
zhǐ tònɡ piàn
  • pain-killer tablet
  1. 刚出现征兆时,就服用止痛片来预防疼痛。

    You can pre-empt pain by taking a painkiller at the first warning sign

  2. 带一些止痛片和烧伤喷雾剂。

    Ensure you have some pain killers , and burn spray .

  3. 癌症疗法和止痛片象吗啡也可以引起搔痒。

    Cancer treatments and strong painkillers like morphine can also cause itchiness .

  4. 除了止痛片以外大多数药我都可以服用。

    I think Ican take most medicine except for strong pain reliever .

  5. 八个化合物均为首次从元胡止痛片中分离得到。

    Eight compounds were isolated for the first time from Yuanhu Zhitong Tablets .

  6. 差不多吧-呕吐药,止痛片

    Something like that . - Drugs for nausea . opiates for pain ...

  7. 我可不想靠止痛片来过日子。

    I 'd rather not becomedependent on pain pills to get through my day .

  8. 请立刻给我止痛片吧。

    Please give me a pain-killer at once .

  9. 医生或牙医建议的止痛片可能帮助减少疼痛。

    Painkillers recommended by your doctor or dentist may help to reduce the pain .

  10. 尝试服用医生或药剂师建议的止痛片,帮助缓解疼痛。

    Try using painkillers recommended by your doctor or pharmacist to help reduce the pain .

  11. 我只感到有中度的疼痛,我想用不着吃止痛片。

    I only feel a mild pain . I don 't think a painkiller is necessary .

  12. 目的:测定并比较不同厂家生产的元胡止痛片中延胡索乙素含量。

    Objective To determine and compare the content of tetrahydropalmatine in Yuanhu Zhitong tablets from different manufacturers .

  13. 用止痛片进行缓解治疗就可以,自己治疗就可以,但是需要咨询医疗建议。

    Palliative treatments are okay , that is pain killers , strapping but do seek medical advice .

  14. 如果以上方法都没有效果,可以服用药剂师建议的止痛片。

    If all else fails , you can always use painkillers that have been recommended by your pharmacist .

  15. 为了缓解喉咙疼痛的不适,你需要食盐,水和一些止痛片。

    To help alleviate the discomfort of a sore throat you will need salt , water and some painkillers .

  16. [目的]建立同时测定元胡止痛片中原阿片碱、盐酸小檗碱、延胡索乙素含量的方法。

    [ Objective ] To establish a method for simultaneous determination of protopine , berberine hydrochloride and tetrahydropalmatine in Yuanhuzhitong ( Rhizoma corydalis analgesic ) tablets .

  17. 众所周知,为了追求更加准确的信息,人们从不用止痛片或麻醉药。

    As we know , in order to obtain more accurate information , people never apply pain killers or anesthetics to animals , thereby imposing tremendous sufferings on helpless animals .

  18. 使用药性消失得快的止痛药和简单的止痛片,病人不会沉睡太久,而且能更快恢复自行呼吸。

    By using pain-killing drugs that wear off quickly and a simple pain medicine , patients weren 't driven into a long sleep and could breathe on their own sooner .

  19. 少食多餐,避免烟酒,避免经常服用阿司匹林,布洛芬,萘普生等刺激胃粘膜的止痛片。

    Eat smaller meals and avoid alcohol , cigarettes , and regular use of pain relievers such as aspirin , ibuprofen , and naproxen , which can inflame the stomach lining .

  20. 小苏打常被用作抗酸剂,牙膏中的清洁成份,口腔溃疡的止痛片,还可以从水母叮咬的地方吸出毒液。

    Baking soda is commonly used as an antacid , a cleaning agent in toothpaste , a pain reliever for canker sores , and it can even draw venom out of a jellyfish sting .

  21. 另外一点是确保服用常规止痛片,例如退热净,可以帮助控制头痛,肌肉痛。

    Another thing we can do is make sure we take regular painkillers , for example , Paracetamol , and that will help with our headache and general feeling of muscle ache and being under the weather .

  22. 我只感到有轻微的疼痛,我想用不着吃止痛片。痛得很厉害。我简直受不了;请立即给我止痛片吧。

    P : I only feel mild pain . I don 't think a pain-killer is necessary . The pain is very severe . I can 't stand it . Please give me a pain-killer at once .

  23. 你能识别厌恶是因为你总是在家人和朋友的脸上看到这个表情我猜你的脖子痊愈后止痛片吃完了你就开始自我治疗

    You can recognize disgust , because you see it over and over from your friends in family . I 'm guessing that after you ran out of pain meds for your neck injury , you started self-medicating .

  24. 止痛缓释片的制备工艺及其体外释放度研究

    Preparation of Zhitong sustained-release tablet and its release property in vitro

  25. 医生开处方用吗啡止痛,但是阿片类药物有成瘾和滥用的潜在作用。

    Doctors prescribe morphine for pain relief , but opioids come with the potential for addiction or abuse .

  26. 方法:对3个批号元胡止痛微丸的制备工艺研究、TLC分析、崩解度及体外溶出度的测定,并与元胡止痛片作比较。

    Methods : The preparation procedure of 3 batches of Rhizoma corydalis Analgesic Pellets was studied by TLC analyzing and determining of their disintegration time and dissolution rate in vitro , and comparing of the results between pellets and tablets .