
  • 网络Martini;Martini cocktail
  1. 她料想他会要一杯苏格兰威士忌,所以当他请她调一杯马提尼酒加柠檬水时,她有点不知所措。

    She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini and lemonade .

  2. 不是说将酒倒入V形高脚玻璃杯就是马提尼。

    Putting a drink in a longstemmed V-shaped glass does not make it a martini .

  3. 马提尼酒应该搅拌詹姆斯·邦德(Jamesbond)除外那些老式鸡尾酒和曼哈顿鸡尾酒也应该搅拌。

    Martinis should be stirred James Bond notwithstanding as should old-fashioneds and manhattans .

  4. 马提尼酒应该搅拌——詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)除外——那些老式鸡尾酒和曼哈顿鸡尾酒也应该搅拌。

    Martinis should be stirred - James Bond notwithstanding - as should old-fashioneds and manhattans .

  5. 兹魏本早先效力于美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心(NASAAmesResearchCenter),此前还创立过“蓝色马提尼软件公司”(BlueMartiniSoftware)。

    Previously , Zweben worked at the NASA Ames Research Center ; he also founded Blue Martini Software .

  6. 曼斯菲尔德的大道马提尼餐厅(Martini’sonMain)供应农家比萨饼,大部分食材来自本地农庄(108NorthMainStreet,电话419-775-5936;martinisonmain.net)。

    Martini 's on Main , in Mansfield , offers pizza made from scratch and gets most of its ingredients from local farms ( 108 North Main Street , 419-775-5936 ; martinisonmain . net ) .

  7. 《007之幽灵党》(Spectre)已上映两周,大受欢迎。丹尼尔·克雷格(DanielCraig)在片中饰演的詹姆斯·邦德(JamesBond)抛弃了他一向喜欢的加柠檬的伏特加马提尼。

    In " Spectre , " a runaway hit after two weeks in theaters , Daniel Craig , as James Bond , forgoes his traditional vodka martini with lemon twist .

  8. 柏林——通常,迪特马尔·文德尔(DietmarWunder)更喜欢用摇晃而非搅拌手法调制的马提尼酒。

    As a rule , Dietmar Wunder prefers his martinis shaken and not stirred .

  9. 布朗克斯鸡尾酒(Bronx)、马提尼、曼哈顿鸡尾酒——这些永恒的经典一出现,接下来的一幕必然是第二天早上头上放着冰袋的场景。

    The Bronx , the Martini , the Manhattan - these are the enduring classics that , inevitably , lead to the morning-after scene involving an ice bag on the head .

  10. 只有用狗艺术狗,艺术家韦恩Blazewicz著名的马提尼收集限量版帆布,手饰和制定做好准备。

    Only available on Dog Art Dog , artist Vern Blazewicz 's famous Martini collection limited edition on canvas , hand embellished and ready for framing .

  11. 在与莱娅·塞杜(LéaSeydoux)饰演的聪明迷人的心理学家马德莱纳·斯旺(MadeleineSwann)共度一个重要时刻时,他点的是浑浊马提尼,成分不明,不过能看到玻璃杯中有三个串起来的小橄榄。

    Instead , in a meaningful shared moment with L é a Seydoux , as the brainy and beautiful psychologist Madeleine Swann , he orders a dirty martini , ingredients unstated , although three little skewered olives can be seen in the glass . It goes down easy .

  12. 使想起(做某事)你能提醒我买一瓶马提尼酒吗?

    Can you remind me to buy a bottle of Martini ?

  13. 当他喝足了马提尼酒时,他才蹒跚而去。

    When he was full of martini , he reeled out .

  14. 请将这点告诉马提尼,就算是我给他的一个口信吧。

    Tell that to Martini as a message from me ;

  15. 酒吧招待回过头,又给她递上一杯马提尼酒。

    So he goes back and fixes her another martini .

  16. 撼动所有成分与冰和应变到冰鲜马提尼玻璃。

    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled martini glass .

  17. 两杯干马提尼酒就能花费游客52美元。

    Two dry martinis there set drinkers back an average $ 52 .

  18. 夏洛特的母亲正用一个充满热雾的瓶子喝马提尼。

    Charlotte 's mother was drinking a martini in a frosted glass .

  19. 你要摇匀的还是搅拌的马提尼酒?

    Would you like your Martini shaken or stirred ?

  20. 不过在给你改头换面之前,马提尼。

    but before we continue the renovation . martini .

  21. 迈克,快点,我知道有一间很棒的马提尼酒吧。

    Come on , mike . I know a great little Martini bar .

  22. 我想要干马提尼酒和柠檬水。

    I 'd love a dry martini and lemonade .

  23. 喝了几杯马提尼酒后,他的表演发挥到了最佳状态。

    He played best after a couple of martinis .

  24. 喝了五杯马提尼酒,他就醉倒了。

    After five martinis he was under the taBle .

  25. 服务在一个冷冻马提尼玻璃直。

    Serve in a chilled martini glass straight up .

  26. 事实上,我在和我的马提尼讲话。

    Actually , I was talking to my martini .

  27. 然后准备一个马提尼杯,再在上面放置一点肉豆蔻。

    Serve in a small glass and grate a bit of nutmeg on top .

  28. 我必须脱掉这些湿衣服,然后来一杯干马提尼。

    I must get out of these wet clothes and into a dry martini .

  29. 丙:您要的马提尼酒,加不加冰块?

    C : will you have the martini straight up or on the rocks ?

  30. 雪莉酒和马提尼酒是加度葡萄酒。

    Sherry and Martini are fortified wines .