
wǎnɡ qiú xié huì
  • tennis association
  1. 草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。

    The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team .

  2. 中国网球协会(CTA)副主席孙晋芳向官方媒体表示,网球仍被视为一项精英运动,在年轻人当中的受欢迎程度比不上篮球、足球和乒乓球。

    China Tennis Association head Sun Jinfang told state media that the sport is still considered an elite game that lags behind basketball , soccer and table tennis in its popularity among young people .

  3. 去年七月,国际网球协会(InternationalTennisFederation)制订了它的第31条规则,允许在网球比赛中使用经过批准的“运动员分析技术”。

    Last July , the International Tennis Federation wrote its 31st rule , permitting the use of approved " Player Analysis Technology " during competitions .

  4. 比格文化传播有限公司很荣幸可以成为中国网球协会以及ITF的承办方来运营这次的戴维斯杯的比赛。

    It is without a doubt a tremendous privilege honor for our company , Beijing International Group , to be the management group for the China Tennis Association ITF for Davis Cup in China .

  5. 后来,她于2004年成为首位夺得国际女子网球协会(WTA)单打头衔的中国运动员。不过身材敦实、回球犀利的郑洁也取得了几项开创性成就。郑洁现年31岁,还在球场征战。

    And though she later became the first Chinese player to win a WTA singles title , ticking that box in 2004 , Zheng Jie , a sturdy and smaller counterpuncher who plays on at 31 , blazed a few trails of her own .

  6. 中国网球协会将于近日宣布主办城市。

    The China Tennis Association will be announcing soon the host city .

  7. 在校园中成立网球协会。

    Establish tennis association in the campus . 6 .

  8. 黄石市的对外比赛、市内的比赛都是由网球协会进行组织。

    The competition in Huangshi out or local are organized by the tennis association .

  9. 这位俄罗斯天才少女从美国选手达文波特手中抢过了世界女子职业网球协会头号女单的宝座。

    The Russian teen had taken over the WTA Tour 's No.1 ranking from Lindsay Davenport .

  10. 中国网球协会,孙晋芳女士-感谢你们为中国网球事业做出的开拓性的贡献。

    Madame Sun and the Chinese Tennis Association - thank you for being trailblazers for tennis in China .

  11. 2004年,22岁的李娜成为首个获得世界网球协会桂冠的中国女球员。

    In 2004 , the 22-year-old Li became the first Chinese female player to win a WTA tour title .

  12. 世界女子职业网球协会从1975年开始用电脑计算选手排位,莎拉波娃是世界上第15位、也是俄罗斯历史上第一位登上女单头号宝座的选手。

    Sharapova is the15th player and the first Russian to be No.1 since the tour began its computer rankings in1975 .

  13. 女子网球协会-感谢你们对女子网球的热情,以及为全球女子网球的发展做出的辛勤努力。

    Women 's Tennis Association – for your passion for women 's tennis and hard work growing it around the world .

  14. 所调查的高校中只有四所院校已建立网球协会或网球俱乐部,其他院校都处于筹建阶段。

    In this investigation , only 4 colleges have a Tennis Club or Tennis Association , others are still in planning .

  15. 由中国网球协会主办,北京比格文化传播有限公司全程运营的2011梅赛德斯-奔驰“明日之星”国际训练营教练阵容最终敲定。

    The CTA & BIG formally announced the international coach lineup for the2011 Mercedes-Benz " Swing for the Stars " Junior Tennis Development Program .

  16. 科莫在推特上说,美国网球协会“将采取严格的预防措施,保护球员和工作人员”。

    The US Tennis Association ( USTA ) " will take extraordinary precautions to protect players and staff , " said Cuomo on Twitter .

  17. 卡塔尔多哈女子网球协会杯威廉斯姊妹对决的赛场上,一只猫穿过球场。

    A cat runs across the court during the match between Venus and Serena Williams at the WTA Tennis Championships , in Doha , Qatar .

  18. 中国网球协会官方项目青少年网球发展项目及大学项目也将在新的一年中为更多网球爱好者们带来新契机;

    CTA junior , school and university programs continue to be recognized as the best in China and are offering new opportunities for future generations .

  19. 美国网球协会首席执行官迈克尔·道斯6月16日在一份声明中表示,该协会对科莫的决定感到“非常兴奋”。

    USTA Chief Executive Officer Mike Dowse said in a statement on Tuesday that the association is " incredibly excited " about Cuomo 's decision .

  20. 球童培训项目的材料与西澳网球协会用于选拔澳大利亚网球公开赛球童相似。

    The ball kid training program materials are similar to those used by Tennis West Australia for the selection of ball kids for the Australian Open Grand Slam .

  21. 这些球员还被允许保留更多奖金,交给中国网球协会的金额比例从65%减到12%。

    They were also allowed to keep more of their winnings , with the proportion remitted to the Chinese Tennis Association reduced from 65 per cent to 12 per cent .

  22. 李娜2014年因膝伤复发宣布退役,而8个月前她刚刚获得当年的澳网冠军,在世界网球协会的排名中升至第二位,这是其职业生涯中的最高排名。

    Li retired in 2014 because of recurring knee injuries , eight months after winning that year 's Australian Open and rising to a career-high second in the WTA ranking .

  23. 地方体育主管部门、老年人体育协会和网球协会对老年人网球运动的重视程度不够,活动经费投入较少,老年网球竞赛活动开展数量和质量还有待提高。

    Local sports department , the elderly sports association and tennis association do not pay enough attention to elderly tennis , and the fund investment for the activity is little .

  24. 加拿大网球协会宣布,他们将在举办传统“罗杰斯杯”网球赛期间,设立一项为期三天的“传奇杯”赛,邀请前大满贯赛事得主阿加西、麦肯罗、库里尔和张德培参加。

    Tennis Canada announced the introduction of Rogers Legends Cup , a three-day tournament that will feature former Grand Slam champions Andre Agassi , John McEnroe , Jim Courier and Michael Chang .

  25. 对这个23岁小将而言,以6:4,6:4连胜两盘的成绩打败一个在国际男子职业网球协会排名比自己高七十多位的韩国对手确实是一个大胜利。

    It was a big win for the twenty three year old his Korean opponent is seventy places higher than him in the ATP world rankings six four six four was the score .

  26. 女王在今年4月度过了自己的90大寿,她过去一直是英国草地网球协会和槌球俱乐部的名誉赞助人,自1952年起,英国草地网球协会开始主办温网。

    The Queen , who celebrated her 90th birthday last April , has been patron of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club ( AELTC ) , which hosts Wimbledon , since 1952 .

  27. 这周女子网球协会公布的网球排名中,李娜已经上升到世界第四名&这是她的梦想,13年后实现了。

    In this week 's tennis rankings released by the Women 's Tennis Assocation Li Na has risen to number four in the world * a dream come true thirteen years after she wished it .

  28. 她一共获得了9个世界网球协会单打冠军,其中包括两个大满贯单打冠军,分别是2011年的法网和2014年的澳网。她也因此成为亚洲首位、也是唯一一位大满贯单打冠军得主。

    After winning nine WTA singles titles that includes two Grand Slam singles titles at the 2011 French Open and 2014 Australian Open , she became the first and only Grand Slam singles champion from Asia .

  29. 为此中国网球协会推出了短式网球校园工程计划,从2000年开始,利用十年时间,在全国大中城市的2万所小学,5000个居民社区普及推广短式网球。

    Therefore the Chinese Tennis Association has promoted " the short tennis campus project " it is planed that start from 2000 , popularized short tennis in big or media-sized cities ' 20,000 elementary schools , 5000 resident communities in ten years .

  30. 不过,他说,已经在该网站注册的潜在捐精者包括一名职业网球球员协会的退休选手、一名英格兰板球队的退休球员和一名录制过“多白金唱片”的歌手。

    However he said that the site 's register of possible donors already includes a retired ATP tennis pro , retired English cricketers and a multi-platinum recording artists .