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ɡān chénɡ
  • Gancheng;shield and city wall—defending army ;defender
干城 [gān chéng]
  • [soldiers defending country] 盾牌和城墙。比喻捍卫者

  • 赳赳武夫,公侯干城。--《诗.周南.兔罝》

  • 今夫佩虎符、坐皋比者,洸洸乎干城之具也,果能授孙、 吴之略耶?-- 明. 刘基《卖柑者言》

  1. 他于1955年带队首攀世界第三高峰——干城章嘉峰。

    In 1955 he led the first ascent of Kangchenjunga , the world 's third highest mountain .

  2. 所以,去年9月,当尼泊尔文化旅游民航部一个小组委员会建议尼泊尔今年把干城章嘉(Kanchenjunga)的群峰再向游客开放165座(其中有13座都在海拔23000英尺以上)时,整个世界的登山爱好者一片沸腾。

    So when a Ministry of Culture , Tourism and Civil Aviation subcommittee recommended last September that Nepal allow access to 165 new peaks in the Kanchenjunga massif this year - 13 of them above 23000 feet - the world 's mountaineering community was aflutter .