
nán zǐ dān dǎ
  • men's singles
  1. 他已进入男子单打半决赛。

    He 's through to the semi-final of the men 's singles .

  2. 2019年,他分别获得羽毛球WH1级别男子单打和WH1-2级别男子双打世界冠军。

    The teenager had a sensational 2019 , becoming world champion in the men 's singles WH 1 and men 's doubles WH 1-2 .

  3. Nadal周日在温布尔登男子单打决赛中历史性的胜利预演了这种可能性。

    Of course Nadal 's epic victory Sunday in the gentlemen 's singles final at Wimbledon was what scent his start .

  4. 在男子单打(比赛)中他得了第三名。

    He placed third in the men 's singles event .

  5. 他是在男子单打第三回合被淘汰的。

    He was upset in the third round of the men 's singles .

  6. 谁会夺得男子单打冠军?

    Who will be the men 's singles champion ?

  7. 昨晚男子单打比赛杰克与迈克交锋,结果杰克输了。

    Jack fought Michael in the men 's singles last night and was beaten .

  8. 世界优秀男子单打网球选手三项指标的研究

    Research on the Three Index in Man Singles of the World Excellent Tennis Players

  9. 乒乓球男子单打运动员在不同赛制下的技术特点和心理表现

    Technical Characteristics and Psychological Behavior of Men 's Singles Paddlers under Different Contest System

  10. 但是在下一届的巴黎世界锦标赛上,中国痛失男子单打冠军。

    But it lost the men 's singles at the next championship in Paris .

  11. 获得男子单打冠军。

    Win the man 's singles title .

  12. 西班牙网球选手纳达尔在伦敦赢得第二次温网男子单打冠军。

    The Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal has won his second men singles'title in Wimbledon in London .

  13. 张继科在乒乓球男子单打决赛中以4-1的比分击败队友王皓夺冠。

    Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in an all-Chinese men 's singles table tennis final .

  14. 陕西高校男子单打技术运用特征及教学训练建议

    The Technical Characteristics of Universities in Shaanxi Province in Men 's Singles and Teaching and Training Suggestions

  15. 韩国选手柳承敏在男子单打决赛中击败了中国选手王皓。

    South Korean Ryu Seung Min beat China 's Wang Hao in the men 's singles final .

  16. 确实是这样。在男子单打决赛中,瓦尔德内尔就输给了孔令辉。

    That 's true In the final of men 's single , Waldner was defeated by Kong Linhui .

  17. 两个小时后,她的同胞魏仁芳也夺得奥运羽毛球男子单打金牌。

    Two hours later , her fianc é, Allan Budi Kusuma , won the men 's badminton title .

  18. 高水平男子单打网球比赛相持阶段技战术特征研究

    A Study on Features of Techniques and Tactics in Stalemate Stage of High-Level Men 's Single Tennis Matches

  19. 李静同时在男子单打和男子团体比赛中各获得一枚铜牌。

    Li also won the bronze medal in Men 's Singles and bronze in Men 's Team Event .

  20. 他们很幸运进入了温布尔登男子单打决赛/半决赛。

    They were lucky to get through to the final / semifinal of the men 's singles at Wimbledon .

  21. 现年24岁的张继科以18-1611-511-610-1213-11的五局比分击败王皓。王皓已经连续三届奥运会获得乒乓球男子单打的亚军。

    The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final .

  22. 现年25岁的穆雷成为继1908年的约西亚里奇之后第二位夺得奥运会男子单打冠军的英国选手。

    The 25-year-old is the first British man to win the Olympic singles gold medal since Josiah Ritchie in 1908 .

  23. 1996年,阿加西代表美国队出战亚特兰大夏季奥运会,并男子单打冠军。

    In1996 , Agassi took time off from his professional career to represent the United States at the Atlanta Olympics .

  24. 卫冕冠军纳达尔将在温布尔登男子单打网球决赛中对阵塞尔维亚网球明星德约科维奇。

    The defending champion Rafael Nadal will play the Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic in the men 's final at Wimbledon .

  25. 昨日,世界排名第一的中国选手林丹大胜马来西亚二号种子选手李宗伟,稳稳拿下羽毛球男子单打冠军。

    China 's world No1 Lin Dan clinched the men 's singles badminton title yesterday , completely outclassing Malaysia 's second seed , Lee Chong Wei .

  26. 主要有五场大的赛事:男子单打,女子单打;男子双打和女子双打以及混合打。

    There are five main events : the men 's and women 's singles , the men 's and women 's doubles , and mixed doubles .

  27. 张继科是一位奥运乒乓球男子单打冠军,并且是历史上第四位完成大满贯的男性运动员。

    Zhang Jike is a Olympic champion in singles and the fourth male player in the history of table tennis to achieve a career grand slam .

  28. 王励勤,通过第三次赢得了男子单打冠军,现在当然能够被认为是乒乓球的伟大选手之一。

    Wang Liqin , by winning the Men 's Singles crown for a third time , surely can now be considered amongst the greats of table tennis .

  29. 在奥运会上,桌球包括四项:男子单打,女子单打,男子双打和女子双打。

    In the Olympic Games , Table Tennis includes four disciplines : men 's singles , women 's singles , men 's doubles and women 's doubles .

  30. 乒乓球男子单打决赛中,中国队马龙以总比分4-0横扫卫冕冠军张继科,实现了个人首个大满贯。

    China 's Ma Long swept defending champion Zhang Jike 4-0 to win men 's table tennis singles gold medal , completing his first career Grand Slam .