
  • 网络Spy agency;SMERSH
  1. 美国间谍机构对NASA慷慨捐赠。

    America 's spies make a generous donation to NASA .

  2. 这份名为《发掘游戏和虚拟环境的恐怖主义用途》(ExploitingTerroristUseofGamesVirtualEnvironments)的文件于本周发布,讲述了间谍机构试图通过游戏来追踪恐怖主义通讯活动的努力。

    The document , called Exploiting Terrorist Use of Games Virtual Environments , was published this week , and tells tales of the spy agencies trying to track down terrorist communications through each of the games .

  3. 这份名为《发掘游戏和虚拟环境的恐怖主义用途》(ExploitingTerroristUseofGames&VirtualEnvironments)的文件于本周发布,讲述了间谍机构试图通过游戏来追踪恐怖主义通讯活动的努力。

    The document , called Exploiting Terrorist Use of Games & Virtual Environments , was published this week , and tells tales of the spy agencies trying to track down terrorist communications through each of the games .

  4. 过去,美国中央情报局和以首字母ISI组合标志的巴基斯坦间谍机构很不容易地一起工作;反恐怖主义。但是。

    The CIA and Pakistan 's spy agency , known by the acronym ISI , have worked uneasily together in the past on counterterrorism , but the unilateral U.

  5. 近年来,零日漏洞在黑客、中间商、NSO集团这样的公司,和迫切地想要破解设备的间谍机构与执法网络之间交易。

    In recent years , zero day flaws have been traded among hackers , brokers , companies like the NSO Group , and spy agencies and law enforcement networks eager for ways to break into devices .

  6. 间谍机构搜寻关于身体健康和精神健康的信息。

    Spy agencies search for information about physical and mental health .

  7. 她一直受到英国情报部门、间谍机构和美国非美活动委员会的跟踪监视。

    She had been hounded by the British intelligence and spy services and by Un-American Activities Committees .

  8. 携带着总统亲笔信件的美国顶级间谍机构头目抵达平壤。

    The top spy chief in the United States arrives in Pyongyang , carrying a letter from the U.S. president .

  9. 美国间谍机构有两颗闲置卫星的新闻一经报道,卫星的来源问题就引发了广泛的猜测。

    The news that America 's spies had two spare satellite mirrors lying around has prompted speculation about their provenance .

  10. 展会上,来自警界和间谍机构的官员听取了由一系列欧洲企业所作的不公开报告,介绍它们生产的各种复杂的互联网和电话窃听产品。

    Police and spy agency officials listened to closed-door presentations by a succession of European companies about their sophisticated internet and telephone interception wares .

  11. 官方的朝中社星期三报导,一个外国间谍机构利用金钱、美色和勒索威逼利诱了这些北韩人。

    The official Korean Central News Agency reports Wednesday that a foreign espionage agency coerced the North Koreans with money , sex and blackmail .

  12. 外国间谍机构,可能对攻击您很感兴趣(这取决于您的业务)并且拥有丰富的资源。

    A foreign spy agency , depending on your business , may have a great deal of interest in you and possess tremendous resources .

  13. 有许多类型的外部入侵者:外国间谍机构、您的竞争对手、黑客,甚至您自己的雇员。

    There are many types of intruders out there : foreign spy agencies , corporations in competition with you , hackers , and even your own employees .

  14. 韩国间谍机构12月3日曾告知议员,张成泽可能已被革职,这引发了朝鲜国内局势可能出现动荡的担忧。

    South Korea 's spy agency told lawmakers on Dec. 3 that it suspected Mr. Jang had been deposed , raising concerns of instability in the North .

  15. 德国情报机构指出,外国间谍机构的目标包括能源、化学、军火以及机械领域的德国企业,其中也包括中小型企业。

    Foreign spy agencies are targeting companies , including small and medium-sized firms , in the energy , chemicals , armaments and machinery sectors , the BfV said .

  16. 甚至巴间谍机构说;五月一日前的袭击正是割断了巴美特别机构的合作纽带。巴基斯坦要抗议美无人飞机在阿富汗边境附近为其他事实施打击。

    Even before the May1 raid , the ISI said it was cutting cooperation with CIA to protest drone strikes close to the Afghan border , among other things .

  17. 专家们表示,总体而言,这些证据显示了有政府后台的努力,只有很大规模的间谍机构,或者某些技术最先进的大公司才能承受。

    Overall , the evidence points to a government-sponsored effort that only very large spy agencies or perhaps some of the most advanced big companies could have withstood , experts said .

  18. 网络安全专家表示,中国的间谍机构已指示本国黑客不要参加全球黑客大赛,而要向安全部或涉事公司报告其发现的任何漏洞。北京方面目前正试图收紧对科技和信息的控制。

    China 's spy agency has ordered local hackers to abstain from global hacking contests and instead report any vulnerabilities to the security ministry or the affected company , according to cyber security experts , as Beijing seeks to tighten its control over technology and information .

  19. 波兰司法部长马雷克·别尔纳茨基(MarekBiernacki)表示,被捕的两人都是俄罗斯总参谋部情报总局(MainIntelligenceDirectorate)的间谍,该机构是俄罗斯最大的对外情报机构。

    Marek Biernacki , Poland 's minister of justice , said both men were spies for the Main Intelligence Directorate , Russia 's largest foreign intelligence agency .

  20. 间谍充斥着这个机构。

    The organization was riddled with spies .