
  • 网络pollutant standard index;PSI
  1. 铁路危险品货运站空气污染指标的探讨

    Study on Indicator and Method for the Air Pollution Evaluation in Railway Transport Station of Chemical Dangerous Goods

  2. 香港特区审计署周三发布的一份报告显示,自1987年香港订立空气污染限制指标以来,实际空气污染水平一直显著超出特区政府自己设定的目标上限。

    Hong Kong has persistently and significantly exceeded its own targets on air pollution limits since they were first set in 1987 , according to a report released on Wednesday from the government audit office .

  3. 论述了室内空气污染的主要指标,列出了沈阳市2003年的室内空气检测结果。

    This article discusses the main factors of air contamination in room , lists out the monitor results of indoor air in shenyang , 2003 .

  4. 来源于各种建材和家具等的总挥发性有机物(TVOC)、苯系物和甲醛是室内空气污染监测的重点指标。

    Emission from building materials , furniture , etc , Total Volatile Organic Compounds ( TVOC ), benzene , and formaldehyde are widely used as key indicators of indoor air quality .

  5. TVOC是衡量室内空气污染程度的重要指标之一,其在室内的浓度大小直接影响着人们的身体健康。

    One of the most important indexes to judge the degree of indoor air pollution is TVOC ( Total Volatile Organic Compounds ) because whose concentration would have direct influence upon human health .

  6. 重庆市空气污染扩散气象条件指标研究

    Index of Meteorological Conditions for Pollutant Diffusion in Chongqing

  7. 新研究主持人马克·戈德伯格表示,绝经后患乳腺癌的女性与暴露于二氧化氮(与交通有关的空气污染的一大指标)环境有关。

    " We found a link between post-menopausal breast cancer and exposure to nitrogen dioxide , which is a marker for traffic-related air pollution ," said co-author Mark Goldberg in a press release .

  8. 差分吸收光谱学技术以其多组份、高灵敏、连续实时在线的测量方式正成为空气质量监测的理想工具,是空气质量污染指标常规在线监测技术的发展方向。

    The technique of the differential optical absorption spectroscopy ( DOAS ) provides an ideal tool for air quality monitoring with the advantages of multiple pollutant components , high sensitivity and continuous on-line measurement .

  9. 首先介绍了空气污染相关背景知识,对空气污染如何影响健康以及空气污染衡量指标相关内容简单的总结。

    First we introduces the background knowledge of air pollution , how air pollution affects the health and air pollution measure the contents of a brief summary .