
shǒu jī
  • mobile phone;cell phone;handset;shou
手机 [shǒu jī]
  • [handset] 电话的口承、耳承和相应的话筒、听筒都装在单个把手上

手机[shǒu jī]
  1. 这种“返璞归真”的手机只能用来打电话和接收语音邮件。

    The defeatured mobile handset only makes calls and accepts voice mail .

  2. 现在,失去手机业务之后,剩下的是网络设备业务NokiaSolutionsandNetworks。

    Now , with the handset operation gone , what remains is network-gear business Nokia Solutions and Networks .

  3. 大多数飞机上不许使用手机。

    The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft .

  4. 很多人不断将手机升级到最高档的款式。

    Many people are upgrading their mobiles to top-end models .

  5. 请确保演出时关上所有手机。

    Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance .

  6. 我没有带手机。

    I hadn 't got my phone with me .

  7. 我的手机好像随时自动关机。

    My phone seems to switch itself off randomly .

  8. 我用手机跟她通了话。

    I talked to her on my cellphone .

  9. 老师警告说,如果他们上课时继续使用手机就予以没收。

    The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they kept using them in class .

  10. 你的手机号码是多少?

    What 's your mobile number ?

  11. 打手机给我。

    Call me on my mobile .

  12. 他对着手机话筒吼了一通信息。

    He bellowed information into the mouthpiece of his portable telephone .

  13. 全球通手机用户持续增长。

    There has been consistent growth in GSM mobile subscribers .

  14. 手机现在已经成了孩子们的必备品。

    The mobile phone is now a must-have for children .

  15. 他忘了带手机充电器。

    He forgot the charger for his mobile phone .

  16. 这个水手机灵地走了走过场。

    The sailor went through all the motions smartly

  17. 他那辆配有专职司机的轿车和公司手机将转交给他的继任者。

    His chauffeur-driven car and company mobile phone will be handed on to his successor .

  18. 手机天生就不安全,因为任何人都可以听到并录下谈话。

    Cellular phones are inherently insecure , as anyone can listen to and record conversations .

  19. 我的手机非常有用。

    My mobile phone is extremely useful

  20. 我上周借我老婆的手机用,收到一个男人发来的短信。

    I borrowed my wife 's mobile phone last week and a text arrived from another man .

  21. 有个手机响了。

    A cellular telephone beeped

  22. 这些手机可待机70小时,通话时长达2小时50分钟,并提供15种铃音。

    They offer 70 hours ' standby time , 2hr 50min talk time , and 15 ring tones .

  23. 国际漫游服务可使数字手机在全球畅通无阻,但话费却很高。

    International Roaming is your digital mobile phone 's passport to travel but the cost of calls is high .

  24. 我们公司将在展览会期间推出新款手机。

    Our firm will debut the new cellphones during the expo .

  25. 这个手机的主要毛病在于它的电池不耐用。

    The main drawback of this cellphone is that its battery easily loses its charge .

  26. 我没看见你的手机,所以我以为你离开了。

    I didn 't see your cell phone , so I assumed you 'd left .

  27. 他的手机又不见了。

    His cellphone disappeared again .

  28. 这款手机我使着很对劲儿。

    This type of mobile phone suits me very well .

  29. 我的手机欠了费,打不出去了。

    My phone cannot dial out due to arrears .

  30. 沪产西门子手机返销欧洲。

    The Siemens mobile phones made in Shanghai are sold back to European countries .