
sāo sī ɡōnɡ
  • reeler
  1. 这批胚胎是预定要移民到赤道地区去做矿工、人造丝缫丝工和钢铁工人的。

    They were predestined to emigrate to the tropics , to be miner and acetate silk spinners and steel workers .

  2. 阐明了原料茧特性和缫丝工的技术水平与定粒中心配茧率之间的概率论关系。

    The theoretical relationship between the cocoon properties , the reeling technic of workers and the mixed state of cocoon was elucidated .

  3. 定粒配茧缫丝中,缫丝工根据缫丝茧的颜色将茧丝区分为内外两层,或内中外三层茧丝,将这些不同层别的茧丝用来搭配缫丝。

    In reeling with fixed number of cocoons , according to the color of cocoons , reeling workers divide the cocoon silk to inside and outside , or inside , middle and outside layer , to match up these different layers when reeling .

  4. 定粒配茧缫丝工程中,中心配茧区间是缫丝工添绪与配茧的依据,中心配茧区间的设定对生丝质量、原料茧消耗及生产效率都有着直接的影响。

    In reeling process with fixed number of cocoons , center range of mixing cocoons is the basis of mixing cocoons . Designing center range of mixing cocoons have direct effect on quality of raw silk , using of raw material cocoons and production efficiency .