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  • filature;reeling mill;Silk Filature Mill
缫丝厂 [sāo sī chǎng]
  • [reeling mill] 从事缫丝业的工厂

  1. 缫丝工业环境影响评价中工程分析的要点&以安康市石泉县某缫丝厂建设项目为例

    The Main Points for Engineering Analysis in Filature ′ s Environmental Assessment & Take the Programme of a Filature Factory in Shiquan County of Ankang City as an Example

  2. 缫丝厂制丝工艺计算机优化设计信息管理系统

    Info . Management System of Process Calculation / Optimized Design for Reeling Mills

  3. 缫丝厂循环用水的探讨

    Discussion about the Water Reuse in Reeling Mills

  4. 缫丝厂卫生防护距离标准的研制

    Wavelength of Light Standard for Measuring Distance Study of Protective Distance for Reel Factory

  5. 缫丝厂废水处理与丝胶蛋白质的回收利用

    Effluent Treatment and Sericin Protein Reutilization in Filatures

  6. 太阳能在缫丝厂的应用

    Application of Solar Energy in Filatures

  7. 缫丝厂现行小烘丝装置热效率低,热量损耗大。

    The current reel silk drying device results in low heat efficiency but high heat loss .

  8. 介绍利用煮茧水及缫丝厂的废液提取丝胶的方法,分析不同方法对丝胶的制取及水溶性的影响。

    Different methods for extracting sericin from cocoon-cooking water and waste water in silk mill were compared .

  9. 定形丝棉采用非织造布工艺,以缫丝厂的下脚废丝为主要原料与三维卷曲纤维组成复合层结构。

    Shape-set silk floss of a compound-layered structure is made by nonwoven technology mainly with waste silk from filatures and three-dimensionally crimpy fibres .

  10. 而近代大规模缫丝厂的出现改变了这种生产格局。蚕业生产更为专业化,蚕户主要承担了育蚕的过程。

    The emergence of modern mass silkworm production changes the pattern , and sericulture production becomes more professional , and famers ' work is mainly for raising silkworm .

  11. 对原有太阳能热水器系统改装进行测试和热效率计算,认为在缫丝厂开发利用太阳能热水器可行而经济效益明显。

    Tests and calculations made on the beat efficiency of a renovated solar water-heating system indicate it is feasible and of obvious economic benefit to develop and adopt solar water-heaters in filatures .

  12. 在短短30年时间里,无锡缫丝厂无论是在丝厂规模、设备还是产量方面皆超过上海,成为最大的缫丝基地,其发展速度不可谓不惊人。

    Only in 30 years , it surpassed Shanghai not only in the plant scale , but also in equipments and gross yield , and grew to be the biggest silk reeling industry area . So , the growth rate was amazing .

  13. 当时,英美各国开始在上海开设机械缫丝厂,西方“工业革命”的技术创新就是从纺织业开始的,所以,中国传统手工缫丝的生产效率和质量根本无法与机械缫丝竞争。

    At that time , machine reeling factories were established by British and America in Shanghai . Technological innovation of " industrial revolution " was begin with textile industry . So , the productivity effect and quality of Chinese traditional manual reeling could not compete with machine reeling .

  14. 而自从19世纪末20世纪初苏南地区出现专业的机械丝厂以来,苏南特别是无锡缫丝业在民国时期进入高速发展期,缫丝厂在数量和生产规模上都远超其它地区。

    Since Southern Jiangsu professional machine appears in late 19th and early 20th century , silk production factories of Southern Jiangsu especially Wuxi development more quickly in the Republic of China , and the silk production factories quantity and scale beyond other regions far more .