
  • 网络Network optimization;SEO;SMO
  1. 而我们需要将MR采集解析并用于无线网络优化之中。

    Here we need to collect and analysis MR into the wireless network optimization .

  2. 电信级IP网络优化策略及建议

    Telecom-level IP Network Optimization Strategies and Suggestions

  3. 基于GIS技术的无线市话网络优化软件的设计开发

    Design of Optimization Software of PHS Network Based on GIS Technology

  4. 神经网络优化动态GPS卡尔曼滤波算法研究

    Study of Neural Network optimizes Dynamic GPS Kalman Filtering Algorithm

  5. 采用BP神经网络优化间二硝基苯催化加氢的反应条件

    Reaction Condition Optimization of Catalytic Hydrogenation of m-Dinitrobenzene by BP Neural Network

  6. 一种用于BP网络优化的并行模拟退火遗传算法

    Parallel simulated annealing genetic algorithm for optimizing BP neural network

  7. 用改进的神经网络优化PID参数的解耦系统

    A Decoupling System Based on Neural Network to Improve Parameter of PID

  8. 用Excel求解网络优化问题

    Application of Excel in Optimum Networks Analysis

  9. CDMA网络优化流程和具体实施过程

    Implementing and Optimizing Process of CDMA Network

  10. SDH;光传输网;网络优化。

    SDH , optical transmission network , network optimization .

  11. GPRS网络优化技术在沈阳地区的应用研究

    Application of GPRS Network Optimization in Shenyang

  12. MPLS成为网络优化和提供服务质量保证的首选技术。

    MPLS has become the first choice for network optimization and QoS guarantee .

  13. VLSI布局问题的神经网络优化设计方法

    Optimization Design for VLSI Layout with Neural Networks

  14. MPLSVPN运营网络优化设计

    MPLS VPN Business Optimize Network Design

  15. 应用OLE及COM实现网络优化数据采集和分析

    A Realization Method about Data Collection and Analysis in GSM Network by Applying OLE and COM

  16. 本文的研究对焦作地区未来的GPRS网络优化起到了一定的指导与借鉴作用。

    The study of this subject plays a guiding role for Jiaozuo GPRS network optimization in the future .

  17. 长春市PHS网络优化技术及实现

    PHS Network Optimization Technology and Realization of Chang Chun City

  18. 沈阳PHS网络优化与发展研究

    Research on the Network Optimization and Development for Shenyang PHS

  19. WCDMA系统无线网络优化的研究

    WCDMA System Radio Network Optimization Research

  20. 文章首先阐述了呼市宽带IP城域网优化改造的必要性、可行性、网络优化的意义以及城域网优化改造所涉及的相关理论。

    This paper described the transformation of Hohhot optimized broadband IP MAN necessity , feasibility , significance and MAN network optimization involves optimization of the theory of transformation .

  21. :研究了WDM全光网络优化中的团覆盖问题,提出了一种基于遗传算法的求解方法。

    This paper describes the Clique-Cover problem in WDM network optimization and presents a solution based on genetic algorithm .

  22. 基于多准则神经网络优化的Compton背散射成像

    Multicriteria neural network approach to Compton backscatter imaging

  23. PHS网络优化与信令分析

    PHS Network Optimization and Signaling Analysis

  24. 基于Visio的化工换热网络优化系统开发

    Development of Optimization System for Heat Exchanger Networks Based on Microsoft Visio

  25. No.7信令网的网络优化

    No.7 Signaling Network Optimization

  26. 在GPRS系统的网络优化部分,主要介绍了GPRS的优化目标、网络优化过程,并对具体GPRS网络优化案例进行了深入的研究。

    In the second part , it includes the aim of GPRS optimization , the process of GPRS optimization , and studies the cases for GPRS optimization deeply .

  27. 模糊AND-OR神经网络优化建模方法

    Optimization Modeling Approach to Fuzzy AND-OR Neural Network

  28. 内回路采用比例控制器,主回路的控制作用由Hopfield网络优化计算得出。

    The inner control loop was implemented by proportional controller . The output of the main control loop can be obtained by using the Hopfield network .

  29. CDMA移动通信系统是干扰受限的通信系统,系统的容量是软容量,网络优化不仅能改善网络的性能和服务质量,还能增加系统的容量。

    CDMA mobile communication systems are interference limited and capacity of the system is soft-capacity . Network optimization not only improves the performance of network , but also increases the system capacity .

  30. 目前,网络优化正朝着以数据业务为核心的方向发展,从之前的关注KPI参数指标向提升用户体验满意度转变。

    Network optimization is developing towards the data as the core business focusing on the improvement of users ' satisfaction rather than KPI parameters .