
shuǐ zú guǎn
  • aquarium
水族馆 [shuǐ zú guǎn]
  • [aquarium] 饲养和展出水生动、植物的场所

水族馆[shuǐ zú guǎn]
  1. 水族馆里有一些很有趣的罕见的热带鱼。

    The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish .

  2. 水族馆里有一些罕见的热带鱼,很有意思。

    The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish .

  3. 这些蜗牛原产自南美洲,由全球水产技术公司意外地带入了埃布罗河三角洲,该公司曾为淡水水族馆饲养这些蜗牛,却不慎让它们逃脱了。

    Originally from South America , the snails were accidentally introduced into the Ebro Delta by Global Aquatic Technologies , a company that raised the snails for fresh-water aquariums , but failed to prevent their escape .

  4. 星期五我们去了乔治亚水族馆,看到了世界各地不同种类的海洋生物。真的很酷!

    On Friday we went to the Georgia Aquarium and got to see different kinds of sea life from over the world . It was really cool !

  5. 谢徳水族馆的饲养员告诉Insider网站,尽管目前情况不明,但尽可能保证动物们的正常生活是非常重要的。

    Shedd 's zookeepers told Insider that , even during this time of uncertainty , it is important to keep things as normal as possible for the animals .

  6. 我第一次看见海豹是在水族馆里。

    The first time I saw seals was in an aquarium .

  7. 这个星期天,我要和父母一起到水族馆去。

    I 'm going to the aquarium with my parents this Sunday .

  8. 例句罗布本来面对鱼类不感兴趣,但去水族馆游玩的经历让他大开眼界。

    He didn 't think he would be interested in fish , but Rob found the trip to the aquarium1 a real eye-opener .

  9. 上周,芝加哥谢德水族馆因疫情闭馆,但这不意味着馆里的动物们也需要自我隔离。

    Shedd Aquarium to close its doors last week due to the coronavirus pandemic , but that doesn 't mean the animals have to self-quarantine .

  10. 周日,一只名为惠灵顿的跳岩企鹅来到了水族馆的亚马逊鱼类展区,很明显被这些鱼迷住了。

    Wellington , a rockhopper penguin , got to explore the aquarium 's " Amazon Rising " section on Sunday and was clearly fascinated by the fish .

  11. 爱德华和安妮下周将会共筑爱巢,谢徳水族馆将提供数字化展示,以供其他动物情侣观摩。

    Edward and Annie will begin building their nests next week , and Shedd Aquarium will be offering digital nesting coverage so that animal lovers can follow along .

  12. 如果不信,你可以问问“国际野生动物保护学会”(WildlifeConservationSociety),这个组织负责运营纽约市的动物园和水族馆。

    Just ask the Wildlife Conservation Society , the organization that runs New York City 's zoos and aquarium .

  13. 田纳西水族馆的PaulJohnson负责找出保护这些贻贝和使它们再生的方法。

    Paul Johnson with the Tennessee Aquarium has the task of figuring out how to preserve the mussels and help them reproduce .

  14. 这里有包括AlMaharba在内的9间特色餐厅,该餐厅四周有环形水族馆围绕,里面有很多色彩斑斓的鱼,甚至还有鲨鱼。

    The Burj hosts nine signature restaurants in total , including Al Maharba , which wraps around a circular aquarium filled with multitudes of colourful fish and even sharks .

  15. 在南非的一个水族馆里,有一只叫Dolly的小宽吻海豚。

    At an aquarium in South Africa was a little baby bottle-nosed dolphin named Dolly .

  16. SteveFeldman是马里兰州西尔弗斯普林动物园与水族馆协会的官员。

    Steve Feldman is an official with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums in Silver Spring , Maryland .

  17. 在加州的蒙特利湾水族馆,一群刺螫水母(seanettles)正演绎着婀娜多姿的水下芭蕾。

    Photograph by Peter Essick In the midst of an underwater ballet , a school of sea nettles drifts through California 's Monterey Bay Aquarium .

  18. 辛迪·帕辛(CindyPawlcyn),Napa,加利福尼亚州(经营MustardsGrill、Cindy’sBackStreetKitchen及蒙特瑞湾水族馆的Cindy’sWaterfront)

    Cindy Pawlcyn , Napa , Calif. ( Mustards Grill , Cindy 's Back Street Kitchen and Cindy 's Waterfront at the Monterey Bay Aquarium )

  19. 2009年,加利福尼亚州斯坦哈特水族馆(SteinhartAquarium)的蛇受到一种神秘病毒侵害,科学家从没见过这种病毒。

    In 2009 , snakes at the Steinhart Aquarium in California were hit with a mysterious virus that scientists had never seen before .

  20. 休斯顿商人TilmanFertitta正在运作在他位于该城市区的水族馆饭店中展示三只老虎。

    Houston businessman Tilman Fertitta is working to display three tigers at his Downtown Aquarium restaurant .

  21. 这真的是一个难以置信的故事,我完全没有猜到这两条金鱼竟然靠着自己存活了四个月。加利福尼亚蒙特利尔海湾水族馆馆长PaulClarkson说道,金鱼是很坚强的小生物。

    It 's certainly an incredible story . I wouldn 't have guessed that fish could survive on their own for four months , said Paul Clarkson , curator at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California .

  22. 以25尾人工繁殖中华鲟(Acipensersinensis)和1尾捕捞于长江宜昌江段的野生中华鲟为研究材料,对其在水族馆中的驯养方法进行了研究。

    25 artificially propagated Chinese sturgeons ( Acipenser sinensis ) of and 1 wild Chinese sturgeon caught in Yichang section of Yangtze River were used to carried on a research about domesticating method in the aquarium .

  23. 房地产开发商巴利摩(Ballymore)和EcoWorld耗费10亿英镑,使用20厘米厚的玻璃打造出这个更像水族馆而不是游泳池的项目。

    Developers Ballymore and Eco World , headed by Sean Mulryan , used glass that measures 20cm thick to build the pool in the £ 1 billion development to give an experience more akin to an aquarium than a pool .

  24. 摄影师HiroyaMinakuchi在日本岛根县水族馆用相机捕捉到了这一非凡的景象。

    The extraordinary spectacle was captured on camera by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi at the Shimane aquarium in Japan .

  25. 章鱼保罗出生于英格兰,但过去两年它一直生活在德国西部的一家水族馆。与它一起为英格兰申办助威的明星还包括球星大卫贝克汉姆和里奥费迪南德、F1赛手刘易斯汉密尔顿、歌手诺埃尔加拉格尔和斯汀。

    Paul , who was hatched in England but has spent the last two years in an aquarium in western Germany , joins footballers David Beckham and Rio Ferdinand , Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton and singers Noel Gallagher and Sting in backing the bid .

  26. 数十年以后,加拿大温哥华水族馆的看守人描述了一头白鲸好像发叫出了他的名字:lagosi。

    Decades later , keepers at the Vancouver Aquarium in Canada described a beluga that seemed to utter his name , lagosi .

  27. 善待动物组织声称,欣嘉的死是由于二月底,海洋世界将她的伙伴--一头叫雪花的母熊--送到了匹兹堡动物园及PPG水族馆进行繁殖。

    People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says that Szenja died because SeaWorld sent her " best friend " - another female polar bear named Snowflake - away to the Pittsburgh Zoo And PPG Aquarium for a breeding visit in late February .

  28. 摄影师HiroyaMinakuchi在日本岛根县水族馆用相机捕捉到了这一非凡的景象。今年58岁大阪摄影师是唯一一个被允许跟白鲸共泳的水族馆外人员。

    The extraordinary spectacle was captured on camera by photographer Hiroya Minakuchi at the Shimane aquarium in Japan . The 58-year-old , from Osaka , is the only person outside the aquarium who is allowed to dive with the belugas .

  29. 日本国水族馆海豚的饲养与繁殖技术

    Rearing and breeding technique for dolphins in the aquaria of Japan

  30. 该结果有助于水族馆内鲨鱼的疾病控制。

    The outcome can contribute to the control of shark disease .