
shǒu xīn
  • palm;the palm of the hand;control;in the hands of sb
手心 [shǒu xīn]
  • [the palm of the hand] 手掌的中心。亦指在某人的掌握下

  • 你还不是攥在他的手心里?

手心[shǒu xīn]
  1. 他把东西都倒在手心里。

    He emptied the contents out into the palm of his hand .

  2. 他用手心托着她的下巴。

    He cupped her chin in the palm of his hand

  3. 把手放在桌子上,手心朝上。

    Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards .

  4. 她通常都能将新闻界抓在自己手心。

    She usually has the press eating out of her hand .

  5. 他巧妙地令对手心生疑窦。

    He cleverly sowed doubts into the minds of his rivals

  6. 他们这些老人将他的命运掌握在手心里。

    They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands .

  7. 她轻轻地把手放进他的手心,和他并排而行。

    She slipped her hand into his and fell into step beside him .

  8. 她把雷切尔牢牢地抓在手心里。

    She has Rachel firmly under her thumb .

  9. 敌人逃不出我们的手心。

    The enemy cannot escape from our control .

  10. 老船长收回手,仔细看自己手心。

    The captain opened his hand and looked into it .

  11. 现在把拇指握在手心,把手纂起来。

    Now bend your thumb toward the middle of your hand , and close all the other fingers over it .

  12. 虽然在黄昏之时没能写下他的名字,那句“我喜欢你”却留在她的手心。

    Although he failed to write down her name , the “ I love you ” remained on her hand .

  13. 妻子走到看报纸的丈夫面前说:我真希望我是一份报纸,这样我每天都可以被你捧在手心里了。

    Wife ( who reads newspaper all day ) : I wish I were a newspaper so I 'll be in your hands all day . Husband : I wish that too , so I could .

  14. 如果事情遂了谷歌(Google)的心愿,那么双髻鲨就可以在你的办公室里游动,大象可以站在你的手心里,龙也会和群鸟一起飞翔。

    If Google has its way , hammerhead sharks will swim through your office , elephants will fit in the palm of your hand and dragons will fly among the birds .

  15. 一粒沙子WilliamBlake/威廉.布莱克从一粒沙子看到一个世界,从一朵野花看到一个天堂,把握在你手心里的就是无限,永恒也就消融于一个时辰。

    A Grain of Sand To see a world in a grain of sand , And a heaven in a wild fllower , Hold infinity in the palm of your hand , And eternity in an hour .

  16. 方法80例患者分为2组,实验组于麻醉术后3h双手(手心朝上)紧贴床铺横插患者臀部置尾骶部于手心中5min,对照组作常规护理。

    Methods 80 patients were divided into two groups : the study group , who were asked to put both hands ( with the palms upward ) under the buttocks for 5 min 3 h after anesthesia ; and the control group , who received regular nursing .

  17. 孙悟空跳不出如来佛的手心。

    The Monkey King cannot jump out of Buddha 's palm .

  18. 我很紧张,手心都出汗了他的头上冒出汗珠。

    My hands are sweaty . Sweat beaded on his forehead .

  19. 那个混蛋永远逃不出我的手心。

    That bastard can never escape the palm of my hand .

  20. 他把那老鼠放在手心上。

    He held the mouse in the palm of his hand .

  21. 他即使舀起我的水托在手心。

    For , though he scoop my water in his palm .

  22. 我可是你手心上的,那颗,沉睡着的,露珠儿?

    Am I the dozing dewdrop , sleeping in your palm ?

  23. 这是我的手,手心有我的泪

    This is my hand , in which are my tears

  24. 只要把你的手心,从你离开的拉动。

    Just turn your palms facing away from you for pull up .

  25. 我是说这回这位子跑不出你的手心了。

    I 'm saying the job is yours to lose .

  26. 瞳孔放大,手心出汗。心率加快。

    Pupils dilate , palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases .

  27. 他的手心在出汗,膝盖发软,双臂沉重。

    His palms are sweaty , knees weak , arms are heavy .

  28. 于是我意识到要逃出这些人的手心不是那么容易的。

    I saw then that I wouldn 't escape them so easily .

  29. 我可以稳稳地把它们握在手心。

    I could grasp them and they sat easily in my palm .

  30. 你紧张的时候是否会手心出汗?

    Do your palms get clammy and damp when you get nervous ?