
  • 网络matos;Jesse Mattos
  1. 谷歌新任欧洲工程业务负责人纳尔逊•马托斯(NelsonMattos)表示:欧洲与美国不同,在这里对待某些话题的态度要严肃得多。来自欧洲的工程师将对这些问题更为敏感。

    Europe is different from the US and there are certain topics that are taken a lot more seriously here . Engineers from Europe will be more sensitive on these topics , says Nelson Mattos , Google 's newly appointed head of engineering for Europe .

  2. 结果,血从这位瑞典人嘴唇里喷涌而出,而马托斯吐了一口痰,接着被人护送出场。

    It left the Swede with blood pouring from his lip while Matos spat on the floor and was then escorted out of the arena .

  3. 在北京奥运会一场跆拳道铜牌争夺战中,前奥运冠军古巴选手马托斯因踢打裁判面临终身禁赛。

    Former Olympic champion Angel Matos of Cuba faces a life ban after kicking a referee in the face during his taekwondo bronze medal match in Beijing .