应用价值。

    This research offers theoretical support and test numerical reference to the optimizing design , safety and economy of the direct air-cooled power plant and has certain practical value .

  20. 因此,研究侧风对海勒式间接空冷塔流动和换热特性的影响规律对空冷塔的设计和优化改造都至关重要。

    Therefore , the study of the effects of the crosswinds to the flow and heat transfer performance is essential to the design and optimization of the air cooling tower .

  21. 从目前市场价格分析,在初投资方面:表面式间接空冷系统高于直接空冷系统,由于在综合经济效益方面,两系统基本相同,所以达拉特电厂工程推荐采用直接空冷系统。

    From the analysis of current market price , the initial investment of direct air-cooling system is lower than surface type indirect air-cooled system . Two system basically have the same overall economic efficiency .

  22. 无论在带混合凝汽器或表面凝汽器的间接空冷系统以及直冷凝汽器中,无论散热器如何布置,都普遍存在着进口空气与散热器不正交的问题。

    In view of the fact that the air flow is not orthogonal to the heat exchanger surface in many cascs for thc direct and indirect dry cooling systems with cither surface or inject condensers .

  23. 本文介绍了直接空冷系统的原理,比较了直接空冷和间接空冷的技术特点,简述了空冷岛系统的工作原理和构成。

    This paper introduces the principle of direct air-cooling system , and the comparison of the indirect and direct air cold air cooling of the technical characteristics , and describes the island of air cooling system working principle and structure .