
  • 网络antiplatelet drugs;antiplatelet agent;antiplatelet
  1. 对于不能耐受阿司匹林或出现阿司匹林抵抗的患者,应选择ADP受体拮抗剂氯吡格雷或其他抗血小板药治疗。

    For patients who cannot tolerate aspirin or in whom it has not been effective , adenosine diphosphate ( ADP ) receptor antagonists , such as clopidogrel or other antiplatelet drugs should be used instead .

  2. 抗血小板药在治疗长期留置血液透析导管晚期功能不良中的应用

    Using antiplatelet drugs in the treatment of long-term indwelling catheters developing into late dysfunction

  3. GPⅡb/Ⅲa受体拮抗剂是一类新的非常有前途的抗血小板药。

    And the GP ⅱ b / ⅲ a receptor antagonist is a novel kind of promising antiplatelet drug .

  4. 手术前、后不用抗血小板药和抗凝药,术后6mo冠状动脉造影并处死犬,切取靶血管3cm进行组织病理学检查。

    All the dogs did not take any antiplatelet and anticoagulant before and after the operation . 6 months later 20 dogs underwent coronary angiography , then put to death and 3 cm target vessel was taken from each dog for pathological examinations .

  5. 5种抗血小板药对大鼠肝酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ的影响

    Effects of five antiplatelet agents on casein kinase ⅱ from rat liver

  6. 新型抗血小板药氯吡格雷研究进展

    Research Progress of a New Antiplatelet Agent & Clopidogrel

  7. 阿司匹林抵抗人群或对阿司匹林不能耐受者,可改用其他抗血小板药。

    In populations who are aspirin-resistance or do not tolerate it , can use other antiplatelet agents .

  8. 他汀类与抗血小板药联合用药对缺血性脑血管病患者颈动脉粥样硬化的干预作用

    Efficacy of intervention with statins and antiplatelet drugs for carotid arteriosclerosis in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular diseases

  9. 抗血小板药在缺血性卒中防治中的作用已得到公认。

    The roles of antiplatelet agents in the prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke has been well accepted .

  10. 研究前两周及观察期间停用其他各种降压药,抗凝药及抗血小板药。

    Other antihypertensive agents , anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents were discontinued 2 weeks before and throughout the observation period .

  11. 重点介绍抗血栓药,包括溶栓药、抗凝药及抗血小板药在目前临床应用的情况;

    The application of antithrombotic drugs , including thrombolytics , anticoagulants and antiplatelets , in clinical therapy are mainly evaluated .

  12. 目的:探讨钙离子拮抗剂氟桂利嗪与抗血小板药阿司匹林联合应用治疗偏头痛性脑梗死的临床疗效。

    AIM : To explore the therapeutic effects of flunarizine combined with aspirin in the treatment of migrainous cerebral infaction .

  13. 文章主要探讨抗血小板药的临床应用、最佳剂量以及抗血小板药与其他干预手段的联合应用。

    This article mainly discusses the clinical application and optimal dosage of the antiplatelet agent and its combination with other interventions .

  14. 在易血栓形成的高危人群中,抗血小板药有抗凝作用,长期低剂量使用可能可以预防心脏事件和血栓形成。

    Anti-platelet drugs have an " anti-clotting " effect and long-term low doses may prevent heart attacks and blood clot formation in people at high risk for developing blood clots .

  15. 巴曲酶联合抗血小板聚集药治疗急性脑梗死的疗效观察

    Efficacy of treating acute cerebral infarction by Batroxobin combined with Aspirin

  16. 不同的抗血小板药物对PLA形成的影响有所差异,监测PLA有助于指导抗血小板药的临床应用和筛选。

    The PLA formation is affected variously by various antiplatelet agents . Monitoring of PLA formation is helpful in guiding the clinical use and selection of antiplatelet agents .