
  • 网络electronic communication;electrical communication;E-media
  1. 现代的电子传播媒介通过现代科技给人以视觉、听觉、触觉等多种感官为一体的全新感受。

    Modern electronic communication media can give people brand-new feelings in all the aspects of sense , hearing and touch .

  2. 它是电子传播技术高度发达、各种传媒激烈竞争、快餐文化成为时尚的当今时代的必然产物。

    It is highly advanced electronic communication technologies ; intense competition in various media , fast food culture has become fashionable inevitable product of our times .

  3. 位能面的电子传播算子方法计算:应用于三个Renner分裂情况的处理

    Potential Energy Surface Calculations by means of the Electronic Propagator Theory : Applications in Study of three Renner Splitting Systems

  4. 环丙烷的价层垂直电离势的EOM/电子传播算子的计算

    EOM / Propagator Calculations of Vertical Ionization Potentials of Cyclopropane

  5. 表面看似无害的科技,诸如电子传播媒体,同样也有其黑暗的一面。

    Seemingly harmless technologies such as telecommunications also have their dark side .

  6. 通过计算边缘玻色子传播子和电子传播子的单圈修正,我们得到修正过的、更精确的指数α。

    We calculate one-loop corrections to boson and electron propagators and get a new tunneling exponent .

  7. 它跨越着从原始传播时期到现代电子传播的历史时期。

    It spans the period of history from the original transmission period to the modern electronic dissemination .

  8. 值得注意的是,不论是模拟式电子传播还是数字式电子传播媒介,都是极尽所能地传播着视听符号或影像符号。

    Whatever imitative electronic propagation or digital electronic propagation , this medium all extremely propagate audiovisual symbol or portrait symbol .

  9. 1925北京上海报纸广告版占50%以上。电子传播开始兴起。

    Advertisements covered over 50 % of newspaper in Beijing and Shanghai in 1925 . electronic broadcasting also came into being .

  10. 高速电子传播媒介的快速发展带来的进步实际上使得人们能够比以往更好地进行交流。

    The rapid development of high-speed electronic communications media has led to many improvements that actually allow humans to communicate with each other better than ever before .

  11. 电报是人类历史上第一种电子传播技术,它使信息传播的广度和速度都提高了一个量级。

    The telegraph is the first electronic communication technology in human history , and it improved the scope and speed of information dissemination by one order of magnitude .

  12. 基于方程(1)(见正文)的假设,电子传播算子理论方法被用于分子离子和自由基的位能面的计算。

    Based on an assumption of Equation ( 1 ), the electronic propagator theory can be used for calculations of potential energy surfaces of molecular cations and radicals .

  13. 随着电子传播技术的快速发展和逐步普及,手机媒体以其强势的传播能力,渗透到了高校校园的每一个角落。

    Along with the development and popularization of the electronic communication technology , the mobile media penetrates into every corner of the university campus by the strong communication capacities .

  14. 从口语传播时代到电子传播时代,历史上从未有一种传播工具像手机这样遍地开花,并深深地影响着我们的生活。

    From oral communication era to electronic dissemination era . never before in history have a communication tools like mobile phones blossom everywhere , and deeply affect our lives .

  15. 随着电视在乡村的逐渐普及,乡村社会也由口传时代进入了电子传播时代。

    Along with the television becoming popular gradually in the village , the village society is also entering the time of electronic communication from the time of oral communication .

  16. 英语文学教学中要注意到电子传播媒介的负面影响,应采取有效的对策,引导学生独立思考,严谨治学。

    We must be aware of the negative effects of the electronic mass media and try to adopt measures so as to guide the students to think independently and work earnestly .

  17. 在建立起良好的企业形象后,中石油可以通过人际传播、印刷传播、电子传播和网络传播等途径,宣传石油企业的正面形象。

    After set up good enterprise image , Chinese oil companies can spread through interpersonal communication , printing and electronic dissemination and network dissemination , promote a positive image of the petroleum enterprise .

  18. 指出文艺传播方式经历了语言传播、文字传播、电子传播三个阶段,反映了其由低级到高级、从简单到复杂的动态发展过程。

    The author points out there are three methods of literary and artistic communication , i.e. spoken language , written word and electronic device , which reflect a developing process from the simple to the complicated .

  19. 在经历了口语传播、文字传播、印刷传播、电子传播的相继辉煌之后,网络传播以其独特优势迅猛发展,对媒介生态产生了重大影响。

    After experiencing the golden age of Speech Communication , Literal Communication , Press Communication and Electric Communication , Internet Communication makes a great process because of its specialty and brings a significant impact to Media Ecology .

  20. 文章拟从社会学、传播学的角度出发,通过分析电子传播媒介与武术的相互影响、彼此促进的关系,指出武术与电子传播媒介的有机结合,必将更好地促进武术的传播和发展。

    From the point of sociology and promulgation , this paper analyzes the interactional and stimulative relationship of electronical medium and Wushu , points out Wushu combine with electronical medium that promote the popularization and development of Wushu .

  21. 为此,他以主体的重构为基点把电子传播媒介、后结构主义语言学理论和批判理论交汇在一起构建了一种新的理论&信息方式理论。

    Therefore , on the basis of the conception of the reconstruction of the subject , M. Poster develops a new theory-the mode of information & by combining the electronic communication media , poststructuralist linguistics and the critical theories .

  22. 网络环境下电子出版物传播的文化效果分析

    Cultural Effects : Networking Based Communication of Electronic Publications

  23. 浅论基于图书馆的电子图书传播机制&兼谈清华大学-超星电子图书系统的开发和应用

    The communication mechanism of E-book based on library

  24. 浅析网络淫秽电子信息传播行为的定罪量刑

    Primary Discussion on Declaration of Quilt and Measurement of Penalty for Crime of Spreading Pornographic Messages on Network

  25. 然而,网络安全专家却警告网络用户,警惕别有用心的网络黑客利用电子贺卡传播病毒和间谍软件。

    However , internet security experts urge web users to be wary as malicious hackers could use e-cards to spread viruses and spyware .

  26. 最后,对激光聚爆氘氚小球,应用高原子序数介质的球壳作为挡过热电子的传播问题作了解释。

    Lastly , the prevention of superheated electrons in laser implosion of deuterium-tritium gas sphere with a shell made of high Z material is interpreted .

  27. 90年代文学文本传播的衰落,从媒介发展的角度分析,在很大程度上与电子媒介传播&主要是电视文艺传播的兴起有相当的关系。

    This paper regards that the decline of the prevalence of the 1990s literature context is to great extent in rapport with the flourish of the TV literature .

  28. 本文根据音乐传播媒介性质上的差异.首次对传统音乐文化的传播历史进行断代分析,将其划分为口语媒介传播时期、乐谱媒介传播时期、电子媒介传播时期等三个阶段;

    The writer divided the history of the music communication into three stages , the oral teaching one , the music book one , and the electronic media one .

  29. 本研究认为,由于电子媒介传播技术的出现和广泛应用,带来了可复制的文化作品和意识形态,人们对十口头教育的感受方式也发生了改变,口头文化的本质正在悄然改变。

    This study argues that the electronic media technology and its extensive application brings a replicable cultural works and ideology , which caused changing of feeling for the oral education and the nature of oral culture .

  30. 纳米SiO2的加入改变了电子束的传播途径,但其电子束固化生长机制与未加入纳米粒子的纯树脂体系相似。

    The growth mechanism of the system with nano-SiO_2 particles is similar to that without nano-SiO_2 particles , although the propagation path of EB is changed by nano-SiO_2 particles .