
  • 网络Newspaper Media
  1. 2012年,报纸媒体创下了386亿美元的营收。

    Newspaper media comprised a $ 38.6 billion industry in 2012 .

  2. 国内报纸媒体对于食品安全的报道研究

    National Newspaper Media Reports about Food Safety Research

  3. 研究分别对报纸媒体和网络媒体的营销策略进行分析,尤其是通过对报纸媒体进行SWOT分析,找出报纸媒体相对网络媒体的优劣势和潜在的威胁与机会。

    Then the analysis focus on the marketing strategy of paper media and network media by the analyzing tool named SWOT Analysis in order to find out the advantages and disadvantages of newspaper media and potential threats and opportunities with respect to network media .

  4. 新闻评论一直是报纸媒体的重要内容。

    News criticism is always an important content of newspaper medium .

  5. 报纸媒体读书类专刊的价值取向

    The Value Direction of Reading Special Issues in Newspaper Medium

  6. 报纸媒体持续关注各项宣传活动。

    Newspapers continue to take an interest in campaign activities .

  7. 但是报纸媒体往往在管理信息化方面还处在比较滞后的阶段。

    Now the management information of newspaper media is still in the lags stage .

  8. 互联网与报纸媒体的共生共荣,构成了报纸评论广阔的传播平台。

    Internet and the newspaper media commonly constitutes a broader communication platform for newspaper comments .

  9. 对营销理论的发展和营销的策略组合的研究为报纸媒体营销研究奠定理论基础。

    The theories of marketing and marketing strategy combination lay the foundations of the research .

  10. 报纸媒体形象广告刍议

    Discussion on Image Advertisement of Newspaper Media

  11. 用建构主义理论指导报刊选读课教学报纸媒体读书类专刊的价值取向

    Teaching English Newspaper Reading with Constructivism The Value Direction of Reading Special Issues in Newspaper Medium

  12. 报纸媒体在中国也第一次显示出边缘化的倾向。

    Also , the newspaper display the tendency that the edge turns for the first time in China .

  13. 报纸媒体作为历史最为悠久的媒体,在广播、电视等媒体挑战下依然保持着持久的生命力。

    As the most historical media , the newspaper still survives under the challenge of broadcast and TV media .

  14. 本文针对这一缺口,重点研究武汉都市圈的报纸媒体。

    In response to this gap , this thesis focuses on the newspaper media of Wuhan Metropolitan Coordinating Region .

  15. 本文认为,推进图像化是报纸媒体发展的必然趋势。

    In this essay , the author thinks it 's an inevitable trend to promote visualization in the newspaper development .

  16. 在传统媒体中,报纸媒体出现的时间最早,并且在很长一段时间内是人们获取信息的最主要途径。

    The newspaper media appears earliest in the traditional media , and it is the main way of obtaining information .

  17. 32岁的佩雷将于晚些时候出庭。他对英国报纸媒体宣称自己是无辜的。

    Peree , 32 , who is expected to appear in court later , told an Indian newspaper he was innocent .

  18. 我们力图证明,报业的数字化转型是其品牌持久发展的必然趋势。本文所做的只是对报纸媒体转型的建设性探讨,对于是否能真正实施和推行,这是进一步的研究要做的。

    We tried to prove that the digital transformation of the newspaper is the inevitable trend of the brand to maintain vitality .

  19. 报纸媒体为了吸引读者的注意,通常会在新闻报道的标题上采用简略或暗含的表现手段。

    In order to attract the attentions of readers , concise and implicative expressions are often used in the titles of newspaper headlines .

  20. 略析新时期新词语在报纸媒体中的传播

    A Brief Analysis of the Spreading of the New Words and Phrases in the New Era among the Newspapers and Some Other Media

  21. 中国较为大胆的报纸媒体已经不失时机地开始从政治角度解读“超级女声”。

    Some of China 's more daring newspapers have seized on the chance to put " Super Girl " in a political context .

  22. 一条连续的薄纸带,用于记录信息。报纸媒体持续关注各项宣传活动。

    A continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written . Newspapers continue to take an interest in campaign activities .

  23. 其三,报纸媒体读书类专刊的价值崇尚是提高自身文化品位,争取文化吸引力。

    Lastly , the value advocation of reading special issues in newspaper medium is to improve its cultural grade and fight for cultural attraction .

  24. 作为报纸媒体的优秀代表,《南方周末》在构建核心竞争力方面的成功经验一直是业界所津津乐道的话题。

    Aa outstanding representative of the newspaper media , successful experience of " Southern Weekend " building core competence has been the talk of the industry .

  25. 在新闻娱乐化的市场运作过程、呈现方式、以及它今后在报纸媒体中发展的趋势三个层面上展开讨论,着重分析纸媒在新闻娱乐化的浪潮中发生地应势变化。

    Discuss the news-entertainment through three levels : the operation of the market process , presentation ways , and its future trends in the newspaper media .

  26. 就媒体接触目的性而言,报纸媒体和广播媒体较显著,而电视媒体和网络媒体不明显。

    As far as the purpose of mass media used concerned , the newspaper and the broadcast are remarkable , but the TV and the network are not .

  27. 先运用内容分析法,研究了2008年7月至2009年6月《新民晚报》和《羊城晚报》两份报纸媒体上刊载的1061则房地产广告。

    It makes a research of 1061 real estate advertisements pressed on Xinmin Evening NEWS and Yangcheng Evening NEWS from July in 2008 to June in 2009 with content analysis .

  28. 从各州无数的报纸媒体所报道的信息来看,显然我们已经对全国的犯罪问题进行了有效的控制。

    Judging from countless media reports in newspapers from coast to coast , it would surely seem that we have finally got a handle on the Nation 's crime problem .

  29. 如果有一天,你飞黄腾达,报纸媒体为了增加销量而希望将你放在头版,不要让荣誉冲昏了头脑。

    If you one day are lucky enough to have newspapers want to put you on the cover in order to sell more , dont let it get to your head .

  30. 作为报纸媒体,既要满足受众对新闻信息快速获取的需求,又要面对电视、网络等媒体的竞争。

    The newspaper medium needs to not only satisfy the demand of news information acquisition by the audience , but also face the rivalry with TV , Internet , or other media .