
  1. 这个说法广泛流行主要是因为热门单机游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中那句被卫兵们反复说的一句话:“我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。”

    The term was popularized in today 's culture by Skyrim with the famous phrase " I used to be an adventurer like you , but then I took an arrow to the knee . " iterated by guards that pop up in the game .

  2. 交换单机游戏碟和DVD是一省钱大法。

    Swapping console games and DVDs is a great way of saving money .

  3. 直接把已经中国单机游戏门户站、早已拥有几百万FANS的游侠网名字借用,并且堂而皇之的注册成为公司名字。

    Direct already net name uses the station of portal of Chinese stand-alone game , You Xia that has millions of FANS already , and hall and of emperor register make company name .

  4. 随着互联网的普及以及人们对虚拟社会的追求,网络游戏应运而生,从最初相对简单的单机游戏到现在大型多人在线游戏(MMOG)。

    With the spread of the Internet and people to the pursuit of virtual society , network game arises at the historic moment , from the relatively Single-Player Games to now massively multiplayer online game ( MMOG ) .

  5. 作为传统单机游戏的铁杆玩家,我一向是避免玩休闲游戏的。

    As a hardcore traditional console gamer , I used to avoid casual gaming .

  6. 尽管如此,刀剑还是款很酷的单机游戏,价位也比较合理。

    Still , its a cool single player exp , and the price is right .

  7. 有多部单机游戏和小游戏以此为名,或与变形金刚相关。

    There are a lot of LAN game and small game to fame , or with transformers related .

  8. 但是,如此众多的游戏却依然是客户独立的单机游戏,并没有互动成分。

    But , the so multitudinous game actually still is the customer independent single plane game , certainly has not interacted the ingredient .

  9. 每个具有这种任务的单机游戏,使用这样一个版本的系统--依靠成千上万的人

    every single video game in the world with this kind of task uses a version of this system -- tens of millions of people .

  10. 通过动态负载均衡、新型文字渲染引擎等多项顶尖技术,《战国风云》展现了媲美单机游戏的绝佳效果。

    Through dynamic load balancing , new text rendering engine and many other leading technology , demonstrates the perfect impression right up there with console games .

  11. 腾讯的单机游戏和手游在第一季度的收益上升至39亿美元,是其他游戏发行商的两倍多。

    Tencent 's PC and mobile games revenue rose to $ 3.9 billion in Q1 , more than double the amount earned by any other games publisher .

  12. 而且,随着手机功能逐渐丰富,应用逐渐增多,手机用户已不满足于简单的短信文字交流和单机游戏。

    Moreover , with the phone functions increasingly rich , gradually increased applications , mobile phone users no longer satisfied with a simple text message exchange and stand-alone games .

  13. 来自中国人民大学经济学专业大二年级、20岁的张泉(音译)表示,与单机游戏相比,网络游戏的一大特点便是游戏体验。

    According to Zhang Quan , 20 , a sophomore economics major at Renmin University of China , one of the distinguishing features of online games compared with offline games is the gaming experience .

  14. 在单机游戏,你可以逐渐改良武器,只要玩家进展,他/她可以使用更好的装备,丢弃(或者卖掉)旧的。

    In a single player game , you can have gradually improved weapons , so as the player advances s / he can afford better equipment , abandoning ( or selling ) the old .

  15. 电脑游戏从最初的单机游戏发展到单机联网游戏,再到如今的网络游戏,已经成为一种新的文化现象。

    Today , the Computer game has already gone through the personal game to the online game , and then developed into the network game . It has already become a kind of new culture phenomenon .

  16. 在这篇文章里我想着重讨论有关网络游戏策划方面的知识(单机游戏设计也适用),希望游戏制作方面的专业人士也积极参与,并提出宝贵意见。

    In this dissertation I 'd like to discuss mainly about the knowledge of online game scheme ( applying to single game design too ) and I hope that specialists in game making could take part actively and propose good ideas .

  17. 相对于单机游戏,网络游戏涉及到更多的技术问题,比如网络底层通讯模型,游戏逻辑的同步策略、服务器群集技术等,其中游戏同步机制在网络游戏中有着至关重要的作用。

    Opposite in single game , refers to more technique problems , for example the server swarm structure , the network first floor communication model , the synchronous strategy of the game logic . The synchronous strategy of game played an important role in the network game .

  18. 这是一个泡泡的单机版的游戏希望大家喜欢!

    This is a standalone version of the bubble of the game hope you like them !

  19. 传统训练训练方法中纸笔训练趣味性低;玩具训练入门过难,任务单一;单机版电子游戏任务与任务之间没有梯度,只是同一类任务不停的重复。

    Among the traditional training methods , the paper and pencil method has low interest ; Toy training method has a difficult introduction and a single task ; Standalone electronic game has no gradient between the task and task , and just keeps repeating the same type of tasks .