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shǒu chāo běn
  • handwritten copy;manuscript
手抄本 [shǒu chāo běn]
  • [hand-written copy] 用手工抄写出来的原本的版本

  • 那时候,这部小说就以手抄本的形式,在人们中间广泛流传

手抄本[shǒu chāo běn]
  1. 这是一本有价值的中世纪手抄本。

    This is a valuable medieval manuscript .

  2. 在古登堡之后,手抄本的出版实际上继续增长,而且它的存在一直延续到三个世纪之后。

    Manuscript publishing actually expanded after Gutenberg and continued to thrive for the next three centuries .

  3. 这个文本仍有两份14世纪手抄本存世。

    Two fourteenth-century manuscripts of this text are still extant

  4. 珍贵的阿拉伯书籍和古代廷巴克图的羊皮纸手抄本。

    Treasured Arabic Books and parchment manuscripts from ancient timbuktu .

  5. 论中世纪手抄本外部形态构造的三维化

    On the 3-D Structure of External Shape of the Medieval Time Codex Book

  6. 昨天,我在博物馆看到了大量的古代手抄本。

    Yesterday , I saw any amount of old manuscripts in the museum .

  7. 希腊的数学著作主要取材于拜占庭的希腊文手抄本。

    The chief sources for the Greek mathematical works are Byzantine Greek codices .

  8. 为了和平,他筹集到六百万美元,通过他的1905年研究论文手抄本

    He was able to raise six million dollars for peace by handwriting his 1905 research paper

  9. 该馆藏有1092年《阿尔汉格尔斯克福音书》的斯拉夫语手抄本。

    Its possessions include the Archangel Gospel , a codex in the Slavonic language dating from 1092 .

  10. 蒙古族出版史的整个历史时期,手抄本远远超过刻印本。

    Publishing in the history of the Mongolian historical period , far more than the printed manuscript .

  11. 手抄本小说是保留语言和文字面貌的重要文献材料。

    Manuscripts novel is one of the important literature handed down from ancient times retains the language features .

  12. 那部手抄本被认为是12世纪的一位僧侣的作品。

    It is thought that the manuscript is the work of a monk and dates from the twelfth century .

  13. 单行本数量多,最初基本上属于稿本或手抄本,但这些稿本现在均已亡佚。

    The number of separate edition is large and they initially are manuscripts , but these manuscripts have been lost .

  14. 主后四世纪的圣经新旧约全书手抄本已数码化,可在网上查考。

    A fourth-century Bible that includes the earliest known complete copy of the New Testament is now available on the web .

  15. 名称出自「铅丹」一词,以强调中世纪彩饰手抄本的首字母。

    The name derives from the minium , or red lead , used to emphasize initial letters in medieval illuminated manuscripts .

  16. 并且本文以其启蒙和娱乐的双重功能为切入点论述了手抄本文学作品的社会功能。

    And this Enlightenment and entertainment for its dual function as the starting point discusses the social function of literary manuscripts .

  17. 第三章系统分析手抄本读者极富时代特色的接受心理图式。

    In the third chapter , it will analyze the readers ' accepted psychological scheme systematically which is full of era characteristics .

  18. 克丽奥佩托曾答应西塞罗给他一个手抄本大概是亚历山大港藏书室里的但是她忘记了。

    Cleopatra had promised Cicero a manuscript it may have been one from her library in Alexandria on which she failed to deliver .

  19. 我们可以给你一份计算机磁盘的文本,也可以给你一份硬拷贝(手抄本或打印本)。

    We can give you the text on computer disk , or as hard copy , ie as writing or printing on paper .

  20. 成书不久,各种手抄本和印本很快在民间流传开来,连皇宫也不例外。

    Before long it published , all sorts of hand-written copies and prints were gone around among folks , even the palace wasn 't exception .

  21. 大家知道,僧侣们曾经在古代异教经典的手抄本上面写上荒诞的天主教圣徒传。

    It is well known how the monks wrote silly lives of Catholic Saints over the manuscripts on which the classical works of ancient heathendom had been written .

  22. 这部小说自从其手抄本面世以来,红学研究就一直不断发展,至今已经有很长的历史。

    Ever since its manuscripts made their appearance to the world , Redology has been developing continuously and the studies have involved many kinds of aspects of the novel .

  23. 手抄本是一种带有手绘图画和彩饰,辅以选取《圣经》文字摘抄的书写在羊皮纸上的书籍。

    Manuscript is a kind of book with hand-painting and decoration supplemented by Bible selection written on parchment , in which the minitype delicate illustration is known as miniature painting .

  24. 一些内容和形式上较为成熟的手抄本小说在现代派技巧的运用上,已经初露锋芒,具备了现代性特征。

    Some hand-written stories with more mature contents and forms have been special skills in using modern techniques , they have already been achieved and have had the characteristics of modernity .

  25. 但是,长期以来,多数研究者认为手抄本俗文学没有多少文学价值,并未给予足够的重视。

    However , for a long time , most researchers believe that there is little literature value of popular hand - written copy literature ; they do not give it adequate attention .

  26. 每个机构都拥有不同数量的手抄本,但是伦敦的英国图书馆,陈列着整本书的精美记载,目前拥有最多。

    Each institution owns different amounts of the manuscript , but the British Library , which digitised the delicate pages of the entire book in London , holds by far the most .

  27. 从12世纪末开始,综合大学的兴建促进了学术的传播和发展。伴随于此的是手抄本书籍的大量描绘和制作。

    By the end of the 12th century , the constitution of universities began to promote the communication and development of academia , with the concomitance of considerable paintings and productions on manuscript books .

  28. 馆内一切物件不外借,进入内部阅读时严禁携带食物和笔,而要阅读手抄本,矿泉水也不得携入。

    None of the items in the library can be checked out , and rules for working inside are strict : No pens , food or even mineral water are allowed in the manuscript reading room .

  29. 日本学者正在研究的一个《西游记》的日文手抄本,这个节缩的抄本与通行的百回本有很多不同之处,其依据可能并非百回本《西游记》,它的意义非同寻常。

    And the third material , a hand-written copy of A Journey to the West kept by a Japanese scholar , is of special significance for the academia , for it is quite different from the common 100-chapter edition , and may have a different original text .