- filature;reeling mill;Silk Filature Mill

[reeling mill] 从事缫丝业的工厂
The Main Points for Engineering Analysis in Filature ′ s Environmental Assessment & Take the Programme of a Filature Factory in Shiquan County of Ankang City as an Example
Info . Management System of Process Calculation / Optimized Design for Reeling Mills
Discussion about the Water Reuse in Reeling Mills
Wavelength of Light Standard for Measuring Distance Study of Protective Distance for Reel Factory
Effluent Treatment and Sericin Protein Reutilization in Filatures
Application of Solar Energy in Filatures
The current reel silk drying device results in low heat efficiency but high heat loss .
Different methods for extracting sericin from cocoon-cooking water and waste water in silk mill were compared .
Shape-set silk floss of a compound-layered structure is made by nonwoven technology mainly with waste silk from filatures and three-dimensionally crimpy fibres .
The emergence of modern mass silkworm production changes the pattern , and sericulture production becomes more professional , and famers ' work is mainly for raising silkworm .
Tests and calculations made on the beat efficiency of a renovated solar water-heating system indicate it is feasible and of obvious economic benefit to develop and adopt solar water-heaters in filatures .
Only in 30 years , it surpassed Shanghai not only in the plant scale , but also in equipments and gross yield , and grew to be the biggest silk reeling industry area . So , the growth rate was amazing .
At that time , machine reeling factories were established by British and America in Shanghai . Technological innovation of " industrial revolution " was begin with textile industry . So , the productivity effect and quality of Chinese traditional manual reeling could not compete with machine reeling .
Since Southern Jiangsu professional machine appears in late 19th and early 20th century , silk production factories of Southern Jiangsu especially Wuxi development more quickly in the Republic of China , and the silk production factories quantity and scale beyond other regions far more .