
shǒu shù dāo
  • scalpel;surgical knife
手术刀[shǒu shù dāo]
  1. 手术刀是外科器械。

    A scalpel is a surgical instrument .

  2. 这是当年白求恩大夫用的手术刀。

    This is the scalpel which Norman Bethune used in those days .

  3. 我们必须像外科医生拿手术刀时一样冷静客观,不受任何感情影响。

    We must be as impersonal as a surgeon with his knife

  4. 关节式导光臂用卤化银光纤CO2激光手术刀头的研制

    Handpiece of Silver Halide Optical Fiber Using Articulated Arms for CO_2 Laser

  5. 有了X射线,我们可以不用手术刀,便能透视人体内部构造。

    For the first time , we could see inside the human body without raising a scalpel .

  6. YJC-2型CO2激光手术刀导光光学系统的设计、工艺及检测

    The design , technology and test on optical system in the optical guide of co_2 laser scalpel

  7. 卤化银光纤CO2激光手术刀辐射草兔组织的实验观察

    The Experimental Research of the Tissue of Rabbit Caused by CO_2 Laser with Silver Halide Optical Fibers

  8. 接触式激光手术刀出射光束的Monte-Carlo模拟

    Monte-Carlo Simulation of Emergent Power Distribution of Contact Laser Scalpels

  9. 结论:电刀牙龈成形术对高血糖及凝血功能障碍SD大鼠较手术刀牙龈成形术具有优势。

    Conclusion : Electronic surgery is feasible for gingivoplasty on the subjects with high blood sugar or blood coagulating dysfunction .

  10. STM单分子剪裁术及其应用&纳米科技专家的手术刀

    Molecular surgery with STM and its applications & A powerful tool for nanoscience and nanotechnology

  11. 方法:制作高血糖及凝血功能障碍SD大鼠模型并对它们进行电刀及手术刀牙龈成形术;

    Methods : Electronic gingivoplasty was performed in 10 SD rats with high blood sugar and 10 with blood coagulating dysfunction on the right side of mandible and scalpel gingivoplasty on the left .

  12. 用手术刀分别在猪肝脏上分别制作以下三种外伤:切割伤42条,长40mm,深10-20mm;

    Three types of injury were made on livers as follows : 42 surgical incisions , 40 mm in length and 10-20 mm in depth ;

  13. 听我说,Meredith,任何人都能坠入爱河,盲目地幸福,但不是每个人都能拿起手术刀拯救生命。

    Ellis Grey : Listen to me , Meredith , anyone can fall in love and be blindly happy , but not everyone can pick up a scalpel and save a life .

  14. MDK-260型电热手术刀的研制

    Development of MDK-260 Hemostatic Scalpel

  15. 2007年5月9日&在乌干达的Kayunga医院,医疗器械不仅包括手术刀,还包括手电筒。

    May9,2007 & At Kayunga Hospital in Uganda , medical instruments include not only scalpels but flashlights .

  16. 罗素的X-ACTO刀作为手术刀,将通过她的精确切口的生活图像。

    Russell 's X-Acto knife acts as a scalpel , bringing life to the images through her precise incisions .

  17. 在行髓核切除的同时,采用自制内镜下脊神经根鞘膜切开减压微型手术刀,沿神经根背侧纵行切开3~5mm。

    In the course of lumbar discectomy , a self-made mini-scalpel was used for the incision and decompression of the nerve root sheath , in which a 3 ~ 5 mm longitudinal incision was made along the dorsal side of the nerve root .

  18. CD-Ⅰ型超声手术刀的动物实验及初步临床应用

    An Experimental Study and Preliminary Clinical Application of Ultrasonic Surgical Knife

  19. 消毒的外科手术刀对于外科手术来说是必须的。

    Sterile surgical blade is the necessary material for surgical incision .

  20. 电热手术刀在妇产科手术中的应用

    Application of Hemostatic Scalpel in Operations in Obstetrics and Gynecology

  21. 正拿着手术刀跟着那个蓝眼睛的女的。

    Is running after that blonde chick with a scalpel .

  22. 他边说边拿起一把手术刀,割开了船长的静脉。

    And with that he took his lancet and opened a vein .

  23. 本文描述了一种新的手术刀&微波手术刀。

    A new scalpel-microwave knife is described in this paper .

  24. 光热偏转法测量蓝宝石激光手术刀头的温度分布

    Temperature Distribution of Sapphire Probe of Laser Scalpel Measured by Photothermal Deflection Technique

  25. 现在用手术刀依照之前所画的线切割表皮。

    The skin is now incised with the scalpel along the previously-drawn lines .

  26. 利器:注射器、针头、一次性手术刀和刀片,等等;

    Sharps : syringes , needles , disposable scalpels and blades , etc. ;

  27. 基于容积重建的虚拟手术刀技术研究

    Research of Virtual Scalpel Technology Based on Volume Rendering

  28. 激光兰宝石手术刀头温度分布特性的研究

    Research on Temperature Distribution of Sapphire Laser Surgical Probe

  29. 他试了试手里的手术刀,踌躇了一会儿。

    He felt the scalpel in his hand , and paused a moment .

  30. 主要讨论水枪手术刀的设计、研制和动物试验。

    The design , manufacture and animal tests of water jet scalpel are discussed .