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  • Aphrodisiac;medea
  1. 壮阳药与补血药中微量元素比例关系的测定与分析

    Determination and Analysis of Trace Element Proportional Relationship in Medea and Hematinic

  2. 你吃了多少壮阳药,先生?

    How much of the medicine have you taken , sir ?

  3. 牡蛎常被当作壮阳药。

    Oysters are commonly thought to be an aphrodisiac .

  4. 吃壮阳药有什么危害?

    Eat Zhuang Yang medicine what to is endangered ?

  5. 目的:建立测定补肾壮阳药中枸橼酸西地那非含量的方法。

    Objective : To set up a practical method for determination of sildenafil citrate in invigorant .

  6. 在实际上是中药店的动物展览中,最引人注目的总是壮阳药柜台。

    The aphrodisiac counter is always the most arresting section in the menageries that are Chinese medicine shops .

  7. 美联社称尚无死亡病例的报道,但纯天然壮阳药已经导致大量病人到急诊室就诊。

    No deaths have been reported , yet all-natural sex pills have caused numerous emergency room visits , the AP notes .

  8. 那些更喜欢传统的中国壮阳药,比如穿山甲鳞片或虎鞭的人,是否会被市场上新的金戈征服,有待时间证明。

    Time will tell if those who prefer traditional Chinese medicine virility treatments such as pangolin scales or tiger penis will be swayed by the new Golden Dagger-Ax on the market .

  9. 老年人更容易出现心脏或血压的问题以及勃起功能障碍,他们和很多人一样,深受草本壮阳药不可预料的副作用之苦。

    Older men , more likely to have heart or blood pressure problems as well as erectile dysfunctions , are not the only ones that suffer unanticipated side effects of herbal pills .

  10. 这是一种寄生真菌,由蝠蛾幼虫的头部形成,这种幼虫生活在海拔3000多米的高原土壤中。虫草被用作壮阳药至少有1000年了,它拥有“喜马拉雅伟哥”的别名。

    A parasitic fungus , it forms out of the head of ghost moth larvae living in the soil at altitudes above 10000 feet , and has been used as an aphrodisiac for at least a thousand years , earning it the nickname Himalayan Viagra .