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zhuàng shì
  • heroic man;hero;warrior;vigorous man
壮士 [zhuàng shì]
  • [heroic man;vigorous man] 勇士,心雄胆壮的人;意气豪壮而勇敢的人

  • 壮士十年归。--《乐府麻集.木兰诗》

  • 壮士不死。--《史记.陈涉世家》

  • 田横齐之壮士。--《资治通鉴》

  • 壮士从之。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

壮士[zhuàng shì]
  1. 壮士一去不复还。

    The heroic man won 't return after he 's gone .

  2. 贝尔实验室的壮士们(绝大多数科学家为男性)在乔格特尼(jongertner)的著作《创意工厂》里被描写得栩栩如生书中叙述了这个世人所知最具影响力的“企业科研”实验室的精彩历史。

    The men of Bell Labs ( the scientists were overwhelmingly male ) are brought to life by Jon gertner in " the idea factory " , his wonderful history of the most influential corporate-research lab the world has seen .

  3. 他爸爸取名的寓意就是成为天下壮士。

    His father named him to become a ssireum player .

  4. 红色故土长眠千万壮士英豪。

    The red land with thousand of heroes sleeping in .

  5. 壮士如急流,勇往不回首。

    Ambition like a torrent never looks back .

  6. 必先摆捆住那壮士,才可以抢夺他的家。

    Then he can rob his house .

  7. 壮士披挂整齐,看守自己的住宅,他所有的都平安无事。

    When the strong man armed keeps watch over his house , then his goods are safe .

  8. 为了展现勇猛豪迈的北方壮士

    To meet those fearsome northerners

  9. 你的壮士为何仆倒?他站立不住,因为耶和华将他推倒了。

    Why are your mighty men prostrate ? He does not stand , because Jehovah has cast him down .

  10. 你的壮士为何被冲去呢。他们站立不住、因为耶和华驱逐他们。

    Why will your warriors be laid low ? They cannot stand , for the Lord will push them down .

  11. 风萧萧,江水寒,壮士一去不复返。

    10th , Meng Xiangbin The wind whinny , the river water is cold , the brave soldier never to returns .

  12. 琵琶曲《狼牙山五壮士》是二十世纪六十年代创作的战争题材的琵琶独奏作品。

    The solo " Langya Five Heroes " for Pipa was written in the 1960s . It reflects the theme of war .

  13. 他的儿子示玛雅有几个儿子,都是大能的壮士,掌管父亲的家。

    Also unto Shemaiah his son were sons born , that ruled throughout the house of their father : for they were mighty men of valour .

  14. 但愿这种让“壮士扼腕”的事情不要再发生,我们永远也不愿看到丛飞眼角那滴英雄泪。

    Hopefully , this let the " heroes Ewan " things do not happen again , we never want to see that Cong Fei eye drops hero tears .

  15. 又吩咐他军中的几个壮士,将沙得拉,米煞,亚伯尼歌捆起来,扔在烈火的窑中。

    And he gave orders to certain strong men in his army to put cords on shadrach , Meshach and Abed-nego and put them into the burning and flaming fire .

  16. 这都是俄别以东的子孙,他们和他们的儿子并弟兄,都是善于办事的壮士。俄别以东的子孙共六十二人。

    All these were descendants of Obed-Edom ; they and their sons and their relatives were capable men with the strength to do the work-descendants of Obed-Edom , 62 in all .

  17. 太12:29人怎能进壮士家里、夺他的家具呢、非先捆住那壮士、可以抢夺他的家财。

    Or how can anyone enter the strong man 's house and carry off his property , unless he first binds the strong man And then he will plunder his house .

  18. 希伯伦族有哈沙比雅和他弟兄一千七百人,都是壮士,在约旦河西,以色列地办理耶和华与王的事。

    From the Hebronites : Hashabiah and his relatives-seventeen hundred able men-were responsible in Israel west of the Jordan for all the work of the LORD and for the king 's service .

  19. 地上的君王,臣宰,将军,富户,壮士,和一切为奴的,自主的,都藏在山洞,和岩石穴里。

    Then the kings of the earth , the princes , the generals , the rich , the mighty , and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains .

  20. 此时山西省委省政府以壮士断臂的决心,推进煤炭企业重组,坚决淘汰落后产能,山西煤炭企业也在重新思考煤炭企业的发展方向和发展路径。

    Shanxi provincial government at this time to " Heroes Brokeback ," the determination to promote the restructuring of coal enterprises , resolutely eliminate backward production capacity , Shanxi coal companies are rethinking the direction of development of coal enterprises and the development path .