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  • 网络STOP;stop-loss;Stop Loss;cut loss
  1. 如果没有止损指令,你无法在CapitalSpreads建立头寸,德纳姆解释道。

    You cannot have a position with Capital Spreads without having a stop - loss , explains Denham .

  2. 对于止损,我们基于VaR的思想来确定阈值,并通过GARCH模型来估计价差的波动率。第二:冲击成本的估算。

    As to stop loss , we choose threshold based on VaR and estimate price volatility rate based on GARCH model . Second , estimate the impact cost .

  3. 分手止损、握手道别、甩手走人。我知道这很困难,但人都是这样成长的。

    Break it off , shake hands , walk away . I know it 's hard , honey , but that 's how you grow 。

  4. 此外我们还发现基于ATR的止损点能更快更准确的反映波动性变化,从而使我们能比传统的跟踪止损法锁定更多的利润。

    We also found that the ATR based exit has a fast and appropriate reaction to changes in volatility that will enable us to lock in more profit than most conventional trailing exits .

  5. 利用GARCH模型拟合这一投资组合的残差序列以构建时变标准差序列,再利用这一时变标准差序列来构建交易信号和止损信号。

    GARCH model fitted using the residual series of the portfolio in order to build a sequence of time-varying standard deviation , re-use the time-varying standard deviation of the signal sequence to build trade and stop signals .

  6. 本文所研究的投资组合保险策略包括止损策略,复制期权策略,CPPI策略,TIPP策略,同时选择买入持有策略作为参照基准。

    In this paper , our subject portfolio insurance strategies contain stop loss strategy , synthetic put strategy , CPPI strategy and TIPP strategy .

  7. 止损点必须在突破价格以内,否则在MACD给出进入信号之前,它会触发,有时止损也要设置得非常大。

    Stoploss have to be inside the breakout otherwise it can be triggered and then sometimes it can be very big before entry signal is given by the MACD .

  8. 司法部此次起诉并指控大众持续妨碍调查,是对公司新任首席执行官马蒂亚斯·穆勒(MatthiasMüller)的最新打击,只会让止损的任务变得更加艰难。

    The Justice Department 's suit and its accusation of continuing obstruction were fresh blows to its new chief executive , Matthias M ü ller , and will only make the task of damage control more difficult .

  9. 高技术成果商品化项目止损决策模型的实证研究

    Empirical Study on Termination Decision Model of High-Tech Achievement Commercialization Project

  10. 交易时一定要设置止损位。

    Place the stop at the time you make your trade .

  11. 止损就想是飞机上的弹射椅。

    Your stop is like an ejection seat on an aircraft .

  12. 赢利越多,止损点越紧;

    The larger the profits , the tighter our exit stop .

  13. 许多交易者觉得被打止损是损失。

    Many traders feel that getting stopped out is a loss .

  14. 我想仅仅止损就能写一本书。

    I think I could actually write a book on stops .

  15. 在明显的位置下止损单不是好主意。

    Placing stops at obvious levels is not a good idea .

  16. 止损要根据技术分析而不是账户情况。

    Place stops based on market information , not your account balance .

  17. 如果我们现在离开,还能够及时止损。

    If we go now , we still can cut our losses .

  18. 设定了止损价位,不会因任何原因而取消。

    Never cancel a stop loss order after you have placed it !

  19. 这是交易者必须止损和资金管理的原因。

    This is why traders must use stops and proper money management .

  20. 由于投资者倾向于止损抛售,股票价格持续滑动。

    Stocks continue their slide with investors favoring a sell-off .

  21. 显然这种止损策略目标是有冲突的。

    It appears that there is a conflict of exit objectives here .

  22. 经常移动你的止损来保护你的盈利。

    Always move your stop to protect your profits .

  23. 在开仓之前决定好止损和盈利目标。

    Always determine a stop and a profit objective before entering a trade .

  24. 结果再减去昨天的最低点,你的止损单就下在这里。

    Subtract the result from yesterday 's low , and place your stop there .

  25. 用严格的方法去止损。

    Cut losses with the most strict discipline .

  26. 设定止损是很多交易者成功的关键&限制你的亏损!

    Stops are the key to success for many traders & limit your losses !

  27. 自动终止条款实质上是银行的止损条款。

    The automatic termination clause actually is a stop order set by the bank .

  28. 这种跟踪止损常常被叫做通道止损。

    This type of trailing stop is commonly referred to as a Channel Exit .

  29. 如果市场使你的赢利从最高处下滑了20%,止损出市。

    Stop yourself out if market moves against you20 % from your peak profit point .

  30. 不断上移的止损点不仅能被时间因素加速,还能被价格加速。

    We have a rising stop that is being accelerated by both time and price .