
  • 网络Risk Communication
  1. 谈政府和传媒在风险传播中的作用&以粤港跨境污染为例

    Role of governments and media on risk communication

  2. 在此基础上,为转基因食品的风险传播提供有益的借鉴。

    On this basis , provide useful lessons for the risk communication of genetically modified food .

  3. 市场期望模型采用数学解析方法建立,依据偶发事件两种不同的风险传播渠道分别讨论并建模,模型研究在Stackelberg博弈下,短生命周期产品的二级供应链的单周期决策问题。

    Market expectations models are established by the mathematical methods according to different risk transmission maps . The model focuses on single-cycle supply chain decision making problem of short-life-cycle products in the Stackelberg game .

  4. 基于风险传播的信息安全评估方法研究与应用

    Study and Application of Propagation-Based Information Security Risk Assessment

  5. 用于评估网络信息系统的风险传播模型

    Risk Propagation Model for Assessing Network Information Systems

  6. 第四部分将笔墨多放在风险传播的经典案例及其分析,三鹿奶粉事件透露了媒体在外部权力、企业金钱中对公共利益和公民健康的无视。

    The forth part is a case study of sanlu milk powder scandal in which the media showed great ignorance to the public interest and their health .

  7. 实例分析表明,应用风险传播模型的评估方法较传统方法在评估结论的准确性和制定符合最优成本效应的安全建议等方面更具优势。

    The analysis of the example indicates that the evaluating method using the risk propagation model is superior to the traditional methods in the accuracy of evaluating conclusions and making cost-effective security advices .

  8. 系统性风险传播的途径将包括:有关信贷违约市场运转的新不确定因素、有关那些出售针对企业违约保险的保险公司的传言,以及一连串会计减记。

    The avenues through which systemic risk will flow will be new uncertainties about the functioning of the credit default market , rumours over insurance companies that sold insurance against corporate defaults and the cycle of accounting writedowns .

  9. 媒介组织承担目标的多元性,是造成其在风险传播中低效的根源。第三部分,主要针对目前媒介报道活动中存在的一些问题,提出一些可能的改进策略。

    Media organizations assume the goal of diversity is caused by the root of the risk of the spread of " inefficient " . The third part , for a number of problems in the current media coverage of activities , some possible improvement strategies .

  10. 这些疾病的机制不同,而且对这些疾病的不同的社会和文化看法让这种比较变成了一种有风险的传播策略。

    The mechanisms of the diseases are different , and the varying social and cultural views of each makes the comparison a risky communication strategy .

  11. 本章主要从货币传导机制、市场主体行为的角度和汇率传导机制入手分析和阐述金融衍生工具风险的传播途径和机理。

    This chapter mainly analyzes and explains spread route and mechanism of the financial derivative risk from monetary conduction mechanism , behavioral of the main body of market and the exchange rate conduction mechanism .

  12. 随着金融全球化的不断发展,各国金融市场的联系越来越紧密,金融风险的传播速度越来越快,危害也越来越大。

    Comes along with the gradual development of financial globalization , all the financial markets in the world are connected with each other closely . So financial risks spread more and more quickly , and their damages are more and more severely .

  13. 它的出现增加了资产的流动性,拓展了投资渠道,促进了房地产市场与证券市场的发展;但另一方面,为风险的传播、放大提供了契机。

    It is developing in high-speed , and increases the liquidity of the assets , expands investment channels . Besides , MBS can promote the development of the real estate market and the securities market . Otherwise , it also provides an opportunity to spread the risk and enlarge .

  14. 具有强大的防爆外壳,防爆电机与邻近环境承载能力,没有风险的内部传播到。

    Featuring robust explosion-proof housings , EX motors are capable of bearing internal explosions with no risks of propagation to the neighboring environment .

  15. 这应该包括基本科学传播技能方面的培训,诸如如何翻译统计数字和风险(参见传播统计数据和风险)。

    This should include training in basic science communication skills , such as how to translate statistics and risk ( see Communicating statistics and risk ) .

  16. 本文首次将感知风险纳入口碑传播效果模型中,并用实证的方法验证感知风险在在线评论各种内在特征与购买决策之间起到中介性的作用。

    This paper will first perceived risk communication effect into public praise in the model , and the empirical research methods validation perceived risk in online comments all kinds of inherent characteristics and purchase decision plays the role of intermediary between .

  17. 但是一些批评者说向面临风险最大的人们传播这些结果将是一种挑战。

    But some critics said that it will be challenging to communicate these results to people most at risk .

  18. 而另一方面,饱含风险意识的科技传播,在某种意义上代表了人类自我反省精神的高度成就。

    On the other hand , a dissemination filled with awareness of risk , represents a certain sense of achievement of human-beings .

  19. 由于金融控股公司有风险在其内部传播、信息透明度低以及成员企业不一定能保持独立的决策自主权等情况,因而对金融控股公司进行严格监管很有必要。

    The risk of the financial holding company can propagate inside and the transparency of information is low and the members of the companies cannot keep dependent decision , it is very necessary to supervise strictly to the financial holding company .

  20. 第二部分简要分析风险社会中的人际传播,从风险社会的视角分析风险社会中人际传播的不同之处。

    The second part briefly analyses the human communication in a risk society and its difference from normal society .

  21. 这次危机警示我们,金融衍生工具的不断创新和发展在繁荣资本市场、规避风险的同时也会成为风险传播的渠道。

    This crisis warned us that , the innovation and the development of the financial derivatives can also be a channel to spread risks at the time of flourishing the capital market and preventing risks .

  22. 二是转基因食品的社会风险,主要包括伦理道德风险、传播媒介风险和社会接受度风险。

    The second , the social risk of genetically modified food , mainly including ethics moral risk , media risk and social acceptance risk .

  23. 全球化大大增加了风险的来源,增加了风险的传播途径,放大了风险的影响和潜在后果,使得传统的以民族国家为主体的风险治理模式已经远远不能满足世界风险社会的风险治理要求。

    Globalization has greatly increased the source and transmission of the risks , amplified the influences and potential consequences of the risks , which make the traditional risk administration model taking Nation-State as the main far from being able to meet the administration requirements of the world risk society .

  24. 在本研究中所关注的主要是转基因食品的社会风险。第二,转基因食品的风险传播现状。

    The present study is focused on social risks of genetically modified food . Second , the risk communication situation of genetically modified food .

  25. 不管这些风险来源于何处,风险的表现及传播都会对支付系统的正常运行造成不可忽视的损失,并通过支付系统的网络波及到经济、社会中的各类交易活动。

    Regardless of where these risks come from , the loss and communication of risk will cause payment system not operating normally , and then spread to all kinds of trading activities in the economic through the payment system network .