
  1. Niantic公司的一位女发言人没有回应《精灵宝可梦Go》为间谍工具的指责,不过她称,公司请全体用户“谨遵当地法规,尊重在探索过程中拜访的地点和遇到的个人。”

    A spokeswoman for Niantic did not respond to allegations that the game is a tool of espionage , and said the company asks all users " to abide by local laws , and respect the locations you visit and people you meet during your exploration . "

  2. 在他看来,上个月美国国家安全局(NSA)的间谍工具被泄露一事——可能是俄罗斯所为——是向美国政府发出的含蓄威胁。

    He described the leak last month of NSA espionage tools , potentially by Russia as an implicit threat to the US government .

  3. 总部位于慕尼黑的Trovicor向特工们展示了如何使用其“基于蜂窝系统的监控解决方案”来处理海量记录。而英德合资公司GammaInternational则展示了一款可用于远程监听手机通信的间谍工具“FinFisher”。

    Munich-based Trovicor schooled agents on its " cell-based monitoring solution " to handle mass recordings , while Gamma International , an Anglo-German company , demonstrated its " FinFisher " spyware tool for remotely monitoring mobile phone communications .

  4. 反间谍工具不是万能的,它们也会错过感染的病毒。

    Anti-spyware tools are not perfect and can miss infections .

  5. 当这些东西日渐普及,电影也能够随之进步,展现出更加迷人的连衣裙,稀奇古怪的装置以及高科技的间谍工具。

    As such things became ordinary , the films came to feature ever glitzier frocks , outlandish sets and whizzy gadgets .

  6. 遍布世界各地的情报官员会继续他们的工作,力劝人们充当叛国者,并部署下与这门行当同样古老的间谍工具。

    Case officers around the world continue their work , trying to persuade people to become traitors and deploying tools as old as the trade itself .

  7. 美国国会认为,如果订购华为的设备,在中国与美国或其他国家交战的时候,这些设备可能成为重要的间谍工具。

    If ordered , the thinking goes , Huawei gear could be turned into a valuable espionage tool in the event of war with the U.S. or another country .

  8. 根据颜色的组合或米的多少,忍者们可以创造出100多种不同的暗号。五色米不仅是真正的间谍工具,而且还能防备鸟类。

    Based on the combination of colors they dropped or the number of grains , the ninjas could make over 100 different codes.Not only was goshiki-mai a genius spy tool , it was safe from birds , too .

  9. 一些更巧妙的软件版本在没有反病毒或反间谍软件工具,工具间谍软件如AD-Aware或SpySweeper标记他们的情况下可以操纵。

    Some of the more clever software versions can even operate without antivirus or antispyware tools , such as AD-Aware or Spy Sweeper , flagging them .

  10. 它的成果就是一系列极其复杂、令人难以想象的间谍和监视工具。

    The results are the most sophisticated spy and monitoring tools ever conceived .

  11. 如果你的光驱会自动弹开,那么你就应该使用查找间谍软件的工具扫描你的系统了。

    If your CD-ROM drive does open , you should also use a spyware product to check your system .