
shǒu ɡōnɡ zhì zuò
  • Handmade;hand made;be made by hand
  1. 奖杯都是手工制作和组装。

    The trophies are all hand made and assembled .

  2. 由于全部是手工制作,成本比较书壳式的精装为贵,但亦较为结实。

    Bound book being entirely hand made , are more expensive to produce and much stronger than cased books .

  3. 他善于手工制作物品。

    He 's good at making things with his hands .

  4. 这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。

    The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates .

  5. 因为是手工制作,所以每件都有细微差别。

    As they 're handmade , each one varies slightly .

  6. 他们用的珠子是法国中部的侏罗山山民手工制作的。

    The beads they use are handmade in the Jura mountains in central France

  7. 这些精美华丽的箱子和柜子都是印度工匠手工制作并彩绘的。

    These exquisitely ornate boxes and cabinets have been handmade and hand-painted by Indian craftspeople .

  8. “我喜欢霓虹灯的美丽、手工制作、老派的特点,”布朗斯说道。

    I love the beautiful , handcrafted , old-fashioned quality of neon , says Blance .

  9. 那时候的书都是手工制作的。

    In those days , books were produced by hand .

  10. 这些玩具通常是父母或祖父母手工制作的。

    These traditional Chinese toys are usually handmade from parents or grandparents .

  11. 由当地工艺师手工制作的小地毯

    rugs handmade by local craftsmen

  12. 这种手链多为手工制作,通常由刺绣丝线类织物制成,是丝结饰物的一种。友情手链有很多风格和图案,不过,大多数都是在绳头固定结的基础上编制的。

    There are various styles and patterns , but most are based on the same simple half-hitch knot .

  13. 它是由杏仁奶和燕麦奶混合而成,味道非常像此前的咖啡奶精,灵感来自你最喜欢的星巴克手工制作的饮料。

    These creamers are made with a blend of almond milk and oat milk and much like their preexisting coffee creamers , come in flavors inspired by your favorite handcrafted Starbucks drinks .

  14. 热情的人们同样热爱他们所做的事,而不是考虑钱位权如果我们不能把热爱的事作为正式职业,我们也可把它当作业余消遣:比如有国家元首喜欢画画的,有修女参加马拉松长跑的,有行政官员手工制作家具的。

    Enthusiastic people also love what they do , regardless of money or title or power . If we cannot do what we love as a full-time who runs marathons , the executive who handcrafts furniture .

  15. Fuzzy控制器的控制规则设计的手工制作,使得控制规则是予先给定的,静态的。这就大大限制了Fuzzy控制器的应用。

    The handworks on designing control rule for fuzzy controllers are in advance and invariable , and hence the applications of fuzzy controllers have been closely restrained .

  16. 来自全国各地的蛋糕爱好者来到这里定制手工制作的roundsoup和水果馅饼。

    Fruitcake fans from around the world place orders to the monks'handy work , round soup , fruits tart cakes .

  17. CAD/CAM系统是利用先进的计算机图像处理、辅助设计和辅助制造技术,取代困难复杂的赝复体手工制作过程,可极大的提高工作效率及修复效果。

    CAD / CAM system utilized the process of modern computer self-controlling to replace that of the difficult hand-making for prostheses , improving the cosmetic effect and work efficiency .

  18. 请报给我们手工制作的皮手套价格(CIF,香港)

    107.Please make us a offer on CIF Hongkong bases for handmade leather gloves .

  19. 所有AER单元都是手工制作,并且每对的灵敏度都精确配对。

    All AER loudspeakers are handmade and delivered as matched pairs .

  20. 这些现烤蛋糕由芝加哥纸杯蛋糕生产商Sprinkles手工制作。

    The freshly baked goods are handcrafted by the California-based cupcake shop Sprinkles .

  21. 由于EPS泡沫板比较难于用手工制作,要记得将切割顶部和底部的次数增加到40–60次,尾部11次。

    As EPS Foam is much harder to hand finish , always increase the number of cuts.40-60 cuts on top and bottom and11 cuts on the rail .

  22. 从丰富多彩的岛屿服装和T恤衫以独特的创作,手工制作的珠宝及本地酒店LOGO设计艺术家的工艺品,有等待被猎杀和收集特殊纪念品。

    From colourful island apparel and T-shirts to unique creations , handmade jewellery and crafts by local artists , there are special mementos waiting to be hunted and collected .

  23. 奥迪和莱诺弗·哈德伍德自行车公司(RenovoHardwoodBicycles)合作发布了这款手工制作的自行车“朵儿”(theduo)。

    Audi and Renovo Hardwood Bicycles have partnered up to release a handmade bicycle collection called the duo .

  24. 文中采用的HFSS软件仿真及手工制作馈源的方式不失为形式简单的馈源的模型制作的一种快速、经济和有效的方法。这种方法对相近的工作有一定的参考价值。

    The design using the HFSS and manufacture by hand might be a fast , economical and effective method for producing simple feed and may be helpful to other similar work .

  25. Shiv是一种手工制作的刀,也是监狱中最常见的武器,通常来自于牙刷。

    Shivs , which are handmade knives , are the most common type of weapon made in prison and they are most commonly made from toothbrushes .

  26. 解决了小单体(如12V电池)、大而薄单体(如15V电池)的半手工制作。

    It could manufacture the small flat cell ( such as 12V lighter battery ) and larger but thinner flat cell ( such as 15V battery ) .

  27. 沿着胡同,你能找到Ubi艺廊(UbiGallery),这里有手工制作的高档珠宝和中国瓷器,还有Li+U工坊(Li+UWorkshop),这里的漂亮皮包和钱夹都是在店里制作的。

    Down the lane , check out the Ubi Gallery for handmade designer jewelry and Chinese ceramics , and the Li + U Workshop for handsome leather bags and wallets , made right there in the store .

  28. 百安居DIY连锁店的调查显示,虽然离圣诞节只剩15天的购物时间,25%的购物者今年都在自己手工制作卡片、礼物和房间装饰。

    With just 15 shopping days to go until Christmas , B & Q , the DIY chain , found that a quarter of all shoppers are making their own cards , presents or decorations this year .

  29. 它点燃了顾客的热情。不久前一个周六的上午,写着“所有商品均为一欧元”的手工制作大幅海报挂在摊位上方,摊位上堆满了厕纸、妮维雅(Nivea)护手霜和联合利华出品的Timotei洗发水等商品。

    It lights a fire in our customers . ' On a recent Saturday morning , large , handmade yellow posters emblazoned with ' Everything at One Euro ' hung over a stand piled high with products such as toilet paper , Nivea hand cream and Timotei shampoo , a Unilever brand .

  30. 该烤炉是手工制作的面包师的监督。

    The crafting of the baking ovens was overseen by bakers .