
  • 网络Electronic Media;digital media;e-media
  1. 电子媒体归档管理

    Management on Archiving of Electronic Media in Design Institute

  2. 有了当今的电子媒体,没有事情能够隐瞒很久。

    With today 's electronic media , nothing can be hidden for very long .

  3. 乔纳森•陶尔是国际性私人募股和风投资本公司CitronCapital的执行董事,主要负责消费网络、软件、电子媒体以及网络服务的投资。

    Jonathan tower ( @ jonathan_tower ) is a managing director at citron capital , a global private equity and venture capital firm , where he focuses primarily on consumer Internet , software , digital media , and Web Services investments .

  4. 在信息化的今天,还应该利用电子媒体来传播教育理论,以更好地影响人们。

    On spread educational theory in order to better influence people .

  5. 初探电子媒体在质量体系文件发布中的应用

    Discussion of using electronical media in release method of quality system document

  6. 面对电子媒体的冲击,纸质媒体该如何应对。

    Electronic media , the impact of the media on how to deal with paper .

  7. 名人的文章在传统的纸资媒体或电子媒体发表并无困难。

    Celebrities have no difficulty in publishing their articles through traditional paper or electronic media .

  8. 称长时间使用电子媒体的人说自己睡眠不足的几率更大。

    Those reporting longer electronic media use were also more likely to report insufficient sleep .

  9. 不过,一些公司(比如卫生保健和电子媒体行业的公司)已经增加了他们的校园招聘。

    However some companies such as healthcare and digital media have increased their on-campus recruiting .

  10. 近一半的受访者认为睡眠不足与睡前使用电子媒体有关。

    Nearly half of the respondents associated their lack of sleep with electronic media use before bedtime .

  11. 组织应当考虑在与供方沟通时使用电子媒体,以便使沟通要求最佳化。

    Use of electronic linkage with suppliers should be considered in order to optimize communication of requirements .

  12. 全球语言监测机构通过印刷和电子媒体来测定出使用量最多的单词和词组。

    The GLM uses the Internet and print sources to identify the most used words and phrases .

  13. 电子媒体的文艺节目主持人要注意角色培养、塑造,以及主持人个性魅力的形成。

    Emcees of electronic media should pay attention to the role cultivating and the shaping of personal charm .

  14. 一个常被提及的忧虑是,电子媒体正使孩子与他们的父母(或者祖父母)的关系更为疏远。

    Take the oft-cited concern that electronic media are separating children from their parents ( or grandparents ) .

  15. 如果消费者有权转售他们的电子媒体产品的话,很多媒体公司的盈利空间将不复存在。

    If consumers could legally resell their electronic media , it could wipe out the profits of many media firms .

  16. 她对追求壮观和简洁的电子媒体很是不满,认为电子媒体缩小了我们的注意广度。

    She bemoans the way electronic media , with their demand for spectacle and brevity , have shortened our attention spans .

  17. 而作为许多充满创造性的电子媒体使用行为的开发者,极客群体无疑是电子媒介时代的引领者。

    Being the inventors of creative operational behavior for electronic media , the geek group undoubtedly become the pioneer of digital era .

  18. 媒体可以是纸张,计算机磁盘、光盘或其他电子媒体,照片或标准样品,或它们的组合。

    The medium can be paper , magnetic , electronic or optical computer disc , photograph or master sample , or a combination thereof .

  19. 但是在平面和电子媒体中,作者和读者之间的物理鸿沟意味着一个人的努力常常被报以沉默。

    But in print and electronic media , the physical gap between writer and reader means that one 's efforts are often greeted with silence .

  20. 本发明实现了对电子媒体内容的个性化订阅,从而节省了数据流量。

    The invention also relates to a corresponding method and the mobile termination , realizing customized subscription of electronic media content and saving data traffic .

  21. 另外还有一些技巧是专门用于电子媒体的,如果忽视了这些的话,你可能会毁掉即将到手的工作。

    Other tips pertain only to the electronic medium , and when disregarded , could ruin your chances before your foot is in the door .

  22. 影像亲近症指人们热衷于电视、网络及视频英语游戏等电子媒体带来的静止类活动这一现象。

    Videophilia refers to the new human tendency to focus on sedentary activities involving electronic media , particularly television , the Internet , and video games .

  23. 总体来看,有29%的轻度使用者(少于1.5小时)将使用电子媒体列为可能导致睡眠不足的原因。

    Overall , 29 percent of light users ( less than 1.5 hours ) listed electronic media use as a possible cause of their insufficient sleep .

  24. 此外,英美两国拥有力量强大的印刷媒体、广播与电子媒体,协助它们向全世界输送英美文化。

    Moreover , they also have a powerful and effective print , broadcasting and electronic media , which are potent tools to help disseminate their culture .

  25. 必须充分利用电子媒体、网络课堂等手段,为科学世界观培养插上现代信息技术有力翅膀。

    Must use methods fully and so on electronic media , online class , inserts the present information technology powerful wing for the scientific world outlook raise .

  26. 总部位于得克萨斯州的全球语言监测机构使用一种数学模型来监控纸质、电子媒体以及网络中的词汇,以了解语言使用的趋势及其对文化的影响。

    The Texas-based Global Language Monitor uses an algorithm to search printed and electronic media and the Internet for trends in word usage and their impact on culture .

  27. 然而,容许电子媒体卖政治广告,财雄势大的政党将占尽优势,小市民的利益更不受保障。

    However , if electronic media are allowed to do so , well-heeled political parties may have such a great advantage that ordinary citizens'interests will be even less protected .

  28. 几十年前,立法机构和音乐产业在从最初的磁带到现在流行的电子媒体时对于任何人都可以复制音乐的情况也是同样缓慢的进行调整处理。

    Several decades ago , legislatures and the music industry were equally slow to adjust when suddenly anyone could copy music , first to magnetic and now electronic media .

  29. 但是,尽管如此,当政府选择由谁经营电子媒体时,的确会产生抑制信息自由流通的危险。

    Even so , when the state chooses who will be allowed to operate the electronic media , there is a real danger of inhibiting the free flow of information .

  30. 多媒体教学在20世纪80年代开始出现,当时是采用多种电子媒体如幻灯、投影、录音、录像等设备综合运用于课堂教学。

    Multi-media teaching first appeared in 1980s , when they employed a variety of electronic media such as slide projector , audio , video and other equipment integrated in an classroom .