
  1. 官地贫瘦煤作为高炉喷吹煤的研究

    Research on Guandi meager lean coal as blast furnace PCI coal

  2. 首钢高炉喷吹煤种优化研究

    Research on Optimization of Injection Coal Species at the Shougang BF

  3. 高炉喷吹煤和废塑料混合燃料的可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on Injecting Coal Powders and Waste Plastics Blends in BF

  4. 贫煤、贫瘦煤用作高炉喷吹煤的可行性研究

    Feasibility study on blast furnace blowing with meagre coal and meagre lean coal

  5. 添加剂对高炉喷吹煤燃烧性能的影响

    Additives Affected to Coal Combustion Performances of Blast-Furnace Blow

  6. 在5号高炉喷吹煤中添加0.6%燃煤助燃剂的试验

    Test of Adding 0.6 % Coal Accelerant into Pulverized Coal for No.5 Blast Furnace

  7. 2001&2003年,首钢高炉喷吹煤种优化的工业试验获得成功,实现了混煤喷吹及煤比提高,取得了较好的技术经济指标,并验证了实验室的研究结论。

    The Shougang successfully went along the industry experiment of the optimization of injection coal species in 2001-2003.It realized mixed coal injection in BF and higher coal rate , resulting in good technical and economical index .

  8. 介绍了利用差热分析天平,采用程序升温法对高炉喷吹煤在不同升温速率和空气流量下的燃烧性能进行的实验,分析了升温速率和空气流量对失重率和燃烧特征温度的影响。

    Through experiments of changing the inlet air flow rate , we can adjust the hot air outlet temperature as high as possible , which helps to reduce the heat loss and improve the collector efficiency .

  9. 以国内某钢铁公司的炼铁原料为基础,进行了高炉喷吹煤与废塑料条件下的矿石低温还原粉化性能研究。

    Based on the material of iron in some iron and steel companies , the low temperature reduction degradation of iron ore in the condition of injecting blends of coal and waste plastic in BF is studied .

  10. 高炉喷吹混合煤实验

    A laboratory study on injection of coal blend in blast furnace

  11. 高炉喷吹用煤的质量要求与发展趋势

    Coal quality requirements by coal blast furnace and relevant development trends

  12. 高炉喷吹用煤的选择及经济性评价

    Selection and evaluation of economical efficiency of coal injected into BF

  13. 高炉喷吹粒煤技术

    Granular coal injection technology for blast furnace

  14. 2号高炉喷吹用煤的选择

    A Selection of the Coal Applicable to the Pulverized Coal Injection System of No.2 BF

  15. 攀钢高炉喷吹混合煤的工业性试验

    An industrial-scale experiment upon injection of mixing pulverized coals into blast furnace at PZH Steel

  16. 针对安钢高炉喷吹用煤现状,通过对煤粉添加氧化镁混合喷吹进行了试验。

    Compound injection charged with magnesium oxide in coal powder was tested based on the current coal powder injection situation .

  17. 介绍了英法两国高炉喷吹粒煤技术的工艺流程特点和操作结果,该技术具有投资少、电耗低、结构紧凑、操作安全稳定的特点。

    This paper introduces the process features and operation results of the granular coal injection into blast furnace in England and France .

  18. 结果证实,黄陵弱粘煤具有许多优点,完全满足高炉喷吹用煤的基本要求;

    The results demonstrated that Huangling slightly-caking coal has a number of advantages and therefore fully meets the basic requirements of coals used for blast furnace injection .

  19. 利用煤粉燃烧性能检测实验装置,研究了高炉喷吹用煤中添加褐煤对煤粉燃烧性能的影响。

    Influence of brown coal adding in coal blowing into BF on burn properties of pulverized coal is studied by the experimental device detecting pulverized coal burn properties .

  20. 在实验室研究以及工业试验的基础上,包钢从1994年6月起开始在3座高炉喷吹混合煤,烟煤配比保持在15%~20%。

    The pulverized coal injection with the addition of bituminous coal was started on three BFs at Baotou Iron 8V-Steel Co-on the basis of bench-scale test and industrial-scale experiment in June , 1994.The proportional ratio of bituminous coal is in 15 % ~ 20 % .

  21. 高炉喷吹煤粉的煤种及粒径研究

    Rank and particle size of coal for BF injection use

  22. 在研究未燃煤粉、焦炭反应性的基础上,通过未燃煤粉、焦炭与CO2的共同反应试验,进一步研究了高炉喷吹高反应性煤对焦炭高温性能的影响。

    On the basis of studying the reactivity of unburned coal and coke , The effect of unburned coal reactivity on thermal property of different cokes was investigated through the experiment of carbon dioxide reaction with coke and high reactivity coal .

  23. 高炉喷吹高反应性煤对焦炭高温性能的影响

    Effect of blast furnace coal injection on thermal property of coke

  24. 高炉喷吹黄陵弱粘煤的原煤特性的研究

    Study of Raw Coal Characteristics of Huangling Slightly-Caking Coal for Blast Furnace Injection

  25. 本文归纳了国内炼铁工作者关于高炉喷吹烟无混合煤的试验结果和生产经验。

    This article concludes the test result and production experience of the internal puddler aboutinjecting the bituminous and anthracite mixed coal .

  26. 认为高炉喷吹烟无混合煤的综合效果优于喷吹单一煤种,关键是安全保障问题。

    Consider that the all of effects on injecting the single coal . but , there is a major problem on the safeguard .