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  • 网络dried cocoon
  1. 桑蚕茧鲜茧检定与干茧检验比较试论桑蚕干茧检验的抽样数量

    A Comparison between Fresh Mulberry Cocoon Test and Dried Cocoon Inspection

  2. 基于图像处理技术的干茧茧壳厚度计算方法

    Calculation Method for Shell Thickness of Dried Cocoon Based on Image Processing

  3. 结果显示:干茧壳剂量为16、32g/kg·d的茧壳水煎剂对正常小鼠连续灌胃20d,其血糖水平没有明显变化;

    The blood glucose level of normal mice showed no significant change after continuous administration of decoction of cocoon shell 3.2 g / kg · d for 20 days .

  4. 试论桑蚕干茧检验的抽样数量

    Cocoon Weight of Sample for Mulberry Silkworm Dried Cocoon Test

  5. 论干茧定级中主要检验项目的确定

    Determination of Major Testing Items in Dried Cocoons Grading

  6. 概论桑蚕干茧标准的实施

    A Survey on Implementing Standards of Dried Mulberry Cocoons

  7. 不过吴荪甫也有一点困难,就是缺乏干茧。

    But even this happy man had one sorrow : he was short of dry cocoons .

  8. 用氟污染桑叶饲养蚕对干茧和丝质量影响的研究

    Effects of feeding with f · contaminated mulberry leaves on quality of dry cocoon and silk

  9. 丝棉及丝棉制品制造销售;干茧及丝副产品、板栗、油料作物、中药材购销。

    Simian and Simian products manufacturing sales ; Dried and silk products , Chinese chestnut , oil-bearing crops , medicines procurement .

  10. 系统管理的实践&茧丝绸一条龙湿热处理干茧问题的研究

    A Practice of Systematic Management & A Coordinated Processing of Cocoons , Silk and Fabrics A Study on Wet Heat Pretreatment of Dried Cocoons

  11. 采用该方法在蚕茧适干时的温度比传统的茧灶干茧法稍低,且外界温度的高低直接影响茧层内的温度高低,从而影响烘茧时间的长短。

    Thus it was used to dry silkworm cocoon with lower temperate and the time is longer than that of the traditional drying cocoon method .

  12. 他实在并没负债,虽然有押款十多万压在他背上,他不是现存着二百包粗细厂丝和大量的干茧么?

    Though his debts amounted to over a hundred thousand dollars , he had in hand two hundred bales of fine and coarse silk and a large stock of cocoons .

  13. 由于远红外线直接穿透茧层干燥蛹体,所以不损伤茧丝品质,干茧解舒率可提高4.46个百分点。

    The far-infrared ray is pierced through the cocoon shell directly to dry the pupa body , without damaging quality of cocoon filament . So it improves the cocoon silk quality .

  14. 比较了桑蚕茧鲜茧检定与干茧检验在样茧抽取、茧质分级标准、检验设备和工艺条件、解舒检验计算方法上的不同点。

    Fresh mulberry cocoons test and dried cocoons inspection are compared in respects of different cocoon sampling , classification standards , testing appliances , technical conditions , inspection and calculation of reelability .

  15. 我们八个厂顶得的五十多万,全做了空头了;我又是干茧存丝那两项搁浅了将近二十万;

    The five hundred thousand dollars we got for the factories is all tied up in bonds , and I have about two hundred thousand more locked up in cocoons and unsold silk .

  16. 文中介绍了其中的收烘工作准备、鲜茧收购、鲜茧处理、蚕茧干燥、干茧处理、考核评比办法等内容。

    In the paper , it is introduced the preparation for purchasing and drying , fresh cocoons purchasing and treatment , cocoons drying , dried cocoons treatment and assessment & evaluation methods and so on .

  17. 而同一品种内雌雄茧和鲜干茧之间的茧层丝胶含量则没有明显差异。

    The results showed that there were obvious difference in sericin content of different variety , but no difference were found among female and male cocoons , fresh and dry cocoons of the same variety .