
  • 网络one-way communication;one-way conduction;One-Sided Communication
  1. 网络媒体实现了新闻的双向传播,打破了从媒体到受众的单向传播模式的垄断;

    Secondly , the network media complete mutual communication , and the one-way communication model , from media to viewers , is not the monopoly model again .

  2. 新媒体的盛行给传统媒体带来了巨大的冲击,不仅分流了传统媒体的受众、改变了传统的单向传播模式,还改变了企业品牌传播的策略。

    The popularity of new media brings tremendous impact to traditional media , not only diverts the audience for traditional media , changes the traditional one-way communication mode , also changed the brand communication strategy .

  3. 利用拓扑传播学方法,建立了单向传播和双向互动传播的一步和n步强连通与弱连通模型。

    According to topological communication , one step and n step strong connectivity and weak connectivity of unilateral communication and two way communication are built .

  4. 同时也给出了三层流体模型基于Airy理论的很长的长波方程、线性化波动方程以及单向传播波的KdV方程。

    The linearized wave equations , the very-long wave equations based on the Airy theory and the KdV equations for the three-layer fluid model are also presented .

  5. 任何一种新的媒介的诞生都会对传播形态构成冲击,网络电视的出现,使单向传播向互动传播成为可能。

    As emergence of any new intermediary may have great impact on the form of information transmission .

  6. 单向传播子的局部平面波分解以及在定向照明分析和目标特征成像中的应用

    Local plane wave decomposition of one-way propagator and the applications to directional illumination analysis and target-structure oriented imaging

  7. 由于数字视频设备的出现,胶片电影非实时的、单向传播的方式已被推进到了实时的、双向互动交流的方式。

    The appearance of digital video equipment has facilitated the coming of real-time and interactive communication through images .

  8. 在传播手段上,单向传播色彩过重,缺失了互动传播。

    In the dissemination of the means , One-way dissemination of color too heavy , the lack of interactive communication .

  9. 这种应用有利于改变课堂教学单向传播的形式,实现信息共享、平等交流。

    This application is conducive to change in classroom teaching in the form of one-way communication , information sharing , equality and sharing .

  10. 网络民意通道的普遍开辟打破了传统的单向传播格局,形成了交互的传播新景观。

    Network of public access generally open to break the traditional one-way dissemination of pattern , forming a cross-spread of the new landscape .

  11. 科学传播已经由居高临下的单向传播过程变成了科学共同体、政府组织、媒体、教育机构与公众之间的多向互动过程,由少数个人的事业变成了一项社会系统工程。

    SC has turned from one-way process into multi-way one among scientific communities , government , media , education institutions and the public .

  12. 在交际传播相关理论的指导下,本文主要探讨了两种类型的口译活动,一种为单向传播的演说口译,另一种为双向互动的对话口译。

    Enlightened by the theory of communication , this paper mainly discusses two types of interpreting , namely one-way speech interpreting and two-way dialogue interpreting .

  13. 具有正的违约相依性的系公司间发生信用风险传染的可能性较大,风险在公司间单向传播或产生交叉传染。

    With the positive default dependencies between companies are more likely to infect the credit risk , and risk transmit in one-way or infect cross the members .

  14. 把关人已由传统的单向传播与控制信息向多元角色转换,成为集传播与接受、调整与变革为一体的新型网络信息调控者。

    The censors ' role has changed from the traditional one-way circulator and information controller into the new information manager , whose role covers circulation and receival , adjustment and reform .

  15. 其核心是强调亲自参与、亲身感受,它改变了传统科普单向传播科技知识的模式,实现公众与科技知识的互动,是推动我国科普进步的有效方式。

    With an emphasis on personal participation and personal feeling , it has changed the traditional way of spreading scientific knowledge and brought about the desirable interaction between the public and scientific knowledge .

  16. 现阶段电视传播观念转型的趋势和走向表现为:从共享型传播向分享型传播转化,从单向传播向交互传播转化,从共性传播向个性传播转化,从平面式传播向立体式传播转化。

    Follows are present transformation tendency of the TV broadcasting concept : transformation from common broadcast to shared broadcasting , from unidirectional to multidirectional , from general to individual and from one-dimensional to three-dimensional .

  17. 但是,单向传播的电视和互动网络之间某些方式的结合是我们未来媒体的基础。很难知道它是如何操作的。

    But if some form of combination between one-way television flow and interactive Internet is to be the basis of our future media , it is hard to see how it could be operated .

  18. 计算机网络技术的发展给电视节目的播出方式带来了巨大的变化,网络电视这一传播媒体应运而生,从而改变了目前广播电视媒体信息单向传播的缺陷。

    With the development of computer network technical which brings great changes for the broadcast of TV programe in the way , network TV arised , which changes the present situation of single direction of medium infomation .

  19. 新媒体能够及时、准确地反映消费者的体验感受,能与消费者形成有效的互动,打破了原有的单向传播模式,从而改变了动画市场环境。

    New media is able to reflect consumers feelings timely and accurately , and form an effective interaction with consumers , which breaks the previous one way communication model , and thus changes the environment of animation market .

  20. 由于数字化媒介技术与网络文化的整合作用,网络文学消解着传统文学文本信息单一、单向传播以及单线型叙述的局限,从而使自身呈现出了双向交流、非线型叙述以及多维审美蕴涵的新内质。

    Because of the integrated application of digital medium technique and network culture , literature on network appears in a new essence of two-way communication , non-linear narration as well as various aethetic connotation instead of its traditional limitations .

  21. 多层感知器是一种单向传播的多层前馈网络模型,由于具有高度的非线性映射能力,是目前神经网络研究与应用中最基本的网络模型之一。

    Multilayer Perceptron is a sort of multilayer feed-forward single direct propagation network model . Because of its good nonlinear mapping ability , it is one of the basic models in the research and application of neural network at present .

  22. 新媒体时代下的新媒体,改变了传统广告的单向传播方式,让信息更加多元化传播的同时,也对广告的视觉表现提出了更高的要求。

    The emergence of new media , not only change the one-way transmission of traditional advertising , so that information can spread more diversified and at the same time , also put forward higher requirements of visual expression of advertising .

  23. 未来的教育应是在线式的,是以网络为载体的,网络技术和多媒体技术结合是一种新型的教育手段,突破了传统教学模式中单向传播的局限性。

    " The future education should be on-line based and will take the network as its carrier " . The integration of network technology and multimedia technology is a new means of education , which makes a breakthrough in the traditional unidirectional transmission teaching mode .

  24. 后者衍生出的新媒体渠道有着比电视更丰富的内容、更快的速度、并且更加人性化、个性化,它改变了传统电视媒体单向传播的方式,实现了受众与信源之间的双向交流与互动。

    The new media channels derived from the latter have more content , and faster speed than television ; meanwhile , more humanized and personalized . It changes the mode of one-way transmission of traditional television and achieves interaction between source and audience with two-way communication .

  25. 图书馆单向信息传播模式中的要素研究

    Research of the Elements of the Information Linear Communication Model in Library

  26. 电视实现的不再仅仅是单向的传播,如今它可以给人们带来互动式的全新体验。

    Television no longer has to be just a one-way communication ; it can now be an interactive experience .

  27. 与传统电视内容研究背景不同,互动业务和时移功能的出现改变了电视媒体传统的单向线性传播模式。

    The emergence of interactive services and time-shift functions make great change to the linear communication model of traditional TV .

  28. 该体系是计划经济时期的产物,其特点是一种自上而下的具有行政命令特点的单向信息传播过程,具有典型的行政推广体系特征。

    This system is the product of planned economics , its characteristic is one kind top-down unidirectional information spreading process which has the administrative order characteristic , it have typical characteristics of the administrative promotion system .

  29. 研究发现YIG光子晶体与空气之间的交界面可能产生单向或双向传播模式,甚至没有模式,这与其截断的边界形状密切相关。

    Our studies show that the interface between a YIG PhC and air may support unidirectional or bidirectional propagating edge modes , or even no mode , closely depending on the boundary shape of the truncated PhCs .

  30. 在单向服务上传播事务是错误的。

    It is an error to propagate transactions on one-way services .