
shǒu jī yóu xì
  • mobile game
  1. GooglePlay上的手机游戏体验已有很大进步。

    Mobile game experiences have made big strides on Google Play .

  2. 基于蓝牙3D多人手机游戏的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of 3D Multi-player Mobile Game Supported by Bluetooth Wireless Technology

  3. 基于JavaME平台2D手机游戏引擎设计与实现

    Design and Implement 2D Mobile Game Engine Based on Java ME Platform

  4. “山寨”应用程序也损害了手机游戏APP开发者刘先生。

    Fake apps also hurt the interests of a mobile game developer surnamed Liu .

  5. 基于J2ME的手机游戏2D动画的编程实现

    Realization of the Handset Game 2D Animation Based on J2ME

  6. 因此,那些黑白屏的、单调的2D手机游戏正逐渐的被淘汰。

    Therefore , black and white game , monotony 2D mobile phone games are gradually being weeded out .

  7. 基于SymbianOS智能手机游戏的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Smart Phone Games Based on Symbian OS

  8. 基于J2ME的教育手机游戏的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Education Mobile Games Based on J2ME

  9. GooglePlay上的手机游戏体验已有很大进步。安卓就是一套纯粹的生态系统,要想让一套生态系统阔步前行是需要时间的。

    Mobile game experiences have made big strides on Google Play . Android is all about the ecosystem , and moving an ecosystem forward happens over time .

  10. 社交网站Facebook推出的这款游戏名为“愤怒的新娘”。这令人想起热门的手机游戏“愤怒的小鸟”。

    The Facebook game is called " Angry Brides " - reminiscent of the mobile-phone sensation " Angry Birds . "

  11. J2ME手机游戏开发平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of J2ME Cellphone Game Development Platform

  12. 基于J2ME的手机游戏开发&雷电风暴

    Cell-phone Games Development on the Basis of J2ME & Thunder and Lightning Storm

  13. 基于J2ME的五子棋手机游戏开发

    Development of GoBang Mobile Games System Based on J2ME

  14. 然而手机游戏广告(一年约60亿美元)却少于Facebook的手机广告收入。

    But advertising in mobile games - about $ 6bn a year - is less than Facebook 's mobile ad revenue .

  15. 基于BREW平台的手机游戏设计与实现

    Mobile Game Design and Implementation Based on BREW Platform

  16. 基于J2ME手机游戏的背景引擎渲染设计与优化

    Design and Optimization of Game Background Rendering Engine for Mobile Phone Based on J2ME

  17. 根据市场研究公司Interpret的数据,每个手机游戏用户产生的平均收入,仅为游戏机用户的十分之一。

    Average revenue per user in mobile games is only one-tenth of the Arpu for console games , according to Interpret .

  18. 阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)表示,计划不久推出手机游戏服务,这是该公司吸引中国智能手机用户的最新举措。

    In its latest step to attract Chinese smartphone users , e-commerce company Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said it is planning to launch a mobile gaming service soon .

  19. 不像大多数智能手机游戏,宝可梦Go要求玩家抓捕过程中到处走,致使世界各地的官员出于安全或敏感原因,要求人们远离某些场所。

    Unlike most smartphone games , it requires players to walk around in their hunt , leading to official requests around the world for people to be kept away from locations for safety or sensitivity reasons .

  20. 基于J2ME平台的手机游戏开发中涉及若干关键问题。

    The developing of mobile games based on J2ME platform is involved in several key problems .

  21. 现今最主要且最具竞争力的手机游戏开发平台是BREW和J2ME。

    Now the most important and most competitive mobile games development platforms are BREW and J2ME .

  22. BBC新闻–日本游戏公司任天堂新的宝可梦Go智能手机游戏大获成功后,其股价周一跃升近1/4。

    BBC News - Shares in Japanese gaming company Nintendo jumped by nearly a quarter on Monday following the success of its new Pokemon Go smartphone game .

  23. 结合实际开发工作,给出一个使用BREW平台开发手机游戏软件的实例。

    According to actual work , this paper gives an example which is a BREW platform .

  24. 在开发智能手机游戏中,最常用到的是J2ME技术。

    At present , J2ME technology is widely used in the development of smart mobile phone games .

  25. 以下是手机游戏开发商Kabam的联合创始人兼CEO凯文o周的回答。

    is written by Kevin Chou , co-founder and CEO of Kabam .

  26. 在这全新的模拟人生系列手机游戏中让你加入DJ的行列!

    Put yourself in the shoes of a DJ with the new game The Sims series on mobile !

  27. 当前我国手机游戏产业依托全面商用的3G技术及功能强大的3G手机终端飞速发展的同时,也面临很多问题。

    At present , China relies on cell phone game industry full commercial 3G technology and a powerful rapid development of 3G mobile terminals , it also faces many problems .

  28. 手机游戏作为游戏行业中的新兴的一支,随着移动技术的快速发展,一些应用开发平台如J2ME、BREW的成熟,变得越来越成熟。

    As one sort of the popular games mobile games get mature with development of mobile technology and application platform J2ME , BREW .

  29. 面向此类平台的增值应用的在线销售记录显示,手机游戏的销售名列前茅,特别是基于Java2microedition(J2ME)平台的手机游戏。

    Analysis of online sales records for these platforms shows that games , specifically those using the Java 2 Micro Edition ( J2ME ), are the best sellers .

  30. 智能手机游戏《王者荣耀》(HonorofKings)被列为全球收入最高的游戏,它显示了腾讯的免费增值模式(freemium)奏效。

    Smartphone game " Honor of Kings , " tipped as the world 's top earner , shows Tencent 's freemium model at work .