
  • 网络High Altitude Pulmonary Edema;hApe
  1. 对于高原肺水肿,CT诊断的准确率达100%。

    The accuracy of CT diagnosis in HAPE was 100 % .

  2. 目的:探讨心功能改变在高原肺水肿患者发病中的作用。

    To explore the effects of changes of cardiac function on HAPE .

  3. 高原肺水肿CT影像及病理对照

    Comparative study of CT radiopathology of high altitude pulmonary edema

  4. 高原肺水肿;线粒体DNA;单核苷酸多态性;基因型;

    High altitude pulmonary edema ; Mitochondrial DNA ; Single nucleotide polymorphism ; Genotype ;

  5. 血浆GMP-140变化与高原肺水肿的关系探讨

    The relationship between plasma GMP-140 levels and the occurrence of HAPE

  6. 低氧和去铁胺习服对高原肺水肿大鼠的影响及HIF-1表达的研究

    Effect of Hypoxic Preconditioning or Desferrioxamine Preconditioning on High Altitude Pulmonary Edema and on HIF-1 Expression in Rats

  7. 1研究背景高原肺水肿(Highaltitudepulmonaryedema,HAPE)是人体在进入高原环境后缺乏适应的情况下,发生的一种以肺动脉血管相关病变为主要特征的疾病。

    Background : High altitude pulmonary edema ( HAPE ) is a kind of disease featuring in pathological changes of pulmonary artery caused by the lacking of adaptability when people enter plateau circumstance .

  8. 提示:HFJV是抢救危重型高原肺水肿最有效的方法。

    This paper also points out the HFJV is an efficient way to save serious HAPE patients .

  9. 另外,4h间断供给含氧35%气体同样可以有效预防大鼠在6000m出现的高原肺水肿。

    In addition , intermittent supplying of 35 % oxygen every 4h could prevent the HAPE of rat effectively as well .

  10. 目的评估抗胆碱药对高原肺水肿(HAPE)的临床疗效及探讨其作用机制。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical effects and mechanism of anticholinergics in treating high altitude pulmonary edema ( HAPE ) .

  11. 高原肺水肿(Highaltitudepulmonaryedema,HAPE)是一种严重危及生命的急性高原病,常发生于平原初入或再入高原者,多见于海拔3000m以上地区。

    High altitude pulmonary edema ( HAPE ) is a life-threatening acute mountain sickness of rapid ascents of altitude higher than 3000 m. HAPE typically occurs in the first 2-4 days after arrival at high altitude .

  12. 目的观察高原肺水肿(HAPE)患者血浆纤溶系统的变化及卡托普利对其的影响,探讨其发病机制。

    Objective To investigate the changes of plasma fibrinolysis system and the effect of captopril in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema .

  13. 血管紧张素转换酶基因、血管紧张素原基因M235T变异与高原肺水肿的关系

    Analysis of Association of Polymorphisms of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene and Angiotensinogen Gene with High Altitude Pulmonary Edema

  14. 山莨菪碱(Anisodamine,Ani)作为治疗微循环障碍的基本药物,近年来在临床被广泛使用,如用于治疗消化性溃疡、急性高原肺水肿、偏头痛、结核性渗出性胸膜炎、糖尿病等。

    As a basic drug to treat microcirculatory disturbance , anisodamine ( Ani ) has been widely used , for example , to treat peptic ulcer , acute high altitude pulmonary edema , migraine , diabetic neuropathy , tuberculous pleurisy etc.

  15. 目的:探索高原肺水肿(HAPE)血浆C型钠尿肽(CNP)、醛固酮(ALD)和血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的变化及意义。

    Objective : To explore the change and significance of plasma Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor ( VEGF ) Aldostcronc ( ALD ) and C-type natriuretic peptide ( CNP ) level in patients suffering from primary and recurrent High Altitude Pulmonary Edema ( pHAPE and rHAPE ) .

  16. 急性高原肺水肿22例回顾性分析

    Retrospective analysis of 22 cases of acute high altitude pulmonary edema

  17. 抗胆碱药治疗高原肺水肿患者的临床研究

    Study on anticholinergics for the treatment of high altitude pulmonary edema

  18. 体液免疫反应在高原肺水肿发病机理中所起作用的研究

    Role of humoral immune reaction in pathogenesis of hich altitude pulmonary edema

  19. 高频喷射通气对危重型高原肺水肿的治疗作用

    Treatment of serious high altitude pulmonary edema with high frequency jet ventilation

  20. 急性高原肺水肿116例胸部X线片分析

    Analysis of 116 X-ray slices of acute high-altitude pulmonary edema

  21. 高原肺水肿动物模型复制及发病机制研究

    The HAPE Animal Model Establishment and the Its Mechanism Studies

  22. B型高原肺水肿

    Type B of high altitude pulmonary edema the center of mountain sickness

  23. 高原肺水肿患者血清内源性洋地黄因子的变化及其意义

    Clinical significance of changes of serum endogenous digitalis ─ like

  24. 高原肺水肿X线表现与其意义

    The significance of χ - ray manifestation of high altitude pulmonary edema

  25. 高原肺水肿814例X线分型的研究

    Study of X-ray type division on 814 cases of high altitude pulmonary edema

  26. 氨茶碱及硝苯吡啶治疗高原肺水肿效果观察

    Hemodynamic effects of aminophylline and nifedipine in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema

  27. 高原肺水肿患者凝血纤溶系统的变化

    Changes of the fibrinolysis coagulation system in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema

  28. 高原肺水肿患者血清肌钙蛋白T研究

    Research of serum cardiac troponin T in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema

  29. NO吸入降低高原肺水肿患者肺动脉高压的动态观察

    Nitric oxide inhalation reduces pulmonary hypertension in patients with high altitude pulmonary edema

  30. 目的:分析急性高原肺水肿的X线表现。

    Objective : Analyze the expression of X-ray of acute high-altitude pulmonary edema .