
  • 网络Zhuang medicine
  1. 2002年秋季,经广西壮族自治区教育厅批准,广西中医学院开始招收首批中医学专业壮医方向五年制本科生。

    In2002 , approved by the Education Department of Guangxi government , GXTCMU began to enroll undergraduates of Zhuang Medicine with a training duration of five years .

  2. 壮医药线点灸疗法是壮医常用的外治法。

    Zhuang medicine medicated thread moxibustion is a commonly used external treatment in Zhinese Medicine .

  3. 壮医皮肤针治疗丹毒局部皮肤硬肿疗效观察

    Observations on the Efficacy of Zhuang Medical Skin Acupuncture in Treating Local Erysipelatous Hard Swelling