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chī cù
  • be jealous;be jealous of a rival in love
吃醋 [chī cù]
  • [be jealous of a rival in love] 妒忌

  • 你吃醋了

吃醋[chī cù]
  1. 你以为最酸的感觉是吃醋吗?

    Do you think that the sourest feeling is to be jealous ?

  2. 不是的,最酸溜溜的感觉是没权吃醋,根本就轮不到你吃醋,那才是最酸最酸的。

    No , the sourestthing is that you have no rights to be jealous . That 's the sourest thing .

  3. 我试演一个喜欢吃醋的女友角色。

    I was auditioning for the part of a jealous girlfriend

  4. 丹尼很爱吃醋,对我的占有欲很强。

    Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me

  5. 我的女友说我太爱吃醋。

    My girlfriend says I 'm too jealous .

  6. 当他发现她爱别人的时候,他吃醋了。

    He was jealous when he discovered that she loved someone else .

  7. 他那样做是出于吃醋。

    He acted out of jealousy .

  8. 我觉得Clifford有点吃醋了。

    I think Clifford is a little jealous .

  9. 有消息告诉GOSSIP网站她不否认她和哈利的绯闻的报道是因为她想让康纳吃醋。

    A source told gossip website ' She isn 't denying in any way the reports of the people talking about her having a relationship with Harry because she wants to make Conor jealous . '

  10. 如果你吃醋,她说这是不对的。

    If you are jealous , she says it 's bad .

  11. 我不会让你无缘无故地吃醋的。

    I won 't let you feel jealous without any reason .

  12. 吃醋吧,你太狭隘;

    If you are jealous , she says you are narrow ;

  13. 我可没这么说你没在吃醋吗

    I didn 't say that . You 're not jealous ?

  14. 表达我爱你,那就别吃醋。

    To say I love you , let go of jealousy .

  15. 为什么你不会为我吃醋?

    And why haven 't you ever been jealous about me ?

  16. 我和别的男孩说话男友就会吃醋。

    My bf gets jealous when I talk o other boys .

  17. 噢,亲爱的,不要吃醋嘛。

    Wife : Oh , honey , don 't be jealous .

  18. 我不是吃醋艾米莉我感到恶心

    I 'm not jealous , Emily . I 'm disgusted .

  19. 每当别的女人看着自己的男朋友,安娜总会吃醋。

    Anna feels jealous every time another woman looks at her boyfriend .

  20. 我会吃醋表示我恋爱了。

    If I 'm jealous , that means I 'm in love .

  21. 假如你吃醋,她会说那样是不对的。

    If you are not jealous , IT says it 's bad .

  22. 男人不一定会喝酒,但一定爱吃醋。

    Men may not drink , but must be jealous .

  23. 要不是我爱吃醋,准把你骗了。

    I could have fooled you if I weren 't so jealous !

  24. 玛丽安小姐别想独霸所有的男人。她若是不当心,布兰登会吃醋的。

    Brandon will be jealous , if she does not take care .

  25. 我为什么要吃醋我们又没在一起

    Why would I be ? We 're not dating .

  26. 我才不会因为这个吃醋呢。

    You know that I don 't get jealous over stuff like that .

  27. 我希望你经常为我吃醋;

    I hope you will always envy for me ;

  28. 可是如果你完全不吃醋,她又会认为你根本不爱她。

    If you don 't , she thinks you do not love her .

  29. 一旦看到所爱的人跟他人讲话,爱吃醋的恋人便醋意大发。

    They are jealous any time their loved one talks to another person .

  30. 你带我来是为了让他吃醋。

    You brought me here to make him jealous .