
  • 网络My own home;A Home of Our Own;home ground
  1. 许多家门被撬的人都感到自己的家被玷污了。

    Many victims of burglary feel their homes have been defiled .

  2. 他们无奈地看着自己的家被大火吞没。

    They watched helplessly as their home went up in flames .

  3. 5年后她对当初放弃自己的家感到后悔。

    Five years later she regrets having given up her home .

  4. 不是园艺大师也可以把自己的家里装点得绿意盎然。

    You don 't need green fingers to fill your home with lush leaves .

  5. 他将那儿当作自己的家。

    He thinks of it as his home

  6. 我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。

    We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it .

  7. 他强烈渴望拥有一个属于自己的家,因为他一直和我祖母住在一起。

    He had a great desire to have a home of his own for he had always lived with my grandmother .

  8. 我们大多数人都想把自己的家装饰成一个温馨的地方,并在墙上展示自己的个性。

    Most of us want to make our home a familiar place and put the stamp of our personality on its walls .

  9. 那个孩子和祖父母一起居住了三年才回到自己的家里。

    The child abode with his grandparents for three years before being returned to his home .

  10. 每周去一次烹调班和管理你们自己的家根本不同,我的姑娘,这点你很快就会发现的。

    Attending a cookery class once a week and running your own house are as different as chalk and cheese , my girl , as you 'll very soon find out .

  11. 多丽一开始在弗吉尼亚州自己的家里运营EFK,而后扩展到当地的娱乐中心。

    Dori began operating EFK out of her Virginia home , which she then expanded to   local recreation centers .

  12. 2014年,28%的年轻男性在自己的家中和配偶或伴侣一同生活,而35%的人住在父母或其中一方的家中。

    In 2014,28 % of young men were living with a spouse of partner in their own home , while 35 % were living in the home of their parent ( s ) .

  13. 因此,人们希望他们的宿舍能替代自己的家,而不是体验智力成长的地方。

    Therefore , there is the desire for their dorms to be replacement homes and not places to experience intellectual growth .

  14. 我们就是这样找到了自己的家,我也从中了解到,和蔼可亲的人不是陌生人,只是我们还没见过的朋友。

    That 's how we found our home and how I learned that when people are kind , they are not strangers , only friends we haven 't yet met .

  15. 于是他下定决心,要在农村建设自己的家。

    So he made up his mind to build his own home in the countryside .

  16. 为了解决这个问题,他把自己的家和车间用金属电缆连接了起来。

    To solve this problem , he connected metal cables between his home and his workshop .

  17. 命令我从自己的家中出去,真太气人了

    It peeves me to be ordered out of my own house .

  18. 软弱无力的人不会保卫他自己的家。

    The pusillanimous man would not defend his own family .

  19. 对脸书首席运营官(ChiefOperatingofficer)——雪莉·桑德伯格(SherylSandberg)而言,脸书像是自己的家。她的身价已达110万美元,是技术领域最富有的女性之一。

    Facebook is home to Chief Operating officer Sheryl Sandberg , who is worth $ 1.1 billion and is one of the wealthiest women in technology .

  20. 星州郡位于韩国首都首尔东南方135英里处,那里的居民顶着炎炎烈日聚到一起,谴责政府把所谓的末段高空区域防御系统(TerminalHigh-AltitudeAreaDefense,简称“萨德”)的部署地点选在自己的家门口。

    Villagers rallied under a sweltering sun to condemn the choice of their county , Seongju , which is about 135 miles southeast of Seoul , the capital , for the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system , known as Thaad .

  21. 市镇,州和联邦政府日益增加对有关税收的减免或者其他的优惠刺激措施使你将自己的家建造成LEED标准的房屋或者其他绿色特征的房屋。

    Local , state and federal governments are increasingly offering tax breaks and other incentives for building LEED homes or adding green features to your home .

  22. 大约有五千人住在magonga的营地里,没多久,如此多的人把自己的家安置在这里的原由就很明显了。

    Around five thousand people live in the magonga camp and soon it became apparent on why so many people have made this place their home .

  23. 但是走近仔细看才发现这只大野鼠其实是一只小狗,之后12年,这只和《星球大战》里Yoda长相相似也同名的小狗就真正的找到了自己的家。

    But , upon closer inspection , the field rat was in fact a dog , and for12 years since , Yoda – so named because of her resemblance to the Star Wars character – has ruled the roost .

  24. 1947年,埃米利奥・璞琪(EmilioPucci)发布了以万花筒般图案和紧身修身针织衫为特色的同名品牌。不久后,他选择自己的家作为品牌的运营基地:位于佛罗伦萨中心的复兴时期宫殿PalazzoPucci。

    NOT LONG AFTER EMILIO PUCCI launched his line of kaleidoscopic patterns and slinky , body-conscious jersey knits in 1947 , he chose his home as his base of operations : the Palazzo Pucci , a Renaissance palace in the center of Florence .

  25. 玛丽·米勒在北卡罗莱纳州自己的家中阻止夜贼行窃。

    Marie Miller interrupted the burglar at her North Carolina home .

  26. 离开了自己的家,开始工作。

    Had come out of their homes and gone to work .

  27. 我只想回到我自己的家,自己的房间。

    I just want to go home to my own room .

  28. 他的6个孩子也住在桂中乡,都有自己的家。

    His six children live at their house in Que Trung .

  29. 小兔回来,找不到自己的家,伤心地哭起来。

    The rabbit back and find their home , sadly cry .

  30. 我已经在自己的家中看到了这种无助。

    I 've seen the helplessness in my own family .