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  • vacuoles
  1. Hp(Toxin+)引起的细胞空泡样变,吖啶橙及酸性磷酸酶染色阳性;

    It was positive in vacuoles with acridine orange and acid phosphatase stain .

  2. 有空泡特征的胚胎,染色体异常率没有明显增高,对于A、B组空泡胚胎,仍然可以选择移植。形态学评价指标中,建议加入多核及空泡这两个重要指标。

    We can choose to transplant vacuoles embryos such as type B. In short , the important index of multinucleation and vacuolization are recommended to morphological evaluation syetem .

  3. 空泡蝶鞍综合征的CT诊断及临床表现

    CT Diagnosis and Clinical Feature of the Primary Empty Sella Syndrome

  4. 空泡蝶鞍的CT诊断(附23例报告)

    CT Diagnosis or Empty Sella Syndrome ( An Analysis of 23 Cases )

  5. 头颅MRI发现空泡蝶鞍16例。

    Head MRI revealed 16 cases of empty sella turcica .

  6. 结果心传导系统的P细胞(起搏细胞)肿胀、变形,胞质内线粒体肿胀、空泡化。

    Results There were swelling and deformation of pacemaker cells ( p cells ) and mitochondrial swelling and vacuolization in cardiac conduct system .

  7. 用细胞培养的方法检测Hp菌株的空泡毒性。

    Vacuolating toxin activity was detected with cell culture method .

  8. 肌核改变可能是IBM的病因基础,镶边空泡和肌浆内包涵体有可能来自于崩解的肌核。

    Also the results suggested that myonuclear alterations might lead to the basic genesis of IBM .

  9. 与对照组相比,实验组空泡状线粒体的体积密度显著增加(P<0.01)。

    In comparison with the control the volume density of vacuolar mitochondria showed a significant increase in the tested group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 方法分析72例空泡蝶鞍综合征的临床表现及MRI表现,并对其病因,发病机理进行探讨。

    Methods The clinical and MRI findings of 72 patients with ESTS were analyzed and discussed from its pathogenesis .

  11. 空泡征在肺癌和良性结节出现率分别为27.8%及8.5%。两者有显著差异(P0.05)。

    The vacuole sign was observed 28.7 % and 8.5 % of malignant and benign nodule respectively .

  12. VOF和Mixture多相流模型在空泡流模拟中的应用

    Application in Simulating Cavitating Flows by Using VOF and Mixture Multiphase Models

  13. 应用DES方法模拟非定常空泡流动

    Simulation of unsteady cavitating flows using the DES method

  14. 初生空化数由韦伯数W和空泡相对膨胀速度M所组成。

    The incipient cavitation number consists of Weber 's number W and M - relative velocity of cavitation bubble explosion .

  15. 固体颗粒和空泡的Lagrangian模型

    A Lagrangian Model for the Motion of Solid Particles and Air Bubbles

  16. 结果总结出空泡蝶鞍综合征的MRI征象有:(1)蝶鞍扩大;

    Results On MR imaging , ESTS in all patients were found to be the following features : ( 1 ) sella turcica ;

  17. TIG表面重熔对堆焊层耐空泡腐蚀的影响

    Effect of TIG surface remelting process on cavitation erosion resistance for a pre-weld buildup layer

  18. 保存24h后,肝细胞出现肿胀、空泡变性及点状坏死,肝窦内皮细胞肿胀、变性,并开始向窦腔内脱落。

    After 24 hours , hepatic cells swelled and occurred vacuolar degeneration and punctiform necrosis .

  19. 本文提出了一科简单有效的计算方法,用于模拟绕任意形状二维物体的高Reynolds数空泡型分离流场。

    A new method is proposed to calculate high Reynolds number cavity flow a two-dimensional body of arbitrary shape .

  20. 结果1高眼压缺血2h后神经节纤维层开始发生空泡变性。

    RESULTS ① Neuroganglion fibrous layer showed vacuolation degeneration when ocular hypertension was maintained to 2 h.

  21. 基于HHT变换的船舶螺旋桨空泡激励振动信号特征分析

    Research on time-frequency characteristic of vibration signals excited by the propeller vortex cavitations based on HHT transform

  22. 目的应用PCR/SSCP分析幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的空泡毒素基因(vacA)多态性,借此区分不同来源的Hp。

    Objective To use PCR / SSCP analysis of the vacuolating cytotoxin gene ( vacA ) of H.pylori for differentiation of various strains of H. pylori .

  23. 该关系式表明伪湍动与空泡率成正比,并随颗粒Reynolds数的增大而趋近势流结果。

    The result shows that the pseudo turbulence level is directly proportional to the void fraction and approaches the potential formula result with increasing particle Reynolds numbers .

  24. 自然感染三生烟的含坏死卫星RNA分离物8S1侵染普通烟,病毒粒子分散于细胞质,在液泡中未观察到结晶体,叶绿体产生囊泡结构,部分病毒粒子处在叶绿体空泡中。

    Virus particles of CMV 8 S1 , an isolate with necrosis satellite RNA and originally from naturally infected tobacco , scattered throughout the cytoplasm and in the vacuoles of abnormal chloroplasts .

  25. 幽门螺杆菌VacA真核表达载体的构建及其诱导细胞空泡化和凋亡

    Helicobacter pylori VacA induces vacuole formation and apoptosis by transfection of eukaryotic expression vector of VacA gene

  26. 通过与传统磨削表面加工对比,研究了TIG表面重熔对空泡腐蚀的影响。

    Compared with the conventional post grinding process for the weld layer , the effect of TIG surface remelting process on cavitation erosion resistance was investigated .

  27. 再灌注(30~60)min,可观察到小动脉和细动脉内皮形成的空泡和血栓形成。

    They distributed as tiny spots , 30 ~ 60 minutes after reperfusion , we observed the vacuole formation in endothelial cells of artery and thrombosis could be seen at the injurious area .

  28. 背景:空泡形成细胞毒素A(VacA)是幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)的重要致病因子,研究VacA的致病机制有助于进一步明确H。

    Background : Vacuolating cytotoxin A ( VacA ) is an important pathogenic factor of Helicobacter pylori ( H.pylori ) .

  29. 文中除介绍交通大学空泡试验室采用的测速方法及对进速系数J的修正结果外,还提出了导管螺旋桨的测速、筒壁修正及导管和螺旋桨推力之间重新分配的处理方法及部分结果。

    For ducted propeller model tests , the method for water speed measurement , wall effect corrections of advance coefficient and distribution of propeller thrust and duct thrust are discussed as well .

  30. 单空泡溃灭及其空化噪声的数值模拟这个类简单化了从逗号分离值(SV)件中抽取信息。

    Numerical Modeling of Noise Generation During Collapse of Single Bubble This class simplifys the extraction of information from comma seperated value ( CSV ) files .