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  1. 兔抗脱氢表雄酮抗体的鉴定及脱氢表雄酮在人胎盘的定位

    Identify of Rabbit anti DHEA antibody and localization of DHEA in human placenta

  2. 利用15肽随机肽库确定抗TNF单抗表位的研究

    Identifying Epitope of Monoclonal Antibody with Phage displayed Random Peptide Library

  3. 抗-HCV多表位抗体在检测HCV抗原中的应用

    Application of HCV Multi-epitope Antibody in Test for HCV Antigen

  4. 抗SSA/Ro60kDa抗原表位特异性单克隆抗体的表达和致病机制的研究

    Expression and Pathogenesis of the Monoclonal Antibodies Against SSA / Ro60kDa Antigen Epitopes

  5. 抗血吸虫成虫表膜抗原单克隆抗体检测循环抗原及/或免疫复合物的实验研究

    Detection of circulating antigen and / or antigen-antibody complex by using McAb against surface membrane antigen of adult Schistosoma japonicum

  6. 利用噬菌体随机肽库技术分析丙肝患者血清中抗HCV抗体的表位

    Epitope mapping of anti-HCV antibodies from patients serum

  7. 详述了RSA算法,给出了RSA加解密的算法以及它的抗攻击能力分析表,而且总结了常见的攻击方式,最后分析了在实际应用中存在的一些弊端。

    It is explicated the theory of RSA , and presented the RSA algorithms . Also , it is analysed RSA 's ability against attack , and summarized the ordinary ways of attack . Finally , it is explored the flaws of RSA system in practical use .

  8. 短期局部应用抗青光眼药物对眼表影响的前瞻陛研究

    Prospective study of adverse effects induced by short-term topical antiglaucomatous treatment on ocular surface

  9. 抗伊氏锥虫表膜单克隆抗体的研究Ⅰ.杂交瘤细胞株的建立与鉴定

    Studies on Monoclonal Antibodies ( McAbs ) against the Coat Antigens of Trypanosoma Evansi ⅰ . Establishment and Identification of the Hybridoma Cell Lines

  10. 中药的抑菌特性及细菌对中药的抗药性研究解表药药性与挥发油成分相关性研究

    The Inhibitory Characteristic of Chinese Herb Medicines and the Bacterial Resistant Characteristic to Them Correlation between properties of exterior-releasing herbs and their volatile constituents

  11. 结论抗流感颗粒剂治疗表寒里热证流感疗效显著,安全可靠。

    Conclusion : The effect of Anti - Influenza Drug Granules in treating influenza , the Pattern of Syndrome Cold in the Exterior and heat in the Interior is significant , and it is safe and reliable .

  12. 目的通过对长期滴用抗青光眼药物患者的症状、眼部检查、实验室指标的分析,了解抗青光眼药物对眼表结构的影响,并对引起眼表结构改变的机理进行分析和探讨。

    Objective By analyzing the symptoms , results of ocular examination and laboratory guideline to the patients with long-term treatment using the antiglaucomatous drug , we understand the influence of the antiglaucomatous eyedrops on oculofacial structure .