
bào guān
  • declare sth. at the customs;apply to the customs;clearance of goods;customs clearance;declare;apply at the customs
报关 [bào guān]
  • [declare;apply at the customs] 货物进出口时向海关报数纳税

  • 你有什么东西要报关吗?

报关[bào guān]
  1. 如何报关、结关和清关?

    How to apply to the customs , settle and clear the customs ?

  2. 能为客户提供:货运、仓储、报关、商检等一系列完善的一站式物流服务。

    We can supply perfect " one-stop " logistics service of freight , warehousing , clearance of goods , the commodity inspection and so on .

  3. 未报关的物品可能被没收。

    Undeclared goods may be confiscated .

  4. 在报关单上,寄货人将货物列为农用机械。

    On the customs declaration , the sender labeled the freight as agricultural machinery

  5. 你有什么东西需要报关的吗?

    Have you got anything to declare ?

  6. 海关官员拦住一位旅客,并问他是否带有应报关物品。

    The customs official blocks a traveller , and ask him whether take should pay customs duties a product .

  7. 属于一般贸易进出口货物的报关;B。

    Of a general trade import and export goods declaration ; B.

  8. 报关舱单及其XML设计

    The Customs Deck Bill and its XML Design

  9. 1.billofentry报关单(进出口货物清单、报海关查验)他们正在为海关准备报关单。

    They are preparing a bill of entry for customs .

  10. 能熟练运用WORD、EXEL等办公软件,曾在报关公司实习,对报关流程有一定的了解。

    Can utilize office softwares skilled and so on WORD , EXEL , once practised in the declaration company , has certain understanding to the declaration flow .

  11. 我子公司AFA报关代理行代办全美、加拿大和海外某些地点的结关事务。

    Our subsidiary , the AFA Customs Brokerage clears shipments through customs throughout the U.S.A , Canada and in selected overseas destinations .

  12. 对上述规划的各子系统:报关业务管理子系统、基于GPS的运输管理子系统、仓储管理子系统、国际货运代理子系统等进行了功能、业务流程和数据流程分析。

    According to the proposal , the paper plans many subsystems , there are : customs reporting management subsystems , transportation management subsystems based on GPS , warehouse management subsystem , international freight forwarder subsystem . The paper also analyzes the function , business processing and data processing .

  13. 课题以一个多租户的企业报关管理系统设计为载体,在研究SaaS的四级架构成熟度模型和SaaS三种数据库架构的基础上,对系统进行了分析和设计。

    The thesis uses the design of a multi-tenant Enterprise Declaration Management System as a carrier , on the base of the research of four-level maturity model and three kinds of SaaS database schema , the system is analyzed and designed .

  14. 公司拥有美国NVOCC、货代、航空运输、保税仓储、报关等相关资质,且拥有面积10000平方的,是迈阿密保税区内最大的公共保税库。

    The company has the qualification of NVOCC , freight forwarder , Air Freight , bonded warehouse , customer broker , and a10000 sq meter bonded warehouse in Miami Free Trade Zone .

  15. 在检入站的信息输入中,报关单或装箱单是需要输入的主要信息,本软件采用扫描仪对它们进行录入,并按照Twain规范编写了扫描仪的控制程序。

    Of all the information of check in station inputs , the customs declaration or the encasement declaration is the main informations to be input . In this software , they are input by scanner and the control module of scanner is programmed according to Twain criterion .

  16. 本文将开源Drools规则引擎嵌入到服务系统中,实现业务规则部署、运行。然后,以货运代理内部所提供的报关服务和订舱服务流程为例,进行了个性化分析,设计了相应的流程模型。

    We embedded rules engine named Drools which is open source into the service system , to achieve the deployment and operation of business rules . Then , we analyzed the personalization of customs services and booking service , and design process models .

  17. 首先,你得填完这张报关单。

    First , you have to fill out this customs form .

  18. 我把报关单和返税单弄混了。

    I muddled up the customs declarations with the tax returns .

  19. 具有报关员资格证,叉车证者优先。

    Customs declaration certificate and forklift license will be a plus .

  20. 早上好。我可以看看你的海关报关表吗?

    Good morning . May I see your Customs Declaration From ?

  21. 无所不包的费率,包括报关和多种付款方式选择

    All-inclusive rates , including brokerage , along with multiple billing options

  22. 海关转运货物报关单海洋运输货物险(水险)

    Goods declaration for customs transit TIF Marine risk ( Insurance )

  23. 建设进出口商品报关模拟实验室的探讨

    Discussion about the Establishment of Simulative Laboratory of Commodity Customs Clearance

  24. 除了我的天才之外,我没有什么需要报关的了。

    " I have nothing to declare but my genius " .

  25. 甚么是报关价值?我如何确定它?

    What is customs value and how do I determine it ?

  26. 我们选择兴亚报关,因为他们做得更好。

    We choose Xingya for its much more outstanding performances .

  27. 普通本科院校报关实务教学中的困境与化解之道

    Dilemmas and Countermeasures in Teaching Customs Practice in the University

  28. 我们报关需要多长时间。

    How long will it take us to go into the customs .

  29. 辅导学生报考报关员资格的实践

    The Practice in Guiding Students for Obtaining the National Customs Declaration Certificate

  30. 民法代理仅包括直接代理,报关代理包括直接代理和间接代理。同时,笔者还将报关代理行为与其他类型的代理行为进行了一一比较。

    The author also compares Customs Broking with other kinds of agent .