
mǎ sī
  • neigh;whinny;nicker
马嘶 [mǎ sī]
  • [neigh] 发出高而拖长的典型属于马的嘶鸣声

  1. 结尾是一声马嘶,听上去很像一声长叹。

    It ended with a whinny that sounded very like a sigh .

  2. 马嘶马发出特有的声音;发出马嘶声。

    To utter the characteristic sound of a horse ; whinny .

  3. 他听到远处马嘶声。

    He heard the horse 's neigh in the distance .

  4. 火照得到的一圈外,一片漆黑,马嘶叫了几声。

    The horses nickered in the darkness beyond the fire 's circle of light .

  5. 我们听到马嘶,也听到羊叫。

    We heard the neigh of a horse , and the BAA of a sheep .

  6. 化装室一直充满兴奋的叫声和类似马嘶的笑声。

    Dressing-room was filled with the hum of enthusiasm and laughter like the neighing of horses .

  7. 风儿掠过大地的轻啸声,远处的鸟鸣声、马嘶声竟然是如此的清晰。

    Signs land herdsmen light Whistler , in the distance the birds sing , even Masiqing is so clear .