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  • 网络Sui language;swi
  1. 论水语里的近、现代汉语借词

    Chinese Loanwords of Mandarin Layer in Sui Language

  2. 论水语声母~s->h-的历史音变

    On the Historical Sound Change ~ s - > h-in Shui Language

  3. 论壮傣侗水语古汉语借词的调类对应&兼论侗台语汉语的接触及其语源关系

    On the Correspondence of the Tones of Ancient Chinese Loanwords in Kam-Tai Languages

  4. 第一节是对介绍水语汉借词的借用方式和语义分类。

    The first section of the loan-words of Chinese ; introduced by the Sui of the loan term and semantic classification .

  5. 有时候当我去了个聚会,里头除我以外的所有人都在跳着最新的舞蹈,我觉得自己像离水之语一样不自在。

    Sometimes I feel like a fish out of water when I go to a party and everyone but me is doing the latest dance .