
shǒu qiú
  • handball;team handball
手球 [shǒu qiú]
  • (1) [team handball]∶从足球发展而来的一种比赛项目;每队七人,可以用手传、接和运球,一人守门,用手把球掷进对方球门算得分

  • (2) [handball]∶手球运动所使用的球,形状像足球而略小

手球[shǒu qiú]
  1. 他在第32分钟时因故意手球犯规被罚下场。

    He got sent off for deliberate handball in the 32nd minute .

  2. 游泳场馆SwimmingpoolWEISH威旭软膜天花有良好的弹性,不怕足球、篮球、手球;

    WEISH soft membrane Ceiling has good flexibility to resist impact from football , basketball and handball .

  3. 根据Microsoft(r)推出新一代操作系统Windows(tm)3.1的基本原理,研制了图式手球竞赛技术统计系统。

    Based on the principle of new Operation System & Microsoft ( r ) Windows ( tm ), the Pictorial Handball Match Statistics System was successfully developed .

  4. 观察国家女子手球运动员在大负荷训练期血清体液免疫&IgA、IgM水平的变化,探讨比赛对免疫系统的影响。

    IgA and IgM of serous humoral immunity changes of female athletes during training under big load were observed to study effects of competitions on immune system .

  5. 从西端的阿尔玛桥(Pontdel’Alma)入口开始,走过主题经常变化的艺术展览场地、攀岩墙以及跳房子游戏和板手球运动场地。

    Start at the Pont de l'Alma entrance to the west and make your way past the rotating art exhibitions , climbing walls and stations for hopscotch and paddleball .

  6. 采用临场观察与数理统计方法,对第15界世界女子手球锦标赛中国队与亚洲劲旅韩国队和本界冠军俄罗斯队攻防技术进行比较分析。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    By using the method of observation on spot and mathematical statistics , the author makes comparison analysis on attack and defense technique among China , Korea ( strongest team in Asian ) and Russia ( world championship of 15 th world women handball championship ) .

  7. 新增项目包括手球、马术、赛艇和高尔夫。

    New events included handball , equestrian , rowing and golf .

  8. 到底是什么因素影响了中国女子手球队的发挥呢?

    What are the main factors that blocked the Chinese team ?

  9. 手球运动员的个人基本技术有哪些?

    What are the basic individual skills of a handball player ?

  10. 这不是手球,是我的手球。

    It 's not a handball . My handball . Meow .

  11. 手球运动员训练年限与运动损伤关系的研究

    The Relationship between Training Years and Sports Injury of Handball Athletes

  12. 用于手球运动中小橡胶球。

    A small rubber ball used in the game of handball .

  13. 我国手球裁判员注意水平的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Concentration Level of Team Handball Referees in China

  14. 手球比赛中运动员技术失误原因初探

    Preliminary Approach to Causes of Players ' Technical Misplay in Handball Matches

  15. 对女子手球运动员成长过程中年龄特征的探讨

    The Discussion Of The Handball Athlete Age In Course Of Growing Up

  16. 浅谈手球守门员防边锋的心理训练

    About Psychological Training Of Handball Goalkeeper Against The Wing Forward

  17. 北京男子手球运动员教学比赛中生理负荷特征的研究

    Research of Beijing Man Athletes ' Physiological Load Characteristic in Teaching Competition

  18. 詹金斯手球犯规,结果他们罚球命中得分。

    They scored from a penalty awarded when Jenkins handled the ball .

  19. 关于手球守门员的专项素质训练之研究

    The Study on the Training Quality of Goalkeeper of Handball

  20. 现代女子手球运动中进攻技术的变迁

    The Changes Of Offensive Technology In Modern Women 's Handball

  21. 我手球了,但是这是比赛的一部分。

    Handball is one of the most popular sports in the world .

  22. 女子手球运动员无氧耐力的监控与评定

    Evaluation and Monitoring on Anaerobic Endurance of Woman Handball Players

  23. 安徽省手球队守门员现状与发展

    The Present Situation and the Development of Goalkeepers in Anhui Handball Team

  24. 我国女子手球队射门能力研究

    Survey on Shot Ability of Chinese Women 's Handball Team

  25. 女子手球运动员骨密度值的研究

    Study on Bone Mineral Density of Female Handball Players

  26. 混合防守在手球比赛中的运用

    The application of mixed defence in a handball game

  27. 韩中企业文化比较研究泡菜韩国气质迅速崛起的南朝鲜手球运动

    The Comparative Study between Korean and Chinese Enterprise Culture

  28. 浅谈手球守门员在比赛中的作用

    The Effect of Goalkeeper for the Match of Handball

  29. 亚运会中国男子手球队的调研报告

    Competition Research Report of China Man 's Handball Team in Bangkok Asia Games

  30. 女子手球运动员专项身体素质的特点与训练方法

    A Research on Special Physical Qualities and Training Methods of Women Handball Players