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zhǎn cānɡ
  • sell securities below the buying price
  1. 因此回调应视为买入机会,而非锁定利润和斩仓离场的时机。

    So , pullback should consider as buying opportunity and not chances to take profit and get out .

  2. 在合约月的一个最后交易日最终的斩仓,在没有实际货物交割的市场中发生。

    Final disposition of open positions on the last trading day of a contract month . Occurs in markets where there is no actual delivery .

  3. 随着伊拉克战争的迫近,很多人惊慌失措,于是斩仓离市,直到2004年或更晚些才回到市场。

    With the Iraq war looming , many of them panicked , sold out and did not return to the markets until 2004 or later .

  4. 许多人决定斩仓并且卖掉他们的牲口而不是因干旱的持续而死亡。

    Many are deciding to cut their losses and sell their emaciated cattle instead of risking the death of the animals should the drought continue much longer .

  5. 信贷衍生品市场的动荡正在对更广泛金融体系产生日益严重的影响。一轮恶性的斩仓循环推动企业债券风险溢价创下新高。

    Turmoil in the credit derivatives markets is having an increasingly brutal impact on the wider financial system as a vicious cycle of forced selling drives risk premiums on company debt to new highs .