
  • 网络MATT;mutt;Mat;Mart;Maat
  1. 马特突然咯咯笑起来,然后挂断了电话。

    Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone .

  2. 我应该给马特一点暗示吗?

    Should I drop a hint to Matt ?

  3. 马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场。

    Matt limped painfully off the field .

  4. 因救起一名溺水儿童,少年马特∙布朗被誉为英雄。

    Teenager Matt Brown is being hailed a hero for saving a young child from drowning .

  5. 除马特外他们都来了。

    They all came except Matt .

  6. 克拉伦斯的决定,不管对错,马特都予以维护。

    Matt defended all of Clarence 's decisions , right or wrong

  7. 马特把牌拢起来洗牌。

    Matt picked up the cards and shuffled the deck .

  8. 马特看着休,从他坚挺的肩膀中看出了他的倔强。

    Matt looked at Hugh and saw the stubbornness in the set of his shoulders

  9. 他计划控制谈话局面,不让马特转换话题。

    He planned to lead the conversation and keep Matt from changing the subject .

  10. 总部设在马特湖边的阳光游艇公司于1870年开始造船。

    Based on the edge of Lake Matt , Sunbeam Yachts started boatbuilding in 1870 .

  11. 我初次来到这里的时候,马特找了个房间让我住了大约一个星期。

    Matt got me a room there for a week or so when I first came here

  12. 马特慌忙躲进他的办公室。

    Matt ducked into his office

  13. 虽然她喜欢和马特打情骂俏,但是却未曾想过要和他相好。

    Though she enjoyed flirting with Matt , it had not entered her head to have an affair with him .

  14. 由于食物是我们每周最大的家庭开支,苏珊娜和马特每周都会和不同的家庭待在一起

    With food our biggest weekly household expense , Susanna and Matt spend time with a different family each week .

  15. 我买一份花了5英镑,但马特做一份才26便士,他只用了面粉、水、糖和油。

    I pay £ 5 for a portion , but Matt makes them for 26p a portion , because they are flour , water , sugar and oil .

  16. 2010年那会儿,我正和马特交往。

    Back in 2010 , I was2 seeing Matt .

  17. 显而易见,马特认为泰勒从他2003年的歌曲《ISaw》中抄袭了一句歌词。

    Apparently , Matt believes Taylor stole a line from his 2003 song I Saw .

  18. 艾比,被确诊患有前B急性淋巴细胞白血病,一周以来一直跟她妈妈说她想要嫁给最喜欢的护士马特。

    Abby , who was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia , has been telling her mother all week that she wanted to marry her favorite nurse , Matt .

  19. 但对于此次马特•达蒙的新电影,绝大多数影院在上映首周只放映3D版。

    But in the case of Matt Damon 's new movie , the vast majority opted only to show it in 3D in its opening week .

  20. 来自TrueCapital零售公司投资基金的马特.楚曼相信,所有这些都预示着网络和传统零售商将相互融合。

    All this suggests that online and traditional retailers are migrating to a middle ground , believes Matt Truman of True Capital , a fund that invests in consumer companies .

  21. 来自TrueCapital零售公司投资基金的马特.楚曼相信,所有这些都预示着网络和传统零售商将“相互融合”。

    All this suggests that online and traditional retailers are " migrating to a middle ground , " believes Matt Truman of True Capital , a fund that invests in consumer companies .

  22. 此外,马特•泰比在《滚石》(RollingStone)杂志上援引SEC一位律师的话撰文称,SEC正在掩盖公司犯罪行为。

    And there was the rolling stone tale by Matt Taibbi of the SEC lawyer who said the SEC was covering up corporate crime .

  23. 记者马特•亚历山大在美国创新人才求职网站TheLoop上撰文指出,Kindle和Nook等基于电子墨水的电子阅读器注定是个悲剧。

    Over at the loop , writer Matt Alexander argues that e-ink-based e-readers like the Kindle and nook are doomed .

  24. 马特有ATF的包裹给我吗

    Matty , did an ATF box arrive for me ?

  25. 和许多同龄人一样,马特也想争取常春藤:他的目标是耶鲁、普林斯顿(Princeton)或布朗大学(Brown)。

    Matt , like many of his peers , was shooting for the Ivies : in his case , Yale , Princeton or Brown .

  26. 晚上10点,在接受NBC的马特•劳尔访谈的时候,罗切特又变了他先前的一套说辞。

    By 10pm , NBC 's Matt Lauer speaks to Lochte who changes parts of his story .

  27. 手机开发界的两位传奇人物&马特•赫汉森和乔•布里特突然作为Android开发团队的成员登场。

    Matt hershenson and Joe Britt , two legendary figures in mobile phone development , have suddenly resurfaced as part of the team building Android .

  28. 摩尔介绍道:我们运行的森林测绘算法是由马里兰大学(UniversityOfMaryland)的马特o汉森教授开发的,总共利用了70万张美国陆地资源卫星的图像,加起来大约有20万亿个像素点。

    We ran forest-mapping algorithms developed by Professor Matt Hansen of University of Maryland on almost 700,000 Landsat satellite images & a total of 20 trillion pixels , she said .

  29. 罗塞塔号正试图解答有关我们太阳系的一些非常重要的问题,罗塞塔号项目科学家马特•泰勒(MattTaylor)表示,在太阳系形成初期它是什么状态?

    Rosetta is trying to answer the very big questions about the history of our Solar System , said Matt Taylor , Rosetta project scientist .

  30. 马特•戴蒙、梅丽尔•斯特里普(MerylStreep)和乔治克•鲁尼都自然而然地成为了调侃的对象。

    Mr. Damon , Meryl Streep and , naturally , Mr. Clooney were among the targets .