
zhuànɡ yǔ
  • Zhuang language
壮语 [zhuàng yǔ]
  • [Zhuang language] 中国壮族语言。属汉藏语系壮侗语族壮傣语支

  1. 浅析壮语在英语习得中的正迁移

    On the positive migration of the Zhuang language in the course of learning english

  2. 首先简要介绍忻城壮语句末语气词,归纳其特点,然后与西双版纳傣语比较二者之间句末语气词的异同。

    First , introduces the sentence-final modal particles of Xinchen Zhuang language briefly , then concludes its characteristics .

  3. 基于GIS的广西壮语地名空间分布和历史变迁研究

    Using GIS to Study the Spatial Distribution and Historical Changes of Zhuang Toponomy in Guangxi

  4. 通过对英语和壮语中狗习语的概念隐喻的观察及参考Lakoff和K?

    Based on the observation of the linguistic data in this thesis and with reference to Lakoff and K ?

  5. 第五章壮语四音格中的壮族文化。

    The fifth chapter , culture of Zhuang in Zhuang tetrasyllable .

  6. 壮语通用词汇中的动物名词音义关系考察

    Pronunciation and Acceptation of Animal Nouns in Universal Vocabulary of Zhuang Language

  7. 都安瑶族自治县下坳乡下坳村壮语濒危现象探析

    Zhuang Languages Endangered Situation of the Xia'ao Village Du'an Yao Autonomous County

  8. 壮语语调和英语语调对比分析

    Contrastive Analysis of Tone in Zhuang and Intonation in English

  9. 第四章壮语四音格的语法特点。

    The fourth chapter , sound grammar features of the Zhuang tetrasyllable .

  10. 壮语量词的语法双重性

    Grammatical Double Characters of the Classifier in Zhuang Language

  11. 壮语汉借词的词义和语法意义变异

    The Meaning and Grammatical Variation of Chinese Loan Words in the Zhuang Language

  12. 壮语西阳话形容词的使动用法

    Causative Usage of Adjectives in Xiyang Speech Zhuang Language

  13. 其他还有使用彝族语,壮语,瑶族语,吉尔吉斯语,和乌兹别克语。

    Others used include Yi , Zhuang , Yao , Kyrgyz , and Uzbek .

  14. 第四章分析了壮语述补结构的语法形式。

    Chapter 4 concentrates on grammatical forms of the verb-complement structure of Zhuang language .

  15. 盘古是壮语“盘勾”的汉字记音。

    Pangu is the phonetic notation of Chinese characters to " Pangou " of Zhuang language .

  16. 第六章是动词性形态,详细的描写了马山壮语比较典型的十种体标记。

    Chapter six is about verb class , describes ten typical aspect marking of MaShan Zhuang .

  17. 钦州壮语hai~(11)的词汇意义和语法功能

    The Lexical Meanings and Grammatical Functions of hai ~ ( 11 ) in Qinzhou Zhuang Dialect

  18. 数词是壮语和泰语差别较大的一个词类。

    The numeral is a part of speech which has great difference in Zhuang and Thai language .

  19. 阿信很支持我们的项目,也给我们一些相关的壮语音乐和视频。

    Xiaoaxin very supportive of our project , but also give us some of the Zhuang-related music and video .

  20. 被试是掌握了一位汉语、英语和壮语数字词的壮族大学生。

    The participants in current research are Zhuang university student who master Chinese , English and Zhuang number words .

  21. 内容涵盖了柳江壮语语法的主要方面,又重点突出具有代表性的语法现象。

    The content has covered LiuJiang Zhuang grammar major aspects , also key has the representative grammar phenomenon prominently .

  22. 隆安壮语pai~(24)的语法功能分析

    On the Grammatical Functions of the Word " pai ~ ( 24 )"( go ) in Long'an Zhuang Language

  23. 空间的概念化手段使得靖西壮语特殊的方位意义整合形式得以实现。

    It is the spatial conceptualization method that realizes the special meaning blending of location in Jingxi 's Zhuan language .

  24. 壮语中古汉语借词及汉越语与平话的关系

    Middle Ancient Times Chinese Loanwords in Zhuang Language and Original Relationship between Chinese Loanwords in Vietnamese and Ping Dialect of Chinese

  25. 这部分词语为傣语所独有,而在壮语、布依语等同语族语言中是没有的。

    Those words are unique in Dai language and are not found in Zhuang or Buyi of the same language group .

  26. 壮语地名命名法的特点&壮语地名的语言文化研究之三

    Characteristics on Nomenclature of Zhuang 's Placename & Part ⅲ of Research on Language Culture of Placename of Zhuang 's Language

  27. 在壮语区的地名中,保留着大量的古越语(古壮语)的成分。

    In the Zhuang-spoken areas , have considerable elements of the ancient Yue nationality or the ancient language of Zhuang been retained .

  28. 通过初步的语音合成实验证明,本文所建立的标准壮语单音节、双音节基频曲线模型是有效的、可行的。

    Four , the experiments of parameter synthesis show that this F0 contour model can be used to synthesize monosyllables and disyllables effectively .

  29. 第二章是音系,描写了马山壮语的辅音、元音、声调及音节类型。

    Chapter two is the phonological system , describes the consonants , vowels , tonic types and syllable type of the MaShan Zhuang .

  30. 但壮语述补结构的研究多是语法层面的共时描写,研究有待深化。

    However , most of the research on verb-complement structure of Zhuang language is synchronically described in grammar , further research is badly needed .