
zì rán jǐnɡ xiànɡ
  • Natural Scenery;natural landscape
  1. 火山喷发是一种壮观的自然景象,其喷发类型多种多样。

    Volcano eruption is a magnificent natural landscape in earth .

  2. 对水的自然景象的观察与对水的细致感悟,产生了中国独特的水墨写意画,在西方绘画中则产生了意大利的威尼斯画派、法国的巴比松画派与印象派、英国的水彩画。

    With observance of natural landscape of water and careful sersation to it , unique Chinese wash painting arises is China and Italian Venace school , Franch Barbizon school , Impressionism and English watercolour painting avise in Eurspe art .

  3. 诗中描绘的自然景象意在让人联想到景象以外的现实。

    The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves .

  4. 但我也很庆幸我看到了这一点自然景象。

    But I 'm also thankful that I got to see this little bit of nature .

  5. DVENET生成了基于真实地形数据的110×150平方公里、具有逼真地表文化特征和自然景象的虚拟视景。

    The virtual vision of DVENET generated from real terrain includes realistic culture features and natural phenomenon .

  6. 自然景象的分形图形模拟技术

    The fractal technique for simulating the natural sceneries

  7. 证据显示简单的自然景象,能够从根本上提高总体健康。

    Evidence shows that a simple view of nature can radically improve health outcomes .

  8. 我被眼前自然景象惊呆了,激动了很久才平定下来。

    I was shocked eyes natural scenes , excited for a long time Caiping set .

  9. 首先阐述了在自然景象的齐次平稳高斯随机场模型下进行景象适配性分析的不足;

    The deficiency of scene navigability analysis is examined when scene is modeled by stationary Gauss random field .

  10. 讨论分形涵义及其分形图形技术在计算机模拟不规则自然景象中的应用。

    The concepts of fractal and the applications of fractal technique applied to the computer graphics are described .

  11. 华夏先民从对自然景象的认知、解读中发展了华夏文化,这与西方文化完全不同。

    Our ancestors developed civilization from the perception of the natural visions , this is totally different with western culture .

  12. 雪景模拟作为自然景象模拟中不可缺少的一部分,可以大大提高虚拟场景的逼真效果。

    Snow simulation as an indispensable part in the simulation of natural phenomena , can greatly improve the realism of the virtual scene .

  13. 纹样分为动物纹样、植物纹样、自然景象纹样、几何纹样、社会生活和神话传说纹样。

    Patterns are divided into animal patterns , plant patterns , patterns of natural scenes , geometric patterns , patterns of social life and mythology .

  14. 我们的先民,力图对长江三峡的成因和峡中千奇百怪的自然景象的由来作出他们的回答。

    U.S.ancestors , striving for the cause of the Yangtze River Three Gorges and the Gap in strange origin of the natural scene to make them answer .

  15. 比如说,艺术家在对三峡移民地区自然景象、生活场景的描绘上,都与乡愁意象密切相联系。

    For example , the artist in the immigrant area of ? Three Gorges of natural phenomena , on the depiction of scenes of life , with a nostalgic image is closely linked .

  16. 加上东北地区气候变化较大,常出现极端气候,冬季冰冷严寒,这也使得东北人民对冰雪等自然景象产生了独特的情感。

    Moreover , the climate of the northeast area of China changes largely , it often appears extreme weather , which makes the northeast peoples have unique feelings on ice and natural scenes .

  17. 雪景是人们广为熟知的一种自然景象,在影视特效、电视广告、电子游戏中有着不可或缺的地位,尤其是在雪灾的预防中,雪景的模拟有着积极的意义。

    Snow is a natural scene that people widely known , has an indispensable position in special effects in film , TV commercials and video games , especially in the prevention of snow , the snow simulation has a positive meaning .

  18. 中国是个多山的国家,2/3的国士面积都是此起彼伏的山陵,如此丰富的山地景观,不仅是造园苦心追求的自然景象,更是造园最好的基址。

    China is a mountain-abundant country , and two-thirds of the land areas are mountains , the rich mountain landscape is not only for the natural scene that garden designer pursuit painstakingly , but also the best address to build gardens .

  19. 改变非均匀地表的组成,如树木数目与高度、下垫地表、隐藏目标等,产生各种条件下自然地表景象产生的雷达图像模拟。

    The radar images are simulated for different spatial structures such as number and density of trees , underlying land media , embedded target , etc.

  20. 他一生公开发表过50多首艺术歌曲作品,偏爱使用自然、景象、爱情等题材,善于将旋律与法语发音、节奏等元素紧密结合。

    He had published more than 50 pieces of melodies , who was in favor of using nature , love factors and made the melody so special with French pronunciation and rhythm .

  21. 这是我见过最具自然魅力的景象了。

    I have never seen such a exterior scene which fraught with natural charm .

  22. 从多角度阐述创造宁静、优美、舒适的图书馆外部空间环境的方法,从而提高图书馆的使用功能和文化品味,使读者置身于多姿多态的自然与人文景象中。

    In order to perfect the function of libraries and improve their cultural taste , this paper expounds several methods of creating a quiet , graceful and comfortable outdoor environment for libraries .

  23. 作者给读者描画的是一幅幅不受文明熏染的自然美好的人间景象。

    The author provides the readers with the natural beautiful pictures free of the pollution of civilization in man 's world .