
zhǐ tù yào
  • antiemetic;antemetic;antanacathartic
止吐药[zhǐ tù yào]
  1. 耳穴贴压法联合止吐药预防化疗胃肠道反应疗效观察

    Curative Effectiveness of Combined Use of Auricular Point Sticking and Antiemetic in the Treatment of Chemotherapy-induced Gastrointestinal Reactions

  2. 我们会给你注射些维生素、葡萄糖,必要时给些止吐药,但这个阶段不宜服用其他药物。

    Anyway I can give you some injected vitamins , glucose , or some antiemetic drug , if necessary , but no other medications should be used at this time .

  3. 方法以1,2,3,9四氢4H咔唑4酮经N甲基化、Mannich反应和缩合得止吐药昂丹司琼。

    METHODS Antiemetic Ondansetron was synthesized from 1,2,3,9-tetrahydro-4H-carbazol-4-one via N-methylation , Mannich reaction and condensation .

  4. 目的探讨不同止吐药预防术后吗啡静脉PCA恶心呕吐的效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of different prophylactic antiemetics on prevention of nausea and vomiting in postoperative patients with PCA .

  5. 国产甲磺酸托烷司琼正常人体耐受性试验止吐药盐酸托烷司琼的合成高效液相荧光检测法测定人血浆中托烷司琼的浓度

    Determination of Tropisetron in Human Plasma by HPLC with Fluorimetric Detection

  6. 两组手术过程中均不追加肌松药、不使用止吐药。

    The two groups do not use during surgery antiemetic .

  7. 止吐药翁丹西隆的合成三种止吐药预防化疗后呕吐的临床观察

    Clinical observation of three groups of antiemetic to prevent emesis from chemotherapy

  8. 结论盐酸格拉司琼是一种安全、有效的化疗止吐药。

    Conclusion Granisetron is an effective and safe antiemetic drug .

  9. 结论:枢丹为一高效、安全的化疗止吐药。

    Conclusion : Zudan was safe and effective in the control of chemotherapy induced emesis .

  10. 我们给您注射些维生素、葡萄糖,必要时给些止吐药。

    Anyway we can give injections of vitamins , glucose , or some antiemetic drug , if neccessary .

  11. 活动量少、进水少、镇痛止吐药等是主要危险因素。

    The risk factors included lack of movement , not drinking enough water , and taking analgesia drugs and antiemetic drugs etc.

  12. 结论奈西雅能有效预防化疗药物所致胃肠反应,其疗效与康泉相似,但作用时间较康泉长,不良反应轻,是良好的化疗止吐药。

    The side effects of nasea are similar to those of kytril but its effect to alleviate gastrointestinal reactions is of longer duration .

  13. 结论国产格拉司琼能有效控制肺癌化疗所致恶心呕吐,不良反应轻,价格便宜,是良好的化疗止吐药。

    Conclusion Domestic Granisetron was effective in controlling nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapeutic agents for lung cancer and has low side effects .

  14. 结论:奈西雅能有效预防恶性血液病患者联合化疗所致的胃肠反应,不良反应轻,是良好的止吐药。

    Conclusion : Nasea can effectively prevent the gastrointestinal reaction induced by combined chemotherapy in patients with malignant blood diseases and is an effective antiemetic agent .

  15. 方法将98例6~14岁的白血病患儿随机分为干预组和对照组(各49例),两组均给予同样的止吐药,干预组同时进行放松疗法。

    Methods 98 cases of children with leukemia were randomized into the intervention group and the control group . The same antiemetic drugs were given in the two groups . The intervention group was given additional relaxation therapy .

  16. 结论凯特端是一种止吐效果好,作用时间持久,能较好控制急性及延迟呕吐,使用安全的理想止吐药。

    Conclusion Kytril is an ideal anti-vomiting drug which is good in controlling acute or delayed vomiting . And the acting time of kytril is longer and it can be used safely .