
shǒu ɡōnɡ ɡōnɡ jù
  • hand tools
  1. 手工工具是历史的遗物,现在已经被机器所取代。

    Hand tools are relics of the past that have now been superseded by the machine .

  2. 他和RufusRobinson用手工工具向火上填泥土,并且挖了一条沟渠,这样火势就不会蔓延。

    With hand tools , he and Rufus Robinson threw on the fire and a line to contain it so the flames would not spread .

  3. 放手工工具的包、箱子或柜。

    A box or chest or cabinet for holding hand tools .

  4. 人工智能的化工应用首先我们使用手工工具。

    Artificial Intelligence in Process Engineering ? At first we used hand tools .

  5. 机器比手工工具更快、更有效率。

    The machine is quicker than the hand tools and even more availability .

  6. 在遥远的过去,我们的祖先主要是依靠手工工具。表示时间的距离。

    In the long distant past , our ancestors depended on handmade tools mostly .

  7. 首先我们使用手工工具。

    At first we used hand tools .

  8. 我们愿意在泰国做你方的手工工具代理人。

    A : We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools .

  9. 第一个专题是做一个小的燕尾榫接合的盒子,制作中只使用手工工具。

    The first project is a small dovetailed box , built using only hand tools .

  10. 注油器(手工工具),(包括带有磁或螺旋机构的),贱金属制

    Oiler ( hand tools ), base metal ( incl. those with pump or screw mechanisms ), of base metal

  11. 盒子的制作材料是一般的松木或白蜡木,并且全部采用手工工具和细木工工艺来组装。

    The box is made of simple pine or ash , and assembled entirely using hand tools and wood joinery .

  12. 要给我盖屋顶,你只需要几件手工工具,一张梯子,以及一些木瓦片。

    To roof my house , you would need only a few hand tools , a ladder and some shingles .

  13. 必须安装落物保护装置以便为手工工具、废物和其它小物件的掉落提供摔落保护。

    Falling objects protection must be installed to provide protection from falling hand tools , debris , and other small objects .

  14. 我祖父母的父母是我的曾祖父母在遥远的过去,我们的祖先主要是依靠手工工具。表示时间的距离。

    My grandparent 's parents are my great-grandparents . In the long distant past , our ancestors depended on handmade tools mostly .

  15. 本实用新型是咬接薄金属板材的一种专用手工工具。

    The utility model relates to a special hand tool for biting the thin sheet metal for replacing the traditional hand bumping edge-biting technology .

  16. 机器技术的每一步进展,都是从手工工具使用时的局限中发现了改进的方向,前一阶段的技术缺失是后来改进和发明的向导;

    The very development of machine , comes from the improvement of the way which brought forth by the constraint of using handcraft tools .

  17. 尽管如此,大多数的庄稼活仍以手工工具完成,比如铁锹、锄头、长柄镰刀,手推犁或者动物推犁等等。

    Still , most field work was done with hand tools like the spade , hoe , and scythe , or with hand-or animal-driven plows .

  18. 吉他可以由一个琴师在一个小作坊里,用手工工具和一些小工具的如刨子和锯子。

    Guitars can be made by a single luthier in a small shop , using hand tools , and maybe a small router and a band saw .

  19. 民营的冶铁业以生产商品为主,以供市场上的需要。产品以农具、手工工具及生活用具为最多。

    To meet the demands of market , the private industry focused on the production of commodities , including farm tools , manual instruments and living appliances .

  20. 他们使用的工具,基本上是在中国木工发展史沿袭上千年的手工工具:斧、刨、锯。

    The tools they used were almost hand tools with more than one thousand years in the history of Chinese Woodworking Development : axe , planer and saw .

  21. 钢锉、木锉、钳子(包括剪钳)、镊子、白铁剪、切管器、螺栓切头器、打孔冲子及类似手工工具。

    Files , rasps , pliers ( including cutting pliers ), pincers , tweezers , metal cutting shears , pipe-cutters , bolt croppers , perforating punches and similar hand tools .

  22. 使用手工工具做木工活,为木工艺的学习开了个好头,而且能教会学生一些技能,如果学生一开始就使用电动工具,他们可能会忽视这些技能。

    This introduction to woodworking through hand tools serves as a good beginning to the craft , and teaches the students skills that might be overlooked if they had started with power tools .

  23. 其次,通过对用户认知心理等内容的研究,探讨原型能否影响用户对产品造型的认知,并且以手工工具尖嘴钳为例,进行问卷调查,验证该结论。

    Secondly , with the research of the cognitive psychology of users , the thesis discusses whether the prototype can influence the user 's cognition and tests the conclusion with a questionnaire of clamp .

  24. 本文介绍了目前常用中文医学检索工具,包括手工检索工具(检索期刊)和计算机检索工具(数据库)。

    This paper introduces major Chinese medical information retrieval tools .

  25. 而在景德镇众多手工陶瓷工具之中,利坯刀是其中十分重要的一份子。

    Handmade ceramics in Jingdezhen tool among many , trimming knife is one of the very important part of it .

  26. 目前已经对该系统分别进行了手工和工具测试,基本实现了用户需求。

    Now the basic realizations of the user needs were realized and a few software tests were carried out by hand and tools .

  27. 比如在加拿大一座监狱发现了一把藏在皮革手工爱好者工具中的拉链枪,可以发射22口径的子弹。

    For example , a zip gun that was found in a penitentiary in Canada that was hidden among leather hobby-craft tools could fire . 22 caliber bullets .

  28. 随着手工纺织工具的不断革新和细化,纺和织技术也逐步变得更加完备。首先论述了纺织工具沿革及近代社会背景下的纺织。

    With the manual textile tools innovation and refinement ," spinning " and " weave " technology is gradually becoming more complete . First , this article elaborated textile tools evolution and modern society in the context of textile .

  29. 最后在三层C/S结构基础上,利用交易中间件技术研究和设计开发了超市管理系统,实现了商业的自动化管理,并且对系统分别利用手工和工具进行了测试,基本达到要求。

    And then basing on the three-tier structure , a supermarket management application system is investigated and designed by use of transaction middleware technology , and the auto management is realized . Finally , a mass of tests by man and tools prove that this system is up to satisfaction .

  30. RationalRequirementsComposer中的一个重要的特性,就是它提高了一个手工调板和工具,以创建可以轻松更改和编辑的用户界面的一个雏形(也就是所谓的草图)。

    An important feature in Rational Requirements Composer is that it provides a handy palette and widgets to create a draft of the user interface ( called the sketch ) that is easy to compose and modify .